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    • 1、一、议论(一)书面表达专题一(对比利弊)假如你是某中学生英文报的小记者,对中学生课外上网的利弊进行调查采访。以下是学生们对上网的看法。请你根据他们的观点写一篇简要的调查报告,并呼吁正确使用互联网。益处弊端1、资源丰富 2、节省时间 3、方便交流1、内容良莠不齐2、影响学业、健康With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular. We have had a survey among the students about their opinions of surfing the Internet. Opinions are divided into two groups/ Opinions vary from person to person. On one hand, some students think surfing the Internet has more disavantages than advantages. The mains reaso

      2、ns are listed as follows./ There are several reasons for this. First, the Internet provides people with a great deal of information, which will save you from spending much time working hard in the library. Besides, it is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet. However, other students hold the oposite view. For one thing, the Internet contains useful information as well as information bad for the students. For another/ Whats worse, being addicted to games on line will not onl

      3、y have a bad effect on studies but also do harm to peoples health. To conclude, every coin has two sides. Therefore, students should be appealed to to make proper use of the Internet. (二)书面表达专题一(正反/多种观点)SARS过后,你们班进行了一次讨论会,题目是 “该不该吃野生动物”.讨论气氛热烈,大家争相发言.下表给出了讨论会上赞同和反对吃野生动物的人数比例和理由.请根据内容写一篇总结发言,但必须说明你的观点.题目已给出.70%反对吃野生动物30%支持吃野生动物1、易感染疾病1、味道鲜美2、破坏生态,不利环境2、吃人工饲养的不破坏环境3、费钱3、煮熟吃不会染病Whether We Should Eat Wild Animals After SARS our class had a meeting during which we talked about whether we should eat w

      4、ild animals. There was a heated discussion and many classmates expressed their opinions. On one hand, seventy percent of our classmates are opposed to/ object to eating wild animals because eating them may bring (about) diseases and therefore is bad for our health. Besides/ Moreover/ In addition/ Whats more, eating too many wild animals will break eco-balance of nature and destroy our environment. For another, it costs a lot of money to eat them. However/ On the other hand, the other students ar

      5、e in favor of it, thinking wild animals taste delicious. If these animals were raised by people, eating them wouldnt do harm to the environment. After all, if well cooked, the animals wont spread diseases. From my point of view, it is not a good idea to eat wild animals. Thus Im strongly against it. (三)附中高三上学期期中考(描述现象-分析原因-提出措施)下列图表反映的是我市2004与2007年学生健康状况调查的部分数据。请你用英文为某报社写一份报告,反映该市三年间学生健康状况的变化情况,分析其原因并提出你自己的看法。Recently a survey has been carried out about the health condition of the students of ou

      6、r city. Here we present the results of the survey, which show that the health of the students has been going from bad to worse/ has been getting worse and worse in the past three years. As we can see in the chart (picture/ table/ graph), the percentage of nearsighted students has increased/ has been on the rise from 78.2%. in 2004 to 92.5% in 2007, while that of overweight students, from 36% to 52.4%. Nearly 10% more of the students suffer from lack of sleep. Besides, over 15% more have become m

      7、entally unhealthy/ ill(/are suffering mental disorder/ illness). There are several reasons (accounting) for the decline of the health of the students. Above all, the students are loaded/ burdened with too much homework, resulting in lack of sleep, less exercise, damage to eyesight and so on. The heavy load/ burden of homework lies in the firece competition, which leads to great anxiety, that is, mental illness. (Maybe, there are some other reasons. But it is generally believed that the above men

      8、tioned reasons are commonly convincing.)(Something must be done to solve the problem.) To improve the students health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and at the same time prevent them from being nearsighted. Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they wont easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed/ taken off, students are sure to keep normal mental health.(四)高三上期末考第一次市质检(提出建议-说明原因)最近,中国日报在其网站上向北京市民征集2008年奥运会后如

      9、何 利用体育场馆的建议。假设你名叫张明,是一位北京市民,向其编辑部写信提出你的建议以及建议理由,包括:公益开放,用于健身;租赁给体育公司,创造经济效益;旅游景点,吸引游客。Dear editors, I have read your paper and I got the information from your newpaper, China Daily that you are collecting suggestions about/ advice on how to make use of the stadiums/ venues/ gyms after the 2008 Olympics. Im writing to make some suggestions/give some advice. /My suggestions are as follows. First, most of the stadiums can be open to the public free of charge, so that the citizens can take exercise/ do sports in them. Second, in order to make economic profits, they can also be rented to some sports companies. Third, some significant gyms can be changed into places of interest to attract tourists/ can be changed into tourist attractions/ tourist destinations/ scenic spots/ tourist spots. (Tourism purpose is another choice. As many of the gyms for the Games are so w


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