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  • 卖家[上传人]:枫**
  • 文档编号:507738664
  • 上传时间:2022-11-20
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist about future? Please give reasonsI am an optimist about future. Anything can be come true as long as we work hard. We sometimes suffer from failure in our life, but we shouldnt be discouraged. Because I think failure is temporary. Each person will encounter failure on the road to the success. We shouldnt give up. We should go on. We must be able to beat failure. So life is beautiful, we should be full of confidence, and as an optimist about future. We believ

      2、e our life must be happy in the future as long as we keep a happy heart.2. How to win love?Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not a something of the person or a possessive clinging. On the contray, my caring liberates both of us. I can care about you, Im concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. I can grow with you together and bocome more fully. Authetic love is not given with strin

      3、gs attached. There is an unconditional quality about love.3. What do you think are the tasks of university education (concerning academics of arts and academics of science)? I think that university can tell you “how to live”. It could train people either in a specific career or to give you a grounding in “the humanities”. It could give people the tools to master their lives through the study of culture rather than using culture just for the sake of passing an exam. It could draw on traitional ar

      4、eas of knowledge but could angle its material toward active concerns. It could never take the importance of culture for granted. It would know that culture is kept alive by a constant respectful questioning, not by an excessive and snobbish attitude of respect. It also helps people to understand themselves and others better by giving them a better understanding of the world.4. What do you know about American individualism and Japanese collectivism? What do you think is the right attitude toward

      5、different cultures? American individualism is seeking the freedom of personality. They worship their personal heroism. Everyone fight with difficulty alone. They seek their dream by themselves. Companies implement reward individuals. A successful businessman is one who can make a unique decision and proceed to capitalize financially on it. Japanese collectivism makes people to work well together and to encourage one another to better efforts. They work together, and any idear that one of them ma

      6、y have are actually developed by watching others and talking to others. If one of them was singled out for being responsible for such an idear, it would embarrass all of them. The Japanese collectivism for economic performance has to do with accountability. I think we should combine individualism and collectivism. So we will become stronger than before.5. What do you think is the most effective measure to limit population growth? Discuss the problems that overpopulation causes. Frstly, In order

      7、to control the population growth, I think the Education Department should take measures. They should carry out nationwide education for people. They should improve peoples knowledge and thinking awareness.They should make people relize the big danger of population growth. People should know that the more they gave birth, the pooer they are. In now society, we should advocate giving a good birth and good care. Secondly, I think government should increase more punishment to population growth, for

      8、example we can punish hefty fines to the super living.Problems:Overpopulation creates a shortage of food, water, schools, and teachers. And there are not enough hospitals, doctors or nurses. It causes problems in housing and employment, the high rate of which usually leads to an increase in crimes. It reduces the amount of natural habitas for wildlife, and creates serious environmental pollution in the air, land, sea. This can lead to the decline or extinction of many wildlife species. It can in

      9、fluence peoples living standards and so on.6. What is your opinion on capital punishment? What do you think are the factors involved in crime? What are common crimes in China? What Suggestions do you give to prevent crimes?I think the death penalty should be abolished. Ours is a civilized society. Emphasis should be put on reform and rehabilitation, even for murderers. More death penalties may leave our society in disorder. They render more people resentful at our society, such as the criminals family, friends or relatives. Some convicts sentenced to death can be reformed if they are properly educated. The death pennlty leaves them no hope at all. One who never errs does not exit. The death penalty gives no chance for first offenders to be reformed.I think the factors involved in crime are many. The social income is not equality. More and more money is flowing into few people. The majority of people are becoming poorer and poorer. The unemploymen


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