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2022年高中英语《Unit 4 Behind beliefs》导学案1牛津译林版选修9

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    • 1、2022年高中英语Unit 4 Behind beliefs导学案1牛津译林版选修9班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、明确目标,自主学习1. 学习目标:(1)To grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.(2)To analyse and understand some difficult sentences.2. 预习内容:可以按知识体系设置,最好分层设置A组 1. Read the words and expressions aloud at Page 76-77 2. Pay attention to the similar spelling words and expressions B 组 1. Read and pay attention to long words 2. Enlarge the usage of some words and expressions C组1. Master the different meanings of the similar words and expressions

      2、.2. Make the examples of some difficult words 二、合作释疑,互相研讨一单词拼写1. We need to ensure that _(书写) is properly taught in our primary school.2. Professor Wus research is _(以.为中心)around the social effects of unemployment on new graduates.3. The boy was a (n) b _ to his family and his parents had to turn to the government for help.4. There are two lemon trees in my grandpas garden and i pause to enjoy their _(香味). 5. You should read the text again and again till you have a t_ understanding of it.6. The

      3、teacher asked the students to read the text and u_ the words that they dont understand .7. Here are some of the panies_(频繁地)mentioned as likely IPO candidates for the ing year.8. He was rather _(含糊的)about the reasons why he was so late for class this morning.9. A good idea s_ me that we could advertise for help on the internet.10. The speech he d_ at the meeting yesterday was a thorough analysis of the present situation of environmental protection in our country.11. Every p_of every dollar was s

      4、pent on this new project. No money was left over from it.12. The province was a famous _(农业的)area , known for its rich soil and clean water.13. As the cupboard was b_ , Jill had to go shopping so that he could have enough food for dinner.14. Be careful with the glass bottle; it is very d_.15. Jan bought some beef and pork at the b_ for dinner.16. The plan got stuck in the _ (官僚的,官僚主义的) approval process, so everyone had to stop and wait until the application forms came back from the ministry.17.

      5、In the temple, many people were c_ and praying.18. In order to encourage us to work hard to succeed, our teacher often repeats the old saying,” The early bird catches the w_”19. A(n)_ (直率的)talk is better than a speech that uses too many plicated words and phrases in an attempt to sound skillful.20. Autumn is the harvest season when crops have r_ but the snows of winter havent set in.三、精心点拨,启发引导单项选择21. Children enjoying parents_ during their growth tend to have better living habits than left-behi

      6、nd children.A. promise B. pany C. mand D. prehension22. The campaign is _ only partially successful, so we have to keep on working hard.A. at best B. at latest C. at least D. at last23. I prefer a table that can be _ when not used so that it may save a lot of space.A. cleared up B. fixed up C. folded up D. taken up24. Whats the result of the basketball match?You see, the rain_ it and the second half is put off till next PE class.A. is ruining B. ruined C. will run D. had ruined25. In order to ke

      7、ep their mother living with them confidently, the couple_ leave the washing-up for her after meals.A. morally B. liberally C. pulsorily D. deliberately 26. Now all of our concentration is on _ it is that the global environment will return to normal.A. which B. what C. when D. where27. By applying the theory to the problem, we can brush away the details an_ simple patterns.A. reveal B. reject C. release D. replace28. A new bridge is reported_ across the river in your hometown.Yes, and it brings u

      8、s great convenience.A. to be building B. to have been builtC. to have built D. to be built29. I hear a Tibetan student in your school_ and that youve raised money for him.Well, the doctors are considering a conservative therapy.A. was operated onB. is being operated onC. will be operated onD. has been operated on30. All the photos in the report are provided by the Students Union, unless otherwise_A. having been noted B. being notedC. to be notedD. noted四、巩固训练,提升技能A组1. be in munication with与通信2. keep ones word 履行诺言3. throw away扔掉4. in general大体上5. make ones way费力地前进6. figure on计划;指望7. pray to sb. for sth.向(神)祈求8. stand on its own独立9. differ from sb. in sth. 在方面与不同10. on behalf of 代表B 组11.把翻译成 translate into12.以.为中心,围绕 centre around13.过着的生活lead/live a life14. 插嘴;插话 get in a word15.以.为例take sth. as an example

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