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初中英语人教新目标七年级下册Unit 7 话题写作指导

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    • 1、七年级英语下册Unit7话题写作指导本单元话题是weather(天气),因此写作出题围绕着“四季的天气” 展开, 结合现在进行时态, 可以介绍正在做的事情。结合单元所学,我们可以运用:1.描述天气的形容词,如sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, hot, warm, cold等来阐述不同季节的不同天气;2.结合现在进行时和一般现在时, 和天气情况,介绍人们的日常活动, 如春天天气暖和(warm), 可以野餐(go for a picnic); 夏天天气炎热(hot),可以游泳(go swimming)等。【必备词汇和短语】词汇:31.spring 春天2.summer 夏天3.fall/ autumn 秋天4.winter 冬天5.sunny 晴朗的6.rainy 下雨的7.cloudy 多云的8.windy 有风的9.snowy 下雪的10.foggy 有雾的11.weather 天气12.warm 暖和的13.hot 炎热的14.cool 凉爽的15.cold 寒冷的16.humid 潮湿的短语:1.go swimming 去游泳2.make snowmen 堆

      2、雪人3.fly kites 放风筝4.in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天5.go skating 去滑冰6.have a good/great time (in) doing sth.做某事过得愉快/玩得开心7.on (a) vacation 度假8.take photos of.给.拍照9.go for a picnic 去野餐10.go hiking 去远足11.climb the mountains爬山12.ride a horse 骑马13.row a boat 划船14.read a book 看书15.play chess 下棋16.enjoy the night view 欣赏夜景17.on the beach 在沙滩上【必备句型】1.Hows it going? 最近怎么样?2.Whats the weather like in .? = Hows the weather in .?天气怎么样?3.Now let me tell you something about.现在让我给你讲讲.4.In Beijing, spr

      3、ing is.In autumn, the weather is.在北京,春天是.在秋天,天气是.5.Can you tell me the weather in.?你能告诉我的天气吗?6.Sometimes it rains/snows hard.有时下雨/雪很大。7.The weather is rainy and wet here.这儿的天气多雨而潮湿。8.On sunny/rainy days, people can.晴天/雨天时,人们可以.9.I like the weather here because its.我喜欢这儿的天气,因为它是.10.I am happy to do.我很高兴做.11.Im have fun in.我在.玩得很愉快。【练习一】假如你是北京一所中学的学生李明,你的美国网友 Gina给你写了一封电子邮件,询问你北京一年里的天气状况。请你回复电子邮件。要求:1.内容完整,语句通顺,意思连贯:2.可适当发挥:3.词数不少于60,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Gina,Thanks for your e-mail.You ask me the

      4、weather in Beijing.So let me tell you about the weather here. What about the weather in your hometown? Hope to hear from you soon.Yours, Li Ming参考范文Dear Gina,Thanks for your e-mail.You ask me the weather in Beijing.So let me tell you about the weather here.In Beijing, there are four different seasons in a year.Spring in Beijing is warm.But its not long.In summer its hot, and it often rains.We usually go swimming in the pool.In autumn, the weather is very dry and cool.In winter, its cold and snow

      5、y.People here are interested in skiing and skating.But I like playing in the snow and making snowmen.It has a lot of fun!What about the weather in your hometown? Hope to hear from you soon.Yours, Li Ming【练习二】材料作文假设你是齐齐哈尔人,齐齐哈尔一年四季的天气怎么样呢?你一年四季的主要活动有哪些呢?请根据下表。以 The Weather in Qiqihar 为题写一篇短文。要求:1.字迹工整,表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯:2.要点必须包括所有相关信息,并作出适当发挥:3.词数:60词左右。参考范文Im from Qiqihar.Let me tell you about the weather here.In Qiqihar, spring is usually windy and a little cold.We often fly kites.Summer is very s

      6、hort but its pretty hot, and sometimes it rains.We often go shopping in the river.In auturnn, the weather is very dry and cool.We often help the farmers with their work.Winter is very long and its cold.It often snows.When it snows, we often make a snowman.I think Qiqihar is a good place to have fun.【练习三】假如你和你的家人正在山上度假,天气很凉爽,你们玩得都很高兴。你的妹妹在看一只美丽的小鸟,弟弟在和宠物狗追一只蝴蝶(butterfly),爸爸在给你们拍照,妈妈坐在树下喝水,你正在看着溪水(stream)里的小鱼们。请根据以上内容提示写一篇75 词左右的短文,介绍一下你的假日活动。参考范文My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.Its cloudy and cool today.We are having a great time.My sister is watching a beautiful bird in the tree.The bird is singing.It sounds really beautiful.My brother is running after a butterfly with our pet dog.Im watching the fish in the stream.My father is taking some photos of us.My mother is a little tired.Shes sitting under a tree and drinking some water.

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