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    • 1、莎士比亚戏剧中的 _绿色世界 _(In Shakespeares world _ _ green ) The nights rain, Nowata unmanned boat from the cross. As humanity secluded delays sentences, dull remarks died over. Ye Kuang day low tree emerges with the neighbor. Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress are the last to shed their leaves 。 Miles went Rong machine, the horse was flying. The story of a considerable part of Shakespeares play is in a green jungle or green wilderness. This kind of comedyThe more common, such

      2、 as the merchant of Venice, the two gentlemen of Verona, A Midsummer Nights dream, to the satisfaction of all, the green jungle scene repeatedAppeared in storm, winters story, Xin Bailin and other legendary drama, grassland, islands, wilderness is a green scene. thisWe can call it the field imageThe green world. It constitutes another feature of Shakespeares play, which has unique artCharm, but also embodies Shakespeares humanistic ideasDeserves our attention and discussion.The green world, a re

      3、petition of Shakespeares play, actually forms a model, which of course becomes a creation of Shakespeares playsCharacteristic.As the story unfolds, the place and the activity background of the charactersGreen world presents two different scenes, one is green tree jungle, the other is WeiNice business, less actionWhen Bocia Nvbannanzhuang defeated Sherlock in court afterRojezzo and Jessica, and Antonio BasaniaoAnd Portia, himself, and Lisa, all gathered at BelmontShakespeare to arrange the place

      4、for their meeting to the house of PortiaThe avenue of A Midsummer Nights dream, the beautiful life and love the father against Hermia Lysander, they eloped to the outskirts of Athens forestIn Then, the pursuit of Dimitli J and chase love Hermia hisHelena also came to the forest, with Wang Xian Xian in theNext, a love comedy unfolded in the forest,The two or three and four chapters of the works are forest activities, which are called green worldLove comedy. Such as the two gentlemen of Verona oth

      5、er in exile on Valentine to Milan in the vicinity of the jungle , to the satisfaction of all in publicPrince was banished to the Arden forest, in the green jungle for peoples activities in place and background. The second kind of scene is the green wilderness, such as winterThe location and background of peoples activities in the story of the day. Prince Flohr Liz of Bohemia met with Pan Di tower in Sicily coastal grasslandLove, the grassland is their rendezvous place, is the herdsmans happy wor

      6、ld. Xin Bailin, the British Princess Imogen to stepmother persecutionLovers and banished, disguised as a manout of the palace, Welsh came to the mountain, and the law of long lost brother Li DeAdams, AvilaGus finally meet, and Leo Deonardo J reunited lovers, there is also a cave, forest, Jianxi flowers, green bigNature.In the plot structure arrangement, green world also presents certain pattern. Canadian scholars myth archetypal criticsOn behalf of Fry, Shakespeares comedy is generally contradic

      7、tory, arising from the real worldIn the real world. Take a look at the plays which are described and arranged by the green world, and they do present the meaning of the three paragraph patternTaste. For example, Valentine and the two gentlemen of VeronaPrincess Silvias secret love, Proteus to Duke informant, led to ValentineIn exile, he came to Milan and Verona forestBe ready to rob his robber elected leader Silvia for ValentinePrivate home, also cameto the forest, happens to be Valentines catch

      8、, a pair of lovers to meet the accident. Proteus in spite of his love, pursue Silvia with his old lover to the forest, followed by julia. Finally, even the Duke came to the forest, not only pardonedValentine, and consent to their marriage. So they left the forest together and returned to Milan. And as the storm, the Duke of Milan 12 years ago by Antonio and his brother usurped the throne, and the broken ship,Floating in the sea, in there is such a contradiction in the real world; 12 years later,

      9、 Antonio and helped him the Naples Wangalongzuo boat sailing on the sea, living in the island tothe DukeMagic, make a sea storm, the people on board were ordered to every living on the island, on the island of Naples Prince Ferdinand and daughter of Duke m rowLanda love, Antonio and the king of Napless cousins killedAlonzo and Seba the throne of the conspiracy bankruptcy, Duke played a trick on a classAfter the nobility forgave them, the island as a green world began to contradict and resolve the contradiction, and finally they will take a boat back to Naples to participateFollowing the wedding of the south to Miranda, the Dukes throne was restored and they returned to the real world. Other plays except the Venice merchantPeople outside, all follow the three plot model, become a distinctive feature of Shakespeares plays.The green world


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