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    • 1、 一、重点词汇: (一) 词形转换 1. cycle (名词)bicycle(现在分词)cycling 2. vehicle(同义词)transportation 3. journey (同义词)travel 4. raise(现在分词)raising(名词)raiser (二) 重点词组 1. go on a spring field trip 去春游 2. a two-day visit to Mount Tai 为期两天的泰山游 3. make a decision 做出决定 4. work in groups 小组合作 5. find out 查找;弄清 6. bring back 带回 7. decide on sth. 对某事做出决定 8. take too long 花太久(时间) 9. book some tickets/rooms 预定车票/房间 10. the hard/soft sleeper 硬卧/软卧 11. pay for 付款 12. make hotel reservation 预定酒店房间 13. many kinds of rooms 许多类型的房间

      2、 14. the best time to do sth. 做某事的最佳时间 15. work out the cost 估算/算出费用 16. do/go fund raising = raise money/ funds 筹集资金 17. come up with 产生;想出;赶上 18. get to (call home) 达到(打电话回家)的程度 19. order and serve a special lunch 安排服务一段特殊的午餐 20. sell newspapers/ old books/ flowers 卖报/旧书/花 21. organize a show 组织一场展示会 22. notany longer = no longer 不再 23. enjoy a good trip 享受愉快的旅行 24. at the foot of 在的脚下 25. count the students 点名 26. look at/ appreciate the night scene 看/欣赏夜景 27. rent coats 租借大衣 28. see the sunr

      3、ise 看日出 29. land safely 安全着陆 二. 重点句型及重点语言点 1. , we will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai, 我们将去泰山进行为期两天的旅行。 two-day “两天的” , 这是带有数字的复合形容词,复合形容词用连字符号连接时,名词要 用单数。如:a 14-year-old boy 一个十四岁的男孩 a 100-meter race 一百米赛跑 a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 2. We will make the decision together. 我们将一起作出决定。 make a decision = decide 做决定 decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 decide on sth. 对某事做出决定 3. Going by train doesnt cost as much as by plane, and going by bus is not as comfortable as by train. 搭火车的费用没有搭飞机的高,搭公车不如搭火车舒适。

      4、“going by train” 动名词短语在句中做主语。 cost 表“花费(金钱/时间)”时,主语必须是事物。常用句型“ sth. costs (sb.) some money/time”中。如:This bike cost me 300 yuan. 这本书花了我三百元钱。 Finishing the homework costs me two hours a day. 通常,每天做完作业花了我两个小时。 4. Weve got tickets at 120 for the hard sleeper and 180 for the soft sleeper.我 们的的票价是硬卧票120元,软卧票180元。 at 在句中表“以的价格”. 如: Weve got tickets at 80 for The Sound of Music. 我们有80元一张的音乐之声门票。 5I want to book 10 rooms with two single beds 我想订10间有两张单人床的房间 with 结构在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词,表特征。如: a girl with light

      5、hair 一个金发女郎 a boy with big eyes 一个大眼睛男孩 6 My school in America raised a lot of money for our band trip last year. 去年, 我 在美国的学校为我们的团队筹集了很多钱。 raise 及物动词,表示“筹集”外,还表“举起;使升高”,一般指把某物从低处抬高 到高处。如: She raised her hand. 她举起了她的手。 He raised his glass to Mr. Li.他举杯向李先生祝贺。 rise 不及物动词,表示“上升;升起;上涨”一般指事物本身由低处移到高处。如: The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起。 The river/ price rose. 河水上涨了。 7. Some schools come up with great fund raisers , 一些学校产生出伟大的集资者, come up with 表示“想出;产生; 赶上” 如: Suddenly he came up with a strange ide

      6、a. 突然间他想出了一个奇怪的主意。 We came up with the train in time. 我们及时赶上了火车。 8. It takes students one yuan each to buy tickets for a draw to become king or queen for a day. 学生要想成为 “一日国王”或 “一日王后”, 就要花一元钱买票才可以参加抽奖。 此句型为“It takes sb. some money/ time to do sth.”花了某人多少钱/时间做某事。 9. The student sits in the principals chair for the day and even gets to call home, using the principals cell phone. 这个学生可以坐在校长的座位上,甚至可以(达到)使用校长的手机打电话回家(的程度)。 get to + 地点,表“到达某处”如:They always get to school on time. 他们总是按时到校。 get to do 表“达

      7、到做某事(的程度); 开始(感觉到,认识到,成为)”如: After a time, you get to realize that these things dont matter. 过段时间你会觉得这些事情并不要紧。 三. 重点语法 (一) 结果状语从句 1) , so “因此”, 常与because 引导的原因状语从句转换. 如: We dont have much money, so we should go fund raising. = Because we dont have much money, we should go fund raising. Helen is worried about her trip cost, so she is sad.海伦担心她的旅行费用,因此她很难过。 = Helen is sad because she is about her trip cost. 海伦很难过是因为她担心旅行的费用。 2) so that “如此 以致于”, 如结果表否定时,常与too + adj./ adv. + to do sth.句型转换. a) 主语 +

      8、 be + so + adj. + that + 句子 4 e.g: I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer. = I was too tired to go on any longer. The cost is so expensive that we should raise money. b) 主语 + 实义动词+ so + adv. + that + 句子 e.g: He plays basketball so well that we all like to play with him. 他球打得如此好,以致 于我们都喜欢他。 He got up so late that he couldnt catch the bus. 他起床如此迟,以致他赶不上车。 = He got up too late to catch the bus. 他起床起得太迟了而不能赶上车。 3) so that 结果 e.g.: Jane often makes noise so that I can not fall asleep. 珍妮经常吵闹,结果我无法入睡。 (二) 动词不定式 1) 作表语, 常用在系动词之后. Your groups task is to find out the cost to go


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