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    • 1、欧陆风云3秘籍(European Storm 3 Cheats)欧陆风云3秘籍alt + 168 启动秘籍event and event id 触发某事件pirate 得到海盗? 这个我测试的时候一输入就导致游戏崩溃, 望达人解释下.cash 这个不用我说了吧, 5000大洋.the 加稳定加威望 prestigespy 得到5个间谍得到5个外交官 diplomatmissionary 得到5传教士merchant 得到5商人moreover 得到5殖民者- 增加行政专员fow (on / off), fog of war on / off 这个试验了, 没什么作用发现某个省份 discover + id provinceundiscover + id province 放弃发现的省份revolt 起义?使某个正处于研究的科技得到500个进度点 invest + technology + technology id id, 但你也可以在invest 后面加空格再写数字 (不要写太大就行, 20000差不多了)invest government _.naval _ tech invest

      2、mentinvest _ tech land(a) _ tech investment所有事件代码 (感谢wxc8888同志提供)随机事件 (event id)改国名事件 (改你控制的国家)1001 俄罗斯尼德兰西班牙 3英格兰 1004法兰西 1005意大利 management日耳曼on 波斯1009莫卧尔帝国1010爱尔兰1011大不列颠联合王国research 美利坚合众国获得核心国土 (也就是你能放出这些国家)1922 - 23 外交上的事件归为核心省份1024 - 1025 xx获得核心国土 (也就是你能放出这些国家)on 把魏北克加拿大 1025.well 路易安那州1027墨西哥1028哥伦比亚1029秘鲁1030巴西1031智利1032拉普拉特1033 - 1041外交谈判1051 首都加入神圣罗马帝国 (和本国加入一样)首都退出神圣罗马帝国 1052 - 1053before 获得选候地位1055 - 1056 失去选候地位1061 - 1064 事件稳定之类的1071 - 1076 投资事件 后面几个有低价盖房these 改国教为新教或割让罗马给教皇领the re

      3、covery 汉萨同盟事件 (第一个加入, 还有一个获得汉萨商会)1094 加一稳定from 2001 to 2007 首都改宗新教首都改宗改革教派 2011-20172006 - 2011 宗教事件, 个人建议2036的宗教叛乱 (新教vs天主教)the 国家改革事件 / 300919 国家改革事件 exup to 30 国家改革事件.22 - national 民族问题 (没问题别打. 可以选亏本或多10叛军)3071 - 3079 殖民事件 (强化殖民率)叛军 3081 - 3082there 叛军 - 3093叛军占领国土 downto 部队改革事件 3095(科技体制改拉丁人科技体制改东方宗教 4002科技体制改拉丁人 4003改革 estate, 投资成本各项 + 2选稳定或声望 building科学进展 + 选稳定或声望 award陆军投资 + 选稳定或声望 4023海军投资 + 选稳定或声望 4024选稳定或声望 降低支出 + 18贸易投资 + 选稳定或声望 analysis传教士 + 选稳定或声望 4027选稳定或声望 行政投资 + guide移民队 + 选稳定或声望

      4、 4029选稳定或声望 情报员 + phone4031外交 + 选稳定或声望4032商人 + 选稳定或声望4033税收增加 + 选稳定或声望4034人身解放 + 选稳定或声望4035质量至上 + 选稳定或声望4036 open innovation + stability or prestige4041-4042 national reform events (fairly benign)5001 Catholic5002 Protestantism5003 Sunni Islam5004 Islamic Shiites5005-5007 rebels or tax reductions50081 prestige or 50 money50091 prestige or 100 money50102 prestige or 200 money50112 prestige or 300 money50122 prestige or 500 money5013 +1000 money VS+2 prestige5014 lose popularity, +5 military tradi

      5、tion, +5 ocean tradition5015 +10 military tradition VS+1 stability +2 prestige5016-5018 unlucky (lost money or lost reputation)5019-5021 good years5022 +5 ocean earnings +3 immigration team5023 +3 merchant group5024 +3 diplomats5025 reputation or reputation two pick one5026 loss of population or pestilence502710 army tradition502812 army tradition502915 army tradition503020 army tradition5031 invested 1000 money into army 25 army tradition503210 army tradition503312 army tradition503415 army tra

      6、dition503520 army tradition5036 invested 2500 money into the Navys 25 army tradition5037 capital increase revenue or increase of reserve soldiers5038 capital increase revenue or increase of reserve soldiers5039 capital increase revenue or increase of reserve soldiers5040 stable, army +100, +50 money5041 government investment +2005042 government investment +4005043 government investment +10005044 government investment +25005045-5048 unlucky!5051 personal liberation, +15052-5053 unlucky (lost mone

      7、y or lost reputation)5054 plus reputation 15055 +3 inflation5056 obtain war reason or +60 relationship5057 capital +2 fortress5058 aristocracy politics +15059, trade shock or lose 50 money5060 stability less 15061 to +15062, the capital population growth of +10 or pioneering innovation +15063-5064 unlucky!5065 money politics +15066-5069 tax cuts5070 trade income +%505071 tax cuts5072, tax increases5073 tax base +15074 reserve soldiers5075-5081 decentralization +15082 money politics +15083 offens

      8、ive strategy, +1 quality first, +15084 quality first, +15085 prestige +55086 conservative +1 or innovation +15087, access to the core provinces5088 got a reason for declaring war (I got Poland)5089 centralized +15090-5092 lose 50 money5092 mercantilism +25093-5095 get a reason for declaring war5096, improve relations with one country5097 personal restraint or personal liberation +15098 +1 stability5099 mercantilism or free trade +16000-20 ocean traditions, +10 land traditions6001-20 land traditions +10 ocean traditions6002 attack strategy or defensive strategy +16003 centralization or decentralization60042 intelligence officer60057 rebels60067 rebels6007 territory or war6011-6015, improve national stability2001-2007, the capital to reform the Protestant Church2011-2017, the capita


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