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  • 卖家[上传人]:鲁**
  • 文档编号:507017816
  • 上传时间:2022-11-08
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    • 1、Lesson PlanFor unit 6 Ive been studying history in China ( period 1)Students Book 8 (B) Go for it!Students: grade 8Period: Period 1Lesson type: ReadingDuration: 45mTeaching ideologyThe current theory views reading as an interactive process. This process does not only involve the printed page but also the readers general knowledge of the world and of the language. During the process of reading, all these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other.Based on the understanding of

      2、reading as an interactive process, an interactive model of teaching reading should be adopted to help students develop their reading strategies and increase their reading efficiency. According to the new English curriculum, language classroom should be Ss-centered. Their comprehensive language competence should be developed by listening and speaking activities before and after reading.Teaching material and learning condition The analysis of teaching materialThis reading material is from Unit 6 G

      3、rade 8B PEP Go For It. The topic of this unit is the Chinese and Australian history. The passage is narrated by an Australian, Leo, who tells his studying of Chinese history and feelings toward China in this text. Its a reading course, focusing on developing reading strategyscanning. The passage is not very difficult though it includes some new words and phrases.The analysis of learning conditionThe Ss are in their grade 8. They have learned some Chinese history in their history class, so their

      4、previous knowledge about it can lessen their difficulty of comprehension. Though Ss know little the connection between China and other foreign countries from history, they have interests in the unknown knowledge.Teaching Objectives: 1Language skillsBy the end of the class, Ss will be able to:1) find out some specific information by scanning.2) retell the connection between China and other foreign countries from history3) summarize the passage by telling Leos friend his life in China.2. Language

      5、knowledge1) Use the useful words and phrases properly as capital, Australian, European ,It is + 形容词+for(of) sb to do sth ,the morethe more,2)Make five sentences about “have been doing”3. Affectrealize the greatness and profoundness of our countrys history, and feel patriotical to our country.respect history both at home and abroad.4. Cultural awarenessknow different countries have different histories and cultures.5. Learning strategy1) Learn autonomously and cooperatively in different activities

      6、 before, during and after reading.2) Communicate actively with their partners in giving a report of different history and culture between different countries. Language focus and anticipated difficultiessome useful words and expressions as Australia, European, Jewish, thousand, Emperor, foreigner, quite, certain, the Olympic Games, be interested in, the morethe more etc.using some adjectives to describe the characteristics of history and culture both in China and Australia.predicting, scanning, r

      7、etelling (difficulties) Teaching MethodsThree-stage model (pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading)Teaching Aids: Multi-media devices, PPT documents.Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in(5mins)Activity1: free talk and pictures presentationT: We all know that China has a long history, right? How long is our countrys history?Ss: Five thousand years.T: Can you tell me something that has long history? For example, the Imperial Palace, the Great Wall. Any more?Ss:AimsThis activity is to warm up the

      8、atmosphere and activate Ss , the present of vivid pictures can arise Ss interests in this topic.Step2 Pre-reading(6mins)Activity1: pre-reading questionsPlease work in groups of four and discuss the following three questions.1. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?2. How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of? Make a list.3. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list.AimsThis activity is to activate Ss previous knowledge about

      9、China and make the comparison of history and culture between China and western countries more easily. Group-work can also activate the atmosphere of class and make Ss relaxed.Step3: While- reading (24min)Activity one: scanning (9min)Find out answers to the questions by scanning. We may have a competition between boys and girls. 1. Where is Leo from?2. Where is Leo now? 3. Whats Leos job? 4. What did Leo learn in Australia?5.How does Leo feel living in China? (The more Leo learns about Chinese history, the more he enjoys living in China.) the +比较级, the +比较级 越越你学习越认真,你的成绩就会越好The harder you study, the better your grades will be.Find out information to complete the sentences below.1. Leo has been teaching in China for two years. .2. Since Leo came to China, he has been learning a lot about


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