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    • 1、7A Unitl重点词组和句型复习一、重点词组1、一只电子狗an e-dog2、这只狗的主人the master of the dog / the dog master3、看书read books4、见到你很咼兴Nice / Glad to meet / see you!5、欢迎来到七年级一班Welcome to Class One, Grade Seve n6、在七年级in Grade 77、十二岁twelve years old8、一个8/11岁的女孩an eight /eleven -year -old girl9、长着乌黑的长发have long black hair10、又高又苗条tall and slim11、喜欢阅读/游泳/跳舞/运动like /love / enjoy doing sth12、踢足球/打篮球/排球play football / basketball / volleyball13、玩电脑游戏play computer games14、玩球play with a ball15、课后/放学后after class / school16、来自be from /

      2、come from17、擅长be good at / do well in (sth / doing sth)18、让我们来见见我的新同学Let meet my new classmates.19、和家人住在南京live with my fam ily in Nanjing20、戴眼镜wear glasses21、所有的功课all the less ons22、让某人做某事Let sb do sth、重点句型I. Millie is a new student at Sunshine Middle School. 米莉是阳光中学的一名新学生。She is a new stude nt at Huai yin Middle School.2.1 have short hair.= My hair is short.我长着短发。She has long hair. = Her hair is long.3. He is from Nanjing. = He comes fromNanji ng. 他来自南京。Dan iel comes from Nanj ing.4. He is good

      3、 atMaths. = He does well inMaths. 他擅长数学。She is good at En glish. =She does well in En glish.5. I often play football after school.我经常放学后踢足球。He ofte n plays basketball after school.6. He is in Class one. Grade Seven.他在七年级一班。We are in Class 2, Grade 8.7. I live with my family in Beijing.我和我的家人住在北京。She lives with her parents in Nanjing.8.1 wear glasses我 戴着眼镜。9. I like all the lessons at Sunshine Middle School.我喜欢阳光中学的所有课程。10. I have some new friends at school在学校我有一些新朋友。He has some new frie nds in t

      4、he Readi ng Club.11. Sandy, this is my cousin Andy桑迪,这是我表弟安迪。Simon, this is my father.12. Everyone in our class likes listening to music.我们班里的每我都喜欢听音乐。 Everyone in our class has a good time.13. He is an eight-year-old boy他是一个八岁的男孩。She is an eleve n- year-old girl7A Unit2重点词组和句型复习重点词组1、非常喜欢散步|like walking very much2、步行上学walk to school = go to school on foot3、两碗饭two bowls of rice4、一天一次/两次/许多次once / twice a day / many times a day5、踢足球/打篮球/排球/网球/羽毛球/乒 乓球/棒球play football / basketball / volleyball/ te

      5、nni s/badm inton / table tennis / baseball6、我最喜欢的运动/足球明星my favourite sport / football star7、喜欢听音乐enjoy liste ning to music8、你呢?What about you?= How about you?9、去钓鱼怎么样?What about / How about going fish ing?10、参加读书俱乐部be in / be a member of the Readi ng Club11、篮球打得好/舞跳得好play basketball well / dance well12、看起来强壮look strong13、在他的空暇进度in his free time14、使他(感到)开心make him (feel) happy15、想要做某事want / would like to do sth16、踢下一届世界杯play in the n ext World Cup17、变成现实come true18、通过电视看球赛watch the ball games on

      6、TV19、在周末at / on the weeke nd / at / on weeke nds20、我的许多学牛many of my stude nts21、别的什么/还有谁what else / who else22、许多英雄a lot of / lots of heroes23、一本有趣的书an in ter esti ng book24、对.感兴趣be in terested in (sth / doing sth)25、谈论talk about26、玩得开心enjoy on eself =have a good time重点句型1. Whatyour favourite sport?你最喜爱的运动是什么? Whats your favourite subject?2. How about you? =what about you?你呢?3. Lihua is my favourite football star?李华是我最喜爱的足球明星。Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player.4. He is a new member of Hu

      7、anghe Football Club.他是黄河足球俱乐部的一名新成员。She is a member of the Readi ng Club. = She is in the Read ing Club.5. In his free time, he studies English在他的空闲进度,他学习英语。6. He also enjoys listeningto music. It makes him happy.他也喜欢听音乐,这使他很开心。7. Lihua wants to play in the next World Cup李华想踢下一届世界杯。8. I hope his dream comes true我希望他的梦想成真。He hopeshis dream comes true.9. Sometimes I go swimming with my dad.有时我和爸爸去游泳。10. Many of my students like sports我的许多学生喜欢运动。Many of my teachers like readi ng.我的许多老师喜欢阅读。11. What

      8、 do you often do after schooI?你放学后经常做什么?What does he ofte n do after supper他 晚饭后经常做什么?12. What else do you like to do?你喜欢做其他什么事情吗?Who else does go swimmi ng with you?还有谁和你去游泳?13. I love music. It makes me feel great我喜爱听音乐,它使我感觉很棒。14. We ofte n talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on T.V 我们经常谈论篮球,并在电视上看篮球比赛。15. I often play basketball with my friends after school.放学后,我经常和我的朋友打篮球。16. He is my hero他是我的偶像。They are my heroes.7A Unit 3重点词组和句型复习s o m ec a k e sa n db r e一、重点词组二、重点句型1. Whi

      9、ch of the subjected。you like best .你最喜欢哪一门学科?What subject do you like best?2. Whatthe date today? = What date is it today?今天是几月几号?3. Whatthe time? = What time is it?现在几点?4. The pare nts meeti ng begi ns at two oclock in the after noon.家长会下午两点开始、5. Let meet at the school gateat 1:30 让我们一点半在学校大门口见。=Lets meetat the gate of the schoOat 1:30.6. Our school looks modern and beautifu我们学校看起来很现代很漂亮。7. Let me show you around.让我带你参观一下。Sim on shows his pare nts around his school.8. We arein front of the classroom buildi ng.我们在教学楼的前面。My


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