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专题13 阅读理解 考点3 说明文-中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)

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    • 1、中考英语真题分项汇编专题13 阅读理解 考点3 说明文China has sent the final section of its Tiangong space station into space. After a 13-hour trip, the new section, known as Mengtian, docked(对接) with Tiangong space station on the early morning of November 1st, 2022, finally completing it. The new section was launched from Hainan Island in the south of China. For years, China has been working hard to create its own space station. Last year, China began to launch three modules(舱) of Tiangong space station, one at a time.

      2、 The main module, Tianhe, was launched in April 2021. It holds the power source and main controls for the station, as well as the astronauts living area. In July 2022, China launched its first laboratory module, Wentian, which is the countrys largest ever spacecraft. The new module, Mengtian (meaning “dreaming of the heavens”), is also designed as a laboratory. It is about 18 meters long and has 8 special research areas for experiments(实验). Mengtian is set up so that experiments can also be run

      3、outside the module itself. Chinese astronauts can use special robotic arms to run experiments from inside Tiangong. Chinas space program is working with the European Space Agency on some experiments on the Mengtian, China says that one day, foreign astronauts will also be able to visit Tiangong. Tiangong space station is expected to last 10 to 15 years. Though the Mengtian module completes the station, China could add more modules in the future. Chinas space program has grown greatly in recent y

      4、ears with a series of successes. In 2020, for example, its Change 5 probe returned to the earth carrying moon rocks. Those were the first moon samples brought to the earth since the 1970s.1The meaning of the underlined word “launched” in the first paragraph is the closest to “_”.Asent upBlandedCtaken offDset up2Which module is the astronauts living area in?ATianhe.BWentian.CMengtian.DIt is not mentioned.3When was Chinas largest spacecraft launched?AIn 2020.BIn April 2021.CIn July 2022.DOn Novemb

      5、er 1st, 2022.4Which of the following statements is TRUE?ANo more modules can be docked with Tiangong in the future.BChange 5 probe brought moon rocks back to the earth in 2020.CChina created Tiangong space station together with European Space Agency.DChinese astronauts cant use robotic arms to run experiments from inside Tiangong.Seagrass, an underwater plant that grows on the ocean floor, is very important for sea life. It also helps prevent global warming by storing carbon, a harmful gas. Howe

      6、ver, scientists dont know exactly how much seagrass is at the bottom of the ocean. With the help of tiger sharks, a team of researchers has discovered the worlds largest seagrass meadow(grassland)on the seafloor near the Bahamas. Seagrass meadows are home to many different kinds of fish, shellfish, and so on. Large sea animals, such as sharks, also spend a lot of time there looking for food. Seagrass can grow in very deep and dark waters, making it difficult to find. But sharks can dive deep int

      7、o the water and get to the areas people cannot reach. After noticing tiger sharks swimming through seagrass off the Bahamas, an American scientist worked with a seagrass expert, trying to map the locations of the plants. The researchers fitted seven tiger sharks with cameras. Since tiger sharks swim in groups, they placed satellite tracking tags(卫星跟踪器)on eight other sharks to find out exactly where the animals swam. They collected hours of videos of the tiger sharks swimming through seagrass. Th

      8、e researchers found more seagrass growing near the Bahamas than they expectedin fact, they believe that there is more seagrass there than anywhere else on Earth. The new finding increased the total number of seagrass known to exist by 41%. However, more research is needed to discover the true size of the seagrass meadow. Scientists often depend on findings from divers and boats to study about the underwater world, but this team found that working with animals improved their understanding. They a

      9、re now placing cameras on sea turtles to study seagrass in the Red Sea. Hopefully, more mysteries about seagrass will be solved.5What are the scientists studying according to the passage?ASharks.BThe Bahamas.CSeagrass.DThe Red Sea.6Which italic(斜体)word has the same meaning as the underlined word “map” in Paragraph 3?AIs there a map of China in the classroom?BAmy mapped out her plans on the new project.CIt is the West lake that really puts Hangzhou on the map.DThe police have successfully mapped where the missing boy is.7What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe reason for the study.BThe method to do the research.CThe finding of the research.DThe difficulty in carrying out the study.8Why does the writer write the passage?ATo tell the importance of saving seagrass.BTo express the strong love for tiger sharks.CTo share a new way of doing un

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