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    • 1、Chapter 12Performance Evaluation and the Balanced ScorecardChapter Review QuizAnswers:1. b3. c5. d7. c 9. b2. d4. c6. a8. a10. cExplanations:6.a.Sales margin=Operating income Sales=$850,000 $4,250,000=20%7.c.Capital turnover=Sales Total assets=$4,250,000 $5,000,000=85%8.a.ROI=Operating income Total assets=$850,000 $5,000,000=17%9.b.RI=Operating income (Target rate of return Total assets)=$850,000 (12% $5,000,000)=$850,000 $600,000=$250,000Short Exercises(5 min.) S 12-1Companies usually decentral

      2、ize when they grow too large for one person to manage the entire organizations daily operations. Decentralization is often based on geographical area, product line, customer base, or business function. Management must determine the manner of decentralization that best suits the companys strategy.Student answers may vary.(5min.) S 12-2The four most common types of responsibility centers, and their responsibilities, include:1.Cost Centersresponsible for controlling costs2.Revenue Centersresponsibl

      3、e for generating revenue3.Profit Centersresponsible for generating profit through controlling costs and generating revenue4.Investment Centersresponsible for generating profit and efficiently managing the divisions invested capital (the divisions assets)(5 min.) S 12-31. Revenue center2. Profit centers3. Investment center4. Cost center5. Investment center6. Cost center(5 min.) S 12-4a. Providing feedbackb. Communicating expectationsc. Benchmarkingd. Motivating unit managerse. Promoting goal cong

      4、ruence and coordinationf. Benchmarkingg. Motivating unit managers(5-10 min.) S 12-5a. Number of employee suggestions implementedLearning and Growth perspectiveb. Revenue growthFinancial perspectivec. Number of on-time deliveriesCustomer perspective OR Internal Business perspectived. Percentage of sales force with access to real-time inventory levelsLearning and Growth perspectivee. Customer satisfaction ratingsCustomer perspectivef. Number of defects found during manufacturingInternal Business p

      5、erspectiveg. Number of warranty claimsInternal Business perspective(or Customer perspective)h. Return on investmentFinancial perspective(5-10 min.) S 12-6a. Variable cost per unitFinancial perspectiveb. Percentage of market shareCustomer perspectivec. Number of hours of employee trainingLearning and Growth perspectived. Number of new products developedInternal Business perspectivee. Yield rate (number of units produced per hour)Internal Business perspectivef. Average repair timeInternal Business

      6、 perspectiveg. Employee satisfactionLearning and Growth perspectiveh. Number of repeat customersCustomer perspective(5 min.) S 12-7Performance reports for cost, revenue and profit centers typically list both actual and budgeted amounts, along with dollar and percentage variances. Management by exception is a tool that allows management to focus its attention on important differences between actual and budgeted amounts. Using management by exception, management only investigates variances exceedi

      7、ng a certain dollar amount (e.g., variances over $10,000) and/or variances exceeding a certain percentage (e.g., variances over 10%). Management does not bother investigating smaller variances, since the cost of doing so would most likely outweigh the benefit.(5-10 min.) S 12-8The concept of “profitability” can be interpreted in different ways. The International Division provides more operating income ($10 million), in sheer dollars terms, than the Domestic Division ($6 million). Therefore, one

      8、might say the International Division is more profitable than the Domestic Division. However, if one considers each divisions operating income in light of the assets that are available to generate income, the Domestic division is more profitable. The Domestic Division earns $0.30 on every dollar of assets ($6 million $20 million) whereas the International Division earns about $0.29 on every dollar of assets ($10 million $35 million). Therefore, one could also argue that the Domestic Division is more profitable than the International Division.(5-10 min.) S 12-9Req. 1ROI = Operating Income


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