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    • 1、2024年湖北省武汉市江岸区中考英语二模试卷一、单选题:本大题共15小题,共15分。1.How was your interview yesterday? _ .They only wanted someone with experience.()A. Come onB. All rightC. Dont mention itD. Thank you2.Would you mind my using your pen?Of course not._.A. ItdoesntmatterB. IdlovetoC. GoaheadD. Thatsallright3.My god!Its the third time this week that our son has left his jacket at school! _.Im sure he will grow up one day.()A. Take your timeB. Forget itC. Take it easyD. Dont mention it4.Is your brother Tom home? l guess so.

      2、I _ somebody singing loudly in the next room just now.()A. hearB. heardC. am hearingD. have heard5.Excuse me,where is Mr.Evans? He is not in the office today.I _ you try calling him tomorrow.()A. am suggestingB. suggestC. suggestedD. will suggest6.Who will talk about the development of American country music next week? It must be Brad.He _ in Nashville,the home of country music,since he was a child.()A. livesB. will liveC. livedD. has lived7.I dont know which high school to choose. Whatever your

      3、 choice is,we are _ you all the way.()A. underB. overC. againstD. behind8.The closer parents are to the children,the stronger _ they will have on their childrens character.()A. reviewB. influenceC. attentionD. expression9.I really cant tell which is the most exciting movie.What do you think? Exciting?I think _ of them is exciting.I almost left halfway.()A. allB. anyC. neitherD. none10.How can I keep the food? It should be stored in a cool and dry places,away from _ sunlight.()A. normalB. activeC

      4、. directD. wide11.Why has the dance called Subject Three become a hit recently? It _ young peoples hope for simple happiness.()A. reflectsB. changesC. producesD. breaks12.What do you think of George? Very serious,though he be funny at times.()A. mustB. canC. shouldD. need13.Who left the tap (水龙头) running?The water began to _ across the floor. Oh,I forgot to turn it off when the telephone rang.()A. passB. spreadC. fillD. cover14.Why did Lucy watch her dad cooking all the time? The little girl wan

      5、ted to see if she could _any skills.()A. put upB. take upC. set upD. pick up15.The famous saying History,if not forgotten,can serve as a guide for the future tells us _.()A. what can we get from historyB. what the future will be likeC. why we should remember the pastD. how can we create a better future二、完形填空:本大题共15小题,共15分。On a trip to an island of Canada,my husband asked our taxi driver what made him most proud to be from there. Our sense of being (1) _ ! He replied with a strong accent. If your

      6、 car breaks down in the middle of nowhere,someone will stop to (2) _ . His words (3) _ in my mind.Little did I know we were about to (4) _ that kindness soon. As we walked and (5) _ the beautiful sights,two women with sunglasses stopped.Theyd heard us discussing different routes (路线) and asked if wed like (6) _ .They seemed to be in their 40s,and both wanted to share their (7) _ information.We listened and took notes in mind (8) _ one of the women asked, You have a car,right? I explained that th

      7、ere were no cars available,so we had to (9) _ taxis. Oh,no! she said, You need a car. And then,she said, Take mine! My husband and I stared at each other in (10) _ . Why not? She (11) _ . You need a car to get to know all these places. But you dont even know us, I said. That doesnt matter, she laughed. Finally,we (12) _ into her car.And then we spent the rest of our (13) _ discovering different areas of this beautiful island.But it wasnt the groups of whales we saw that made this place so (14) _

      8、 ,but the kindness from a (15) _ that made us realize how different this place really was.Next year theres no doubt where well be taking our summer vacation.16.A. politeB. kindC. proudD. humorous17.A. restB. lookC. waitD. help18.A. arrivedB. movedC. remainedD. disappeared19.A. experienceB. forgetC. repeatD. expect20.A. missedB. acceptedC. admiredD. remembered21.A. carsB. adviceC. driversD. protection22.A. privateB. similarC. localD. daily23.A. untilB. butC. becauseD. so24.A. pick outB. get offC. pull overD. depend on25.A. silenceB. agreementC. disbeliefD. excitement26.A. continuedB. complainedC. greetedD. joked27.A. ranB. climbedC. lookedD. fell28.A. talkB. lifeC. lessonD. vacation29.A. quietB. crowdedC. specialD. modern30.A. strangerB. friendC. guestD. tourist三、阅读理解:本大题共15小题,共30分。AYoung Artists Bridge Cultural Divide Through Their WorksThe 2023 Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition-Calligraphy(书法)and Painting Cha


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  • 2023-2024学年云南省文山州文山市第二学区八年级(下)月考生物试卷(含解析)


  • 2024年江苏省连云港外国语学校中考数学适应性试卷(6月份)(含解析)


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  • 2024年江苏省连云港市灌云实验中学中考数学一模试卷(含解析)


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  • 2024年湖南省岳阳市汨罗市中考物理模拟试卷(含解析)


  • 2023-2024学年河南省周口市项城市第三高级中学高一(下)第三次考试物理试卷(含解析)


  • 2024年云南省楚雄州楚雄市中考数学一模试卷(含解析)


  • 2023-2024学年四川省眉山市仁寿县高一(下)期中联考物理试卷(含解析)


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