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    • 1、课时作业(十七) 必修3Unit 9Wheels第1课时.单项填空1(质量检测)The UN officials say it could be many weeks and even months_a deal is reached.AbeforeBafterCwhen Das2Im sure the beauty of_nature there will make_excellent impression on you.Athe;the Bthe;anC/;an D/;/3_to computer games,the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.AAddicted BHaving addictedCAddicting DAddict4(株州模拟)Id appreciate_if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate_me with my English in the past.Athis;you to help Bthat;you helping

      2、Cit;you to help Dit;your helping5(高三调研)The girls_into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.Aaccepted BacceptingCadmitted Dadmitting6(高考)Would it be_for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?Afree BvacantChandy Dconvenient7(高考)There are plenty of jobs_in the western part of the country.Apresent BavailableCprecious Dconvenient8It was by making great efforts_she caught up with other students.Ahow BwhenCwhat Dthat9_herself with routine

      3、office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.AOccupying BOccupiedCBeing occupied DTo be occupied10She read plenty of books on history before going to university and of course she_a lot from it.Areceived BprofitedCderived Dbenefited11Look,Peters clothes are the latest fashion._?Fine clothing doesnt make him respectable.AFor what BHow comeCWhy DSo what12He told us whether_French help to solve these problems was still under discussion.Ato rely on Brelying onCrely on Drelied on13Ever since

      4、 it was founded,the Peoples Republic of China_great efforts to create a peaceful world.Ahas been making Bhas been madeCis making Dmakes14In the morning many people_in the park to keep fit.Aact out Bcarry outCwork out Dmake out15Starvation is still the biggest_to most of the African countries.Areform BchallengeCmotivation Dcomplaint.阅读理解(一中模拟)“Love your neighbor as yourself is a saying familiar to most of us.It means that you must have the ability to love and accept yourself in order to form and

      5、keep satisfying relationship with others.Selfesteem means accepting yourself for who you really are,and believing that you are indeed a worthwhile person who is deserving of love and respect from others.Selfesteem is our sense of how good we feel about ourselves.It is based on our judgment of ourselves,not on other peoples assessment,but simply on our own.Our selfesteem is not defendant on our talent.Some very ordinary people feel very good about themselves,while other extraordinarily high achie

      6、vers hold low opinions of themselves.Selfesteem is the primary key to longterm stress management.Why? The first three sources of stress are:predictable life events,unexpected changes and buildup of daily stresses.These are much easier to handle when we believe in ourselves,A positive,healthy selfesteem gives us the “hardiness (强健) to deal with the difficulties of life,and to see them as challenges to be met,rather than threats to be feared.The fourth category of stress is entirely the result of

      7、a low selfesteem.It is the category of stress that is most common and tiring over the long run.This kind of stress cannot be overcome,or even changed,until the selfesteem problems that cause it are corrected.Learning to love yourself for who you are is the key to overcoming stress.Selfesteem comes form the self,and cannot be promoted by others.A person who feels that his selfesteem comes from the approval of those around him or her is bound to selfdestruct (自毁)One cannot keep the level of “perfo

      8、rmance required to please everyone else,especially if that performance disagrees with who you are and is simply a facade that makes you popular with the world.When the applause is gone,there is nothing left.Only those who can feel the strength of knowing who they are and those who can feel good about that will survive the stresses of life.Selfesteem is the basis of contentment and positive living.1What is selfesteem?AA kind of positive lifestyle.BThe impression we have on other people.COur sense

      9、 of how good we feel about ourselves.DOur understanding of how we are seen by others.2What is the key to overcoming stress according to the passage?ARemoving yourself from stressful situation.BLearning to love yourself for who you are.CFacing the stress and dealing with it.DGetting help from friends.3What does the underlined word “facade (in Para.5) mean?AA strange feeling. BA big worry.CA wrong action. DA false appearance.4The passage is written to_.Atell people how to overcome stressBhelp people form good relationship w


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