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  • 上传时间:2022-08-20
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    • 1、The research and development of modular machine toolThe machine is a combination of a generic components and special parts of the process of high concentrated special machine. It can be a (or more), more than parts, many, many processing. The machine can complete drilling, reaming, boring, tapping, turning, milling, grinding and rolling process, high efficiency, stable machining accuracy.Combination machine tools and other special machine tool, general, has the following features:(1) combination

      2、 machine tools on the general standard of components and parts accounted for all the machine parts of 70-80%, design and manufacture of short cycle, less investment, economic effect is good.(2) the combination machine adopts many knives, and a high degree of automation, thus than general machine high production efficiency, stable product quality, low labor strength.(3) is the universal modular machine tool parts after careful design and long-term production practice, and have special test batche

      3、s, therefore the stable structure, manufacture, use and maintenance work and reliable.(4) in combination machine processing parts, with special jig, tools and equipment, processing technology and equipment, the quality of on the technical level of operators.(5) when the products processed update, using other types of special machine, its most parts to discard. In general, the combination of machine parts and standard parts can be reused, without further design and manufacturing.(6) combination m

      4、achine tools to represent combination machine tools, in order to adapt to the cycle of large-scale production needs.Although there are many advantages of modular machine tool, but also disadvantages:(1) the variability of modular machine tool, a universal reconfigured sometimes 10% 20% of the parts cant reuse, and refitted. When large quantities(2) universal modular machine tool parts not for a certain kind of machine design, it is a relatively wide adaptability. This will make the combination m

      5、achine tools, special machine is a complex structure.The classification of 1.2 combination machine toolsCombination machine tools and large portfolio is two kinds of small combination machine tools, they not only in volume and power are the size and type in structure and allocation, etc have great difference. Here, the configuration of the large combination machine tools. Large portfolio of machine configuration can be divided into three categories:1.2.1 has fixed fixture were a combination mach

      6、ine toolsThis kind of modular machine tool fixtures and workbench are stationary. To realize dynamic slide into motion, smooth realization of dynamic box on the cutting. According to the dynamic box and spindle box of resettlement way, and can be divided into the following kinds:(1) the horizontal combination machine tools (horizontal) power box,(2) vertical combination machine tools (power box installed vertically),(3) tilted combination machine tools (power box installed); tilted(4) complex co

      7、mbination machine tools (power box with the installation of two or more).Given the fixture with multistage (portable) combination machine toolsThis kind of combination machine tools installation in the jig straight moving workbench or turn on the job, and do according to certain takt time interval, make Labour movement or get conversion. This kind of machine configuration, common four.(1) with the machine moving workbench, this kind of machine can make the fixture and workpiece beeline reciproca

      8、ting movement.(2) with the rotary worktable, this machine tool fixtures and workpiece axis of rotation, round vertical can turn on the work in each workstation are usually equipped with workpiece.(3) drum machine, the machine tool for fixture and workpiece axis rotation around level can be. This machine of horizotal one-sided or horizontal commonly, but less USES double configuration of three. In addition, it also has FuSheShi except installation horizontal power components, perpendicular to the

      9、 drum rebirth in the plane of the turn power components installed.(4) the central pillar machine, the machine has the mesa of larger diameter annular rotary worktable. On the central installation, the installation power components, but also in the workbench around are installed power components, horizontal and fixture is installed in the rotary table, this machine is generally complex.1.2.3 turret spindle box type combination machine toolsTurret spindle box type combination machine tools are divided into two classes: the uniaxial turret head type combination machine tools and multiaxial turret type combination machine tools. The former head of the turret each combination can be installed a rigid surfaces. The latter turret head each combination can be installed a spindle box surface. This machine general configuration types are:(1) turn tower only realize spindle box by cutting movement, the processing components, by the sli


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