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    • 1、Unit Three Logistics Customer ServicePart One Text Logistics Customer ServiceI. Customer Service ProgramWhat is customer service?Customer service is what your business delivers to achieve customer satisfaction. Some businesses deliver physical products and may not see themselves as being a service business. However, their customers still measure the business on the service that they experience both pre-sale and after-sale. So customer service is an increasingly important part of a business activ

      2、ities.A customer service program consists of standards and training. All staff follow these standards to ensure that service is maintained at the necessary level to keep your customers happy.Why is it important?The goal of customer service is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is what the customer feels subjectively and sometimes irrationally. There is all the difference in the world between a customer being satisfied and being not dissatisfied. Marketing has moved from transactional m

      3、arketing to relationship marketing: Transactional marketing focused on attracting new customers and simply getting the sale. Relationship marketing focuses on getting customers and keeping them in the longer term using a combination of marketing, quality and customer service.Excellence in customer service, using the idea of relationship marketing, can help you to retain customers. This means: They are less likely to go to your competitors in the increasingly competitive markets where customers h

      4、ave more choice than ever. As satisfied customers, they will recommend you to others, resulting in an increase in new business. It is said that it costs up to 10 times as much to win a new customer than to keep an existing one. They are less likely to tell other people of bad experiences. Customers experiencing poor service are likely to tell up to 20 people about their experience, which is not a good advertisement for your business. This may deter others from even trying you out, and so you wil

      5、l not get the chance to impress them, even with the best or most innovative products and services.By focusing your attention on the customers that have the highest potential lifetime value, you can improve profitability. Your staff will feel good because of the environment and atmosphere that lead to happy customers. This can help to attract further new customers over time.What should you do?Marketing is about identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs. It applies to the products yo

      6、u offer as well as to customer service delivery. To introduce a customer service program, you need to take 4 main steps:1. Identify your internal and external customers.2. Identify which of your external customers are the most valuable.3. Find out what level of service customers want.推荐精选4. Develop customer service standards and a program to provide customer satisfaction and help build loyalty.II. Customers Logistics Service Expectations and Their Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is fundamenta

      7、l to business. The degree to which customers are satisfied determines whether customers make additional purchases and recommend the company and its products to others. Improving the quality of logistics service is particularly important because it increases customer satisfaction, which in turn heightens the occurrence of strategic partner and corporate profitability. In logistics, increasing attention is being paid to the aspects of logistics policy that can increase customer satisfaction. An im

      8、portant determinant of customer satisfaction is how well the product performs. However, in competitive markets, achieving a competitive advantage by providing a product with outstanding performance is difficult. Since the major players are each striving to gain market share, product performance becomes similar. Similarly, price parity can be achieved with amazing speed. Businesses can, however, have a positive impact on customer satisfaction by providing outstanding logistics services. Since hig

      9、h levels of logistics services are not easily copied and are sometimes ignored as a competitive tool, they can be successfully used to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.The primary determinant of customer satisfaction is the gap between customers expectations of logistics service performance and actual logistics service performance. Specifically, logistics managers should understand and shape the customers pre-purchase logistics service expectations in order to increase customer satisfaction. Logistics managers can increase customer satisfaction by focusing on specific post-purchase customer interactions. For example, if a customer is dissatisfied with logistics service performance, logistics managers can increase satisfaction by listening to and promptly responding to the customers dissatisfaction.Providing superior logistics service has been used to develop a strategic advantage by many fi


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