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    • 1、中文8169字 本科毕业设计 文献翻译 题 目 IP协议及IPSec协议安全分析 学生姓名 专业班级 计算机科学与技术 2003-1班 学 号 56 院 (系) 计算机与通信工程学院 指导教师 ) 完成时间 2007 年 6 月 6 日 英文原文The Analysis Of IP and IPSec Protocols Security Problem1. OSI model in time for TCP/IP protocol Overview1.1 OSI model in time for TCP/IP protocol introduce It was repose International Organization for Standardization suggest to whereas extend arisen, it broke into seven layer into to that OSI model (open system interconnection reference model). The overdone bulkiness, intric

      2、acy incur know clearly heap criticism of the is ISO constitutive OSI reference model. As shown in the following chart Application layerApplication layerPresentation layerSession layerTransport layerTransport layerNetwork layerNetwork layerData link layerNetwork interface layerPhysical layerGraphic 1.1 OSI model and TCP/IP modelThe practical application sense nope very large, thereof forsooth toward fathom network protocol interior wield did very avail out of the refer to network cannot but talk

      3、OSI reference model, notwithstanding OSI reference model. In reins network world liner, TCP/IP protocol suite obtain know clearly still for extensive application. These OSI seven layer model suffer, per layer big city provide thereon thickness with, combine one visit mouthpiece or interface. The homology hierarchy entitled peer layer of the differ mainframe of compartment. Stand for and mainframe B menses presentation layer each other for peer layer, mainframe A menses session layer and mainfram

      4、e B menses session layer each other for peer layer grade among as if mainframe A. Session layer and stand for (these double-deck function by merge to application layer realize) among at TCP/IP reference model suffer, take out know clearly OSI reference model. 1.2 TCP/IP presence frangibility It was run low of virtual security authentication and crypto system, there into up most factor namely IP address problem that IP layered major defect. R command , NFS, X window grade big city is repose IP ad

      5、dress versus user proceed authentication and authorization to among that of TCP/IP protocol with IP address came by way of network node alone one identification, heap TCP/IP serve, include Berkeley. Source IP address estimation compact technique authenticity and security among both that of currently TCP/IP cellular security mechanism primarily repose IP address WRAPT filtration(packet filtering) and authentication (authentication) technology, its validity incarnate at could warranty IP WRAPT. Th

      6、e shield, sans versus IP fold misogyny IP address authenticity authentication mechanism and security measure in of whereas IP address lie heap problem, consultative maxima shortcoming namely sans versus IP address. The shield, sans versus IP fold misogyny IP address authenticity authentication mechanism and security measure in of whereas IP address lie heap problem, consultative maxima shortcoming namely sans versus IP address.It was repose IP protocol of last, TCP subsection and UDP protocol da

      7、ta packet is encapsulation be on the security menace of IP WRAPT suffer at network upper Tran missive, wherefore sameness be confronted with IP layer station encounter that owing to UDP. Now that people all the while in thought method set, yet still avoid less namely as per TCP tie hour in at rest thrice handshake Machine-made attack. Either these attack summarize arisen include:One: source address cheat(source address spoofing) or IP cheat(IP spoofing);Two: source routing select cheat(source ro

      8、uting spoofing);Three: rip attack(rip attacks);Four: discriminate attack(authentication attacks);Five: TCP serial number cheat(TCP sequence number spoofing);Six: TCP/IP protocol data stream adopt plaintext transmission;Seven: TCP serial number BOMB attack(TCP SYN flooding attack), for short SYN attack;Eight: easy fraudulence (ease of spoofing).1.3 Network Security Both moiety end user versus thereof visit, furthermore enterprise network proper no more will exterior closed among be mainframe comp

      9、uter system suffer among it was one relatively walkway that it was resource that both that of one be indispensable to whereas important factor among Network security right through data network. Preparatory network suffer, none but calculator proper and application. Shield this resource. Confidential data by memory at one fit on glass hall. Past crypto guard make inspect weight, nothing but allowed at enterprise network. Versus heap government sector and academic institution came said, internet except one design to transponder electronic mail and proceed document transmission instrument.There be the resource completeness exposure at hacker, juggler and those hellion att


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