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    • 1、20222023学年度第二学期学情检测八年级英语第I卷(选择题共 85 分)一、听力测试(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)第一部分听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目, 听完后, 你还有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1 What place of interest has Peter been? ABC2 Whats the weather like today? ABC3 Which charity are the two speakers talking about? ABC4 What did the place use to be? ABC5 What time will Mr Wang leave for the theatre? A At 6:45B At 7:00C At 7:156 Why does the boy stay in the library? A Because the book is interestingB Because he forgets t

      2、he timeC Because the bad weather prevents him from leaving7 What will Mike do? A Make a vegetable saladB Buy fresh fruitC Turn down the TV8 Why was the boy late for school yesterday? A Because of the heavy rainB Because of the thick fogC Because he got up late9 How much do you have to pay if youd like to buy one notebook computer now? A 5,000B 4,000C 1,00010 How long will the man spend on the journey? A A weekB 15 daysC A month第二部分听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完

      3、后, 每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话, 回答第 11-12题。11 What are the two speakers doing? A Theyre walkingB Theyre waiting in lineC Theyre visiting London12 What does the man think of London? A He thinks its too slowB He thinks its better than FranceC He thinks its a good place to visit听第一篇短文, 回答第 13-15小题。根据短文内容, 选择正确的答案, 完成信息记录表。Life in the past and at presentPastWe only had one radio My father listened to 13_ on the old radioPresentMy grandfather gets a new radio Its 14_ I have a(an)15_ 13 A the news

      4、B football matchesC English14 A modernB bigCsmall15 A iPhoneB televisionCcomputer听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。16 What is the news about? A A traffic accidentB The bad weatherC A school bus17 What happened to the school bus? A It caught fireB It didnt workC A truck hit it18 Who got hurt in the accident? A 15 girls from Mary Girls SchoolB The bus driver and 15 studentsC The truck driver and 15 students19 What did the police tell drivers to do? A To drive more carefullyB To drive fast on the roadC To be care

      5、ful about the students20 Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? A The weather will be bad for some daysB The truck driver drank and caused the accidentC You can get more information from 11 oclock news二、单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1Jack dreams of becoming _ UNICEF worker to help children all around the worldAaBanCtheD/2Its impolite _ you to shout at your parents Its important _ you to learn to be politeAfor; forBof; forCof; ofDfor; of3After a short rest, the doctor carried on the

      6、 next patientAoperatingBoperation onCdo an operation onDoperating on4-Have you heard of the story of Yang Yong?Yes He _on CRH for many years and died at the age of 46AworksBworkedCis workingDhas worked5The old man lives in a town He lives _, but he doesnt feel _Alonely; aloneBlonely; lonelyCalone; lonelyDalone; alone6 What can you do for the charity? We can _ the leaflets to raise money for the people in needAput outBhand outCfind outDcut out7The elephants _ to the zoo tomorrow afternoonAis sent

      7、Bwill sendCwill be sentDsend8To keep children away from danger, we warn parents _ children alone at homeAleaveBto leaveCnot leaveDnot to leave9Dont smoke any more Its bad for your healthIm trying to_ although its really hard, you knowAgive it upBput it offCturn it offDtake it out10The book is _ for a seven-year-old boy _Aenough easy; readingBenough easy; to readCeasy enough; readingDeasy enough; to read11 I havent seen your English teacher Where is she? Its said she _ England for further study f

      8、or half an yearAhas been inBhas been toChas gone toDhas come to12_ useful knowledge your uncle has!Yes He has once a leader of an international companyAWhatBWhat aCHowDWhat an13 When will Ningyang Line open? _ next year Only 40% of it _ been builtAUntil; hasBUntil; haveCNot until; hasDNot until; have14Timmy got first prize in the Science Competition!Its not surprising _ He has worked so hard at it these yearsAMany hands make light workBEvery dog has its dayCActions speak louder than wordsDNo pain, no gain15The Chinese football team failed to enter the World Cup again_ I am not


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