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    • 1、英语完形填空练习彭正良完形填空1.In a telephone survey of more than 2, 000 adults, 21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An _1_ 7% did not know which revolved around_2_. I have no doubt that_3_all of these people were_4_in school that the earth revolves around the sun;_5_may even have written it _6_ at test. But they never_7_their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的)_8_because their every day observations didnt support _9_ their teachers told them: People see the sun moving _10_ th

      2、e sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的)_11_ that is happening.Students can learn the right answers _12_ heart in class,and yet never combined them_13_their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the_14_personal understanding of the world can_15_side by side,each unaffected by the other.Outside of class,the student continues to use the_16_model because it has always worked well_17_that circumstance. Unless professors addr

      3、ess_18_errors in studentspersonal models of the world, students are not_19_to replace them with the _20_ one.1. A excessive B extraC additionalD added2. A whatB whichC thatD other3. A virtually B remarkablyC ideally D preferably4. A learned B suggestedC taught D advised5. A those B theseC whoD they6. A on B with C under D for7. A formedB altered C believedD thought8. A operation B position C motion D location9. A how B which C thatD what10.A around B across C onD above11.A since B so C while D f

      4、or12.A to B by C inD with13.A withB intoC toD along14.A adultsB teachersC scientistsD students15.A existB occurC surviveD maintain16.A privateB individualC personalD own17.A inB withC onD for18.A generalB naturalC similarD specific19.A obligedB likelyC probableD partial20.A perfectB betterC reasonableD correct【解析】1. C 语境词汇题。四个答案都有“额外”的意思,但各有偏重。A 重在表达“过量、超过正常的部分”;B 是“在一类事物之外的额外部分”;D 是“外加的”。因此只有C 答案符合本题要求:“另外有7%的人不知道是谁绕着谁转。”2. B 语法结构题。如上题所述,句中已有which,要表达“不知谁绕着谁转”的意思,只能选B 。3. A 语境词汇题。virtually“实际上地

      5、”;remarkably“很明显地”;ideally“理想地”;preferably“更适宜地”。从句意来看,只能选A 。4. C 语境词汇题。本句意:实际上,这些人在学校都学过地球绕着太阳转的。本句谓语用的是被动语态,故答案为C 。5. D 语法结构题。本题考代词。承接上句,此处应为直接代替上句中所提到的人们,所以用they。6. A 固定搭配题。此题考查固定搭配write on“记下,写下”。7. B 语境词汇题。由句中incorrect mental models一处可获得提示,“不正确的模型应该得到更正”,因此,此题选B 是正确答案。8. C 语境词汇题。此句句意为:“但他们不肯改变脑海里错误的行星运动模式。”根据语义判断,只有motion符合句意。选项中position和location都是表示静止位置的词,而行星是在不断运动中的,因此不能选。9. D 语法结构题。语法上,本题缺少的是宾语从句的引导词,在从句中作宾语,并具有自己的意义。因此,只有D what才符合题意。10.B 语法结构题。本题缺少一个介词,本句意为:“人们看到太阳越过天际,因此有了日夜更替。”能和天空搭配,

      6、并体现运动感的介词只有B across。11.C 语法结构题。本题考连词。句意为:“当这一切发生的时候,地球仿佛是静止的。”因此应选C while。12.B 语法结构题。by heart意为“用心熟记”;in heart意为“兴高采烈”,其他并无固定搭配选项。故应选B 答案。13.A 语法结构题。combine sth. with sth.(将某物与某物结合起来)。故此选A 。14.D 语境词汇题。根据文章意思,教授所提供的正确答案应该是和学生对于世界的个人理解并存。故此处应选D 。15.A 语境词汇题。如上题所述,表示存在的选项即为A 。occur“发生”;survive“存活”;maintain“维持”。16.C 语境词汇题。在课外,学生仍使用他们自己脑中的模型。A 强调“私人的”;B 指“个体的”;D 前应为形容词性的人称代词;唯有C 可以表达主观的“个人想法”之意。故此,选C 。17.A 语法结构题。能和环境circumstance一词搭配的只有A in。18.D 语境词汇题。意为:“除非教师指出学生世界观模式中的某个错误,学生是不可能摒弃自己的观点,而认可正确观点的。”由此可

      7、知,错误应是具体的,所以选D 。19.B 语境词汇题。参照上题,表示“不可能”的词组只有B 符合be likely to do的搭配。20.D 语境词汇题。参照18题,与原来错误的模型相反,当然是正确的模型。故答案为D 。完形填空2If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in your work would depend, to 2 great extent, 3 your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. 4 the utmost importance is your attitude. A person 5 begins a job convinced that he isnt going to like it or is 6 that he is going to ail is exhibi

      8、ting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure 7 his belief that he is probably as capable 8 doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt 9 it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well。 10 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A bookkeeper who cant add or a carpenter who cant cut a straight line with a saw 11 hopeless cases. This book has been designed to help you capitalize 12 the strength and overcome the 13 that you bring to the job of learning. But in groups to measure your development, you must first 14 stock of somewhere you stand now. 15 we get further along in the book, well be 16 in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 17 skills. However, 18 begin with, you


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