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3 读后续写 帮耳聋转学同学

  • 卖家[上传人]:夏**
  • 文档编号:507350866
  • 上传时间:2022-07-30
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:12.08KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、阅读下材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短。续写的词数应为 150 左右。It was the first day of our new grade. Everyone in the classroom was chatting happily, excited to see each other again after the long holidays. When the door slid open, all of us stopped talking and turned to look. In came our teacher Ms. Sullivan, followed by an ordinary-looking boy,“This boys name is Rafael.” Ms. Sullivan announced. “Hes a transfer student (转校 ),and hes going to be in our class starting from today. Make sure all of you welcome h

      2、im warmly.”The class clapped. But I didnt want to have a second look at the newcomer, for he had no outstanding qualities considering his small figure and casual T-shirt.“Oh, I forgot to mention one thing.” Ms. Sullivan spoke up. “Rafael actually has hearing problems. Normally he would have hearing aids on, but his old ones have just been broken. His doctor suggested that he stay at home until he got his new ones. However, Rafael insisted on attending his first day of school. So if you want to c

      3、ommunicate with him, you have to write it on a piece of paper.”This single speech sent the whole class up into an uproar ( 嘈杂). Some students looked at each other with expressions of surprise. Others voiced cries of concern out of pity.Ms. Sullivan calmed everyone down. “Id like someone to personally help him out throughout the day. Do I have any volunteers?”“How can a disabled person be intelligent?” I thought to myself. I refused to raise my hand, expecting someone else would. But nobody did o

      4、r said anything. Dead silence spread across the classroom.It was by total bad luck that my eyes happened to meet Ms. Sullivans.“How about you, James?” She asked me. “Is it okay for you to take care of Rafael just for today?”It is difficult to refuse a request by someone, especially if that person is a teacher. I sighed and nodded slightly. Ms. Sullivan gestured for Rafael to sit beside me and then asked us to share our holiday stories with the class.Paragraph 1: Immediately, the class became exc

      5、ited.Paragraph 2: Then Rafael rose and walked onto the platform.一、分享故事及回应1. Some were exchanging their unique experiences with desk-mates in a low voice while others were automatically forming small groups, immersed in the charm of sharing.2. Under the expectant gaze, I unfolded my colorful story involving an sightseeing tour to Italy. Numerous amazing memories crowded in on me so that I talked for half an hour eloquently. My speech received a favorable response.3. Everyone couldnt resist inner

      6、excitement to tell their stories. But I was overwhelmed with a sense of embarrassment, due to the pressure my teacher gave me, I wrote down “Tell me something about your holiday” on the paper.4. At first, it seemed that tension crept up on him, with his face turning red as if blood had rushed to him. Then he mustered up courage to tell his stories in a fascinating voice.5. Everyone shared the experiences with others with great joy except me, I felt a sense of embarrassment and awkwardness.6. He

      7、described his wonderful holiday in some vivid words, excited and overjoyed.7. I also smiled and the class burst into thunderous applause.8. Rafaels story was greeted with a thunderous outburst of applause, which put a smile on his face.二、听后感想/心理1. After hearing Rafaels story, I was ashamed of having discriminated against the disabled.2. What he said stuck a mixture of surprise and shock into our hearts.3. Its hard to believe that he is disabled when the confident words filled the air. Whats more

      8、, I felt totally ashamed to know that he has set an organization to help people with hearing problems during the holiday.4. By contrast, I welled up with an overwhelmed sense of shame.5. Overwhelmed with a sense of move, everyone burst into claps the minute he finished his story.6. A gleam of shame flashed across my face.7. Despite the surprised and curious sight from others, his confident performance and fluent speech left us amazed and even inspired by his community service of helping those wi

      9、th hearing problems. He added that everyone including the disabled has the power to make a difference .三、动作神情1. Seeing the sudden commotion around, Rafael stared at me in surprise and confusion.2. Some could hardly to tell their deskmates about their holiday trips, automatically forming some small groups to discuss with eyes shining and face gleaming with joy.3. I was at a loss what to do next when Rafael turned to me. “What are they talking about?” asked him, with his eyes growing wide in doubt/confusion.4. Some of them pretended to assist him in an arrogant way.5. Although the teacher asked me to do a favor to him, I didnt take it seriously and was reluctantly taking notes for him.6. Owing to being required to help Rafael, I have to write down reluctantly. But beyond my expectation, my words lit his face up and his smile is sweet and enjoyable.7. At first, I felt a bit nervous and my hands were

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