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    • 1、七年级英语下册 M10U2预习指导一、知识点1.arrive in/ at = get to = reach + 地点 到达注意:arrive in 后接大地点;arrive at后接小地点Eg: We will arrive in Beijing in two days.我们两天后到北京。2.交通方式常用的表达方法:(1)take the + 表交通工具的名词 在句中作谓语Eg: I take the car to work every day.我每天开车去上班。(2)by + 表交通工具的名词 该介词短语在句中作状语Eg: I go to work by car every day. 我每天开车去上班。(3)on/ in + 限定词 + 表交通工具的名词;一般无舱用on;其它的用on/in都可Eg: I go to work in a car every day. 我每天开车上班。(4)动词 + to + 地点名词,动词有walk/ ride/ drive/ fly等Eg: I drive to work every day. 我每天开车上班。3.the day before ye

      2、sterday 前天该短语出现常用一般过去时Eg: We arrived here the day before yesterday. 我们前天到这的。4.at the airport 在机场5.be tired 累了 be tired with (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而疲倦be tired of (doing) sth. 对(做)某事而感到厌倦feel tired 感到累Eg: After a days work, I feel tired. 一天的工作之后,我感到很累。Tired (形容词) 厌倦的;厌烦的Eg: Im tired of boiled eggs.我吃够了煮鸡蛋。6.relax at home 再加放松Relax (动词) “放松” - relaxing (形容词) “使人放松的” - relaxed (形容词) “感到轻松的”Eg: He feels relaxed about this relaxing place. 他在这个放松的地方感到轻松。7.tour of city 城市之旅8.world famous works of art 世界著名的

      3、艺术品9.Works of art 艺术作品10.such as一般列举同一类人或事中的几个例子,但必须少于前面所提总数,只能在所列举名词前;Eg: I know several languages, such as English and Chinese. 我了解几种语言,例如英语和语文。for example一般用于列举同一类人或事中的一个例子,位置可在句首、中、末有逗号Eg: I like fruit, for example, I often eat bananas in the evening.我喜欢水果,例如,我经常晚上吃香蕉。11.take a walk = have a walk= go for a walk 去散步Eg: My parents like taking a walk after dinner. 我父母喜欢晚饭后散步。12.sell (动词) “卖” - buy (动词) “买” buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb. 为某人买某物buy a present for sb. 为某人买礼物Eg: They sell nice fruit.

      4、他们卖好的水果。My mum bought a book for me. 我妈妈给我买了一本书。13.such good fruit and vegetables 如此好的水果和蔬菜Such (副词) “如此地” 常常用来修饰名词So (副词) “如此” 常常用来修饰形容词Eg: She is so clever.= She is such a clever girl. 她是如此聪明。14.do some shopping = go shopping 去购物Eg: Lets do some shopping this afternoon.下午我们去购物吧。15.take underground to 坐地铁去= go to .by undergroundEg: She often takes underground to work.她经常坐地铁上班。16.first of all 首先At first 首先Eg: First of all, be careful with your things.首先,小心保管你的东西。17.have to do sth. 不得不做某事 (客观)Mus

      5、t do sth. 必须做某事 (主观)Eg: I must go home now. 我现在必须回家。I had to go home now. 我现在不得不回家了。18.wait in line 排队Eg: We should wait in line when we get on the bus. 当我们上车时,应该排队。19.be on (灯等)亮;(电影等)上映Eg: The lights are on now. 现在灯都亮了。20.hope to do sth.= hope that从句 “希望”Eg: I hope to visit Beijing.= I hope that I can visit Beijing. 我希望我可以参观北京。二、练习题一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.I must a_ at school at 7: 00 am, or I will be late.2.This kind of music can make me _ (放松).3.The children tried their best to climb up to the t

      6、_ of the mountain.4.The room is too dark.Please turn on the _ (灯).5.The old man wants to s_ the house, because it is too big for him.二、用所给词的适当形式填空6.They had a _ (wonder) time at the party.7.The movie can make me feel _(relax).8.We can wait for you for several _ (hour).9.The man _ (sell) his car last week.10.There are many _ (palace) in the old city.三、单项选择( )11.Im _ holiday _ Beijing _ my parents.A.in; on; with B.on; in; withC.in; on; and D.in; in; with( )12.We will go to Beijing _ plane.A.by B.i

      7、nC.at D.on( )13.We _ there by train.A.reach to B.get toC.arrive D.arrive in( )14.There are lots of _ of art in the museum.A.work B.jobC.works D.jobs( )15.Look! The light is _, there must be someone in the room.A.up B.downC.off D.on( )16.Lily and Lucy spent two hours _ the movie.A.listen B.listening toC.listening D.listen to( )17.There is no _ thing as a free lunch.A.such B.soC.little D.much( )18.- _ do you go to school every day?- By bus.A.When B.WhatC.Why D.How( )19.I will wait you _ 6:00 pm, p

      8、lease be quick.A.and B.afterC.till D.since( )20.- Would you like to go to the cinema with me this evening?-Id love to._A.But Im too busy to go.B.Im afraid not.C.Sorry about it.D.You can go alone.四、翻译句子1.我的父母喜欢晚饭后在公园里散步。My parents like to _ _ _ after dinner in the park.2.我们昨天晚上九点到达北京。We _ _ Beijing at 9:00 last night.3.前天我们在这个公园野餐。We had a picnic in this park _ _ _ _.4.马克擅长球类运动,例如篮球和足球。Mike is good at ball games, _ _ basketball and football.5.公共汽车马上就到了,请排队等候。The bus is coming, please _ _ _.五、完形填空In England, people often talk about the 26._ because you can experience (经历) four seasons in 27._ day.In the morning he weather is warm just lie in spring.An hour 28._ black clouds come, and then it rains hard.The weather gets 29._ cold.In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the 30._ will begin to shine a


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