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    • 1、UNIT 11 Period Three题组A基础练(建议用时:6分钟). 单词拼写1Graham began to cough _(剧烈地)2If you _(退出) something from a place, you remove it or take it away. 3“A good nights sleep is what you want,” he said _(坚定地). 4He is an extremely _(和蔼可亲的) and obliging man. 5A great deal of _(带来痛苦的) experience had taught him how to lose gracefully. 【答案】1violently2withdraw3firmly4pleasant5bitter. 单句语法填空1They announced the _(withdraw) of 12,000 troops from the area. 2Alan _(swear) that he would do everything in his power to hel

      2、p us. 3She should do _(good) in her studies this yearshes very focused. 4We invited readers who completed the puzzle to send in their _(solution)5Maybe I thought it would keep me from moving home, which I saw as a sign of total _ (fail)【答案】1withdrawal2swore3well4solutions5failure. 完成句子1She died _ of her injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡。2Salt intake may _ raised blood pressure in susceptible adults. 盐的摄入可能导致易病的成年人血压升高。3Sometimes they will just _ me, and I say, “Thank you, thank you. ”有时他们只是单单骂我一下,然后我就回答说“谢谢,谢谢

      3、”。【答案】1as a result2lead to3swear at题组B提升练(建议用时:20分钟). 阅读理解What do you usually do when you have some free time? Do you take part in any form of hobby? If your answer is no, then you should think twice. Experiencing some type of interest or hobby might be the idea way to develop your brain and improve your creative thinking. Here is a common problem that many older people have. They have spent such a great deal of time raising their family that once their children are grown and left home, they all

      4、 of a sudden start to experience their age. Quite often, it is not their age that is the concern. It is the fact that they are unexpectedly offered more time on their hands. When you put in too much time not doing anything, this can affect your brain. This is just where the expressions “If you dont use it, you lose it” definitely is the truth. Your mind needs working out much like any other muscle in your body. This is why getting a hobby matters. It offers you something to do and is a perfect w

      5、ay to meet new people. Enjoying a hobby is also a perfect way to improve creative thinking at any age. Even young children can profit from taking a new hobby. For retired people, enjoying a hobby which they can find entertainment in with their grandchildren will help keep them active and feeling young at heart. Several hobbies that are terrific for both your mind and your body include yoga, biking, swimming and golf. If you arent fond of sports, even taking a walk regularly is a wonderful way to

      6、 keep active. It helps you to appreciate fresh scenery and it has been suggested that the colours green and blue help make you more creative. As you can see above, you can get pretty much from taking a hobby. With so many choices waiting for you, begin your journey right away!()1 What can be implied about many older people from Paragraph 2?AThey used to have little free time. BThey concern about their age. CThey lack creative thinking. DThey should develop their brain. ()2 Why does getting a hob

      7、by matter according to the text?AIt improves ones living conditions. BIt strengthens ones brain. CIt helps build up ones muscle. DIt enables one to make friends. ()3 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AFeeling Young at HeartBSpending Your Free TimeCTrying Different HobbiesDExperiencing Your Hobby Now【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。本文主要讲述培养爱好很重要。因为人的大脑需要锻炼,人一旦有时间但不去使用大脑,大脑就会退化,所以建议人们,尤其老年人要培养爱好去锻炼大脑,并且还指出培养爱好可以锻炼人们的创造性思维。1A推理判断题。根据文章第二段 “Here is a common problem that many older people have.

      8、 They have spent such a great deal of time raising their family that once their children are grown and left home, they all of a sudden start to experience their age(这是许多老年人普遍存在的问题。 他们花了很多时间养家糊口,一旦他们的孩子长大了,离开了家,他们就会突然开始感受他们的年龄)”由此可以看出老年人过去的时间都花在了养家糊口上,据此推断他们过去几乎没有空闲时间。故选A项。2B细节理解题。根据第三段 “When you put in too much time not doing anything, this can affect your brain. This is just where the expressions If you dont use it, you lose it definitely is the truth. Your mind needs working out much like any

      9、other muscle in your body. This is why getting a hobby matters. It offers you something to do and is a perfect way to meet new people(当你花太多时间什么都不做时,这会影响你的大脑。这就是“如果你不使用它,你就会失去它”这句话的真正含义。你的大脑就像你身体的其他肌肉一样需要锻炼。这就是为什么培养爱好很重要。它让你有事可做,是结识新朋友的绝佳方式)”可知,爱好如此重要是因为它可以健脑。故选B项。3D主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“As you can see above, you can get pretty much from taking a hobby. With so many choices waiting for you, begin your journey right away(正如你在上面看到的,你可以从业余爱好中得到很多东西。有这么多的选择在等着你,马上开始你的旅程吧)!”文章主要讲述培养爱好很重要。因为人的大脑需要锻炼,人一旦有时间但不去使用大脑脑力就会退化,所以建议人们,尤其老年人要培养爱好去锻炼大脑,并且还指出培养爱好可以锻炼人们的创造性思维。由此可知,“Experiencing Your Hobby Now现在体验你的爱好”,符合文章主题,适合做标题。故选D项。. 完形填空Last week, I went shopping in the superm


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