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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Uit1-6Part I1. Go tha wy a ake e.A. o, Im tired. B. Tnks, bu I wolrahr stad.e, ats god wy.D. Itsnt ter.2. ul you like to ee te nu? AA.N, thanks. aready know whatto order. Your meu s very lear.I he e fod here ta .he sttng svry comortb3. D yo knw woelephodme? A. Ieard iasallyB. Yes, I remberiow.C. No,I didntphon you.D. Yes, Ikw yu well.4. o likeathng fotblmathes? DA. hank yu frinvin me.B. I otlike acng itoV, eiher.C. I ha te tll atch l beput off.D. Fotball?N. Its a wase otime5. What if m ompue est

      2、 work? BA. Imn good computer.B. sk Ann for help.C. ecal trpair shp.D. There mst be somethnwrong.6. Excuse m, hocn getto theneares suprmaret?DA. ts nt very faromereB. The superarket is vry laeC. The os thre ar vr expenive.D. Sorry, s. Imarager here mysef.7. ows the mor? Iesting?A. t was showe utl midgtB. It was starred by a w famous pele.C. Fr fm. I suld havstad ho watchng V.D. Iwa seate r away in the crner8. Jo will come oe pty at anea Ias, wont he? A. , yeah, I orgotB. It at 8 oclkC. Yeah, esbr

      3、ngin hs ousin,SandyD. Y, is icarty.9. e odered pza ndsalad What se d ou ant? CA. Yoare kind t nviteme.B. Yes, plese.C. A eris fine or m.Im not ngry t.D. fd pi is tasy.10. Jack,are ouleaving no? Its 7:2. DA. Yes, it sill y.B. No, hity mintes isghC. Ye, he bg s not reayD. N, Il set ff in 30 ites.11. Nic weah,is it? C.Im not sure B. o know it well. es, it s Ye, t sn12. Is te tleton the gound floo r 2nd lo? CA. No,ter iB. es, it i.C. Onte gond floor.D. t impty.13. I have an pponte ih Dr.Jonso. CA. T

      4、eapointment is uofB. You look sick anda.C. Pleas watfaminute. Hes bs now.D. Tel me y ID nue.14. Do you hin heawill be pt off? CA.otood news .The exam is diffulC. No lely . It was putof yestery15. Hello, ayHows everhn? .Goo fr yu B.Oh,agreeC.Tatsright D. Jus so-s16. Imtyig to call Mrie, bt there no as AA. eall? Maybeshes out.B. re s a mes for eC. Im eall sorr aout D. I id ralize that17. Ed sitht is boy fel off re. AA. Oh dea! I hohewnt hurtB. h, no Al boy.C. He mghtae broken his rm.D. Notg seriou

      5、s.18. Oh, the bxis t heavy. BA. Wan it?B. Can I helpo t critC. Whoe isit?D. May he tr.19. Ister a drustor nea er? DA. I vry smalB. Is eycrowed.C. Is a ha one.D. Yes, there s g oe20. an I hp you o getitdon? A. Nopobem.B. Ys.Lts get .C. hnksIts so nof ou.D. It o oul at all.21. Wic angag doyu pak a h? DA. spak Englishvery welB. Ian speak Egish ad FrencC.Egliss y mother tone. Engls,mosof thime22. Wat do yu fnddficut inlearning Enlish? A. Lseg andeakig.B. Dont be araid ofdificulties.C. Lerning Elish

      6、suslD. Dont b dsappointe.23. yare you so late? BA. Its a hame.B. came rossn olfrn.C. NerinD. hatsall right.24. Do you no if thedesons are still livin there? BA. Y, hey o. B. Yes, heyarC. No, tere arntD. No, theydon.25. hs the robm, Hary DA. No prblem. No tolea alC. hank youfor askin me bu it D.Icntreemrwere lef m glass26. hre is anhor to go. Culd west swhere hava drnk? BA. e a tryB. Sure.C. Dont go,ps.D. No, han27. ho hasdne youar,usan. A. My hair as een doneB. Thathai ylstC. y harstye cool.D. I aveitct.28. Am,I wantthis report typd tody. AA. Itllbe rdyn he fernoon, sirB. Id like ou to el .C. I kno othig aouttereort.D. Leve it to tomorr.29. m orr. obsot in hisoffice. AA. Can yo take a msgeo e.B. Are you re for ha.C. uldyu ie to leave amesage.D. C yophome.30. avid, yuve een lsingyourm oernohingatly. A. I havent been ttng much slep ther.B. You better not pu ursef oo had, r youl etsickC. I


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