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    • 1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题To preserve ones dignity, the equilibrium between widely divergent impulses has to be maintained.问题1选项A.equalityB.confusionC.distinctionD.poise【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。equilibrium表示“平衡,均衡”。A项equality“平等,相等”,B项confusion“混淆,混乱”,C项distinction“区别,差别”,D项poise“平衡,姿势”;句意:为了维护一个人的尊严,必须保持迥然不同的冲动之间的平衡。根据句意该题选D。2. 单选题The extent of a nations power over its coastal ecosystems and the natural resources in its coastal waters has been defined by two international law doctrines: free

      2、dom of the seas and adjacent state sovereignty. Until the mid-twentieth century, most nations favored application of broad open-seas freedoms and limited sovereign rights over coastal waters. A nation had the right to include within its territorial dominion only a very narrow band of coastal waters (generally extending three miles from the shoreline), within which it had the authority, but not the responsibility, to regulate all activities. But, because this area of territorial dominion was so l

      3、imited, most nations did not establish rules for management or protection of their territorial waters.Regardless of whether or not nations enforced regulations in their territorial waters, large ocean areas remained free of controls or restrictions. The citizens of all nations had the right to use these unrestricted ocean areas for any innocent purpose, including navigation and fishing. Except for controls over its own citizens, no nation had the responsibility, let alone the unilateral authorit

      4、y, to control such activities in international waters. And, since there were few standards of conduct that applied on the “open seas”, there were few jurisdictional conflicts between nations.The lack of standards is traceable to popular perceptions held before the middle of this century. By and large, marine pollution was not perceived as a significant problem, in part because the adverse effect of coastal activities on ocean ecosystems was not widely recognized, and pollution caused by human ac

      5、tivities was generally believed to be limited to that caused by navigation. Moreover, the freedom to fish, or over fish, was an essential element of the traditional legal doctrine of freedom of the seas that no maritime country wished to see limited. And finally, the technology that later allowed exploitation of other ocean resources, such as, oil, did not yet exist.To date, controlling pollution and regulating ocean resources have still not been comprehensively addressed by law, but internation

      6、al law-established through the customs and practices of nations-does not preclude such efforts. And two recent developments may actually lead to future international rules providing for ecosystem management. First, the establishment of extensive fishery zones, extending territorial authority as far as 200 miles out from a countrys coast, has provided the opportunity for nations individually to manage larger ecosystems. This opportunity, combined with national self-interest in maintaining fish po

      7、pulations, could lead nations to reevaluate policies for management of their fisheries and to address the problem of pollution in territorial waters. Second, the international community is beginning to understand the importance of preserving the resources and ecology of international waters and to show signs of accepting responsibility for doing so. As an international consensus regarding the need for comprehensive management of ocean resources develops, it will become more likely that internati

      8、onal standards and policies for broader regulation of human activities that affect ocean ecosystems will be adopted and implemented.61. According to the passage, until the mid-twentieth century there were few jurisdictional disputes over international waters because _.62. According the international law doctrines applicable before the mid-twentieth century, if commercial activity within a particular nations territorial waters threatened all marine life in those waters, the nation would have been

      9、 _.63. The author suggests that before the mid-twentieth century, most nations actions with respect to territorial and international waters indicated that _.64. The author cites which one of the following as an effect of the extension of territorial waters beyond the three miles limit?65. The passage as a whole can best be described as _.问题1选项A.few controls or restrictions applied to ocean areasB.the ocean areas were used for only innocent purposesC.the freedom of the seas doctrine settled all claims concerning navigation and fishingD.broad authority over international waters was shared equally among all nations问题2选项A.formally censured by an international organization for not properly regulating marine activitiesB.called upon by other nations to establish rules to protect its territorial watersC.able but not required to place legal limits on such commer


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