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    • 1、高考英语应用文写作指导一、建议信建议信大体上可以分为两种,一种是别人写信来寻求你的建议,比如要举办什么活动,或者学习生活上遇到了什么困难,来信询问你的意见;另一种则是你对于某件事或某个活动的做法不同意,所以提出一些建议,2023年的全国二卷就属于这个类型。如果是他人遇到困难,和你寻求建议,首段可以这样写:Learning that you have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing, Im writing to provide you with some constructive suggestions. 听说你在.方面有困难,我来信给你提供一些建设性的建议。如果是在办什么活动,征求你的意见:Delighted to learn that you are going to hold an activity concerning., Im writing to offer you some constructive suggestions. 很高兴你将举办一个关于.的活动,我写信来给你提供一些建设性的建议。或:In reponse to your last m

      2、ail in which you asked me about., Im writing to provide you with some constructive suggestions.你上封信问我关于.的问题,我来信给你提供一些建设性的建议。如果是你自己对什么现象或方式有意见,首段可以这样写:Learning that./Noticing that., Im writing to deliver my opinions about it, hoping that this wouldnt offend you. 听说/我注意到.,来信发表一些我对于.的观点,希望这不会冒犯您。例如2023年全国II卷,你对于随机分组有意见:Learning that you would like to randomly pair students to practice oral English, Im writing to deliver my opinions about it, hoping that this wouldnt offend you.中段提供具体建议时,以下句式可以套用:It

      3、 couldnt be better if. (如果.再好不过)I would strongly recommend/suggest/advise that. 我强烈建议It is advisable to do/that. 我建议.It is wise of you to. 做.很明智It is of great benefit to do.做.很有好处My suggestion is that. 我的建议是.doing.is also helpful/ helps a lot. 做.也很有帮助。在套用这些常用句式的时候,要学会糅合进高级句式,比如not only, but also; so.that.; 非限制性定语从句,非谓等等。给建议的时候加入原因或这样做的益处,内容就会充实起来。例如,学习上遇到困难:To begin with, it is advisable of you to take an active part in class discussion, which not only deepens your understanding of the knowledge

      4、 the teacher just taught but also helps exchange ideas with your classmates. 首先,我建议你积极参加班级讨论,这不仅能加深你对刚刚老师教的知识的理解,还能与你的同学交换想法。In addition, turning to teacher for help is also helpful, for she or he is the one who knows what the key point of your problem.其次,向老师寻求帮助也很有用,因为他/她知道你问题的关键点。Ultimately, I would strongly recommend you to summarize your learning periodically. 最后,我强烈建议你定期地总结你所学。再例如,你的朋友要开展一个演讲比赛。To begin with, I would strongly recommend you to limit the speech time of each competitor, so as

      5、to prevent any extension of the activity. 首先,我强烈建议你限制每个参赛者的演讲时间,从而避免活动延时。In addition, it is of great benefit if you could invite your oral English teacher for help, who could give guidance to attendees tone and pronunciation. 其次,如果你能邀请你的口语老师参加将很有好处,他可以给予参与者语调与发音方面的指导。Ultimately, it couldnt be better if any prize is set for the first, second and third places, for which every competitor would be motivated to try their best. 最后,如果给第一二三名设置个奖项就再好不过了,为了它每个参与者都会被激励以最努力的方式参赛。最后尾段,提出希望这些建议有用即可。可以直接套用:I w

      6、ould appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration.Or: I do hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.二、求助信求助信用于生活上、学习上、校园活动上碰到了困难,所以写信向他人求助。内容主要写清困难的具体内容。1.首段,点明写作目的。遇到困难I have such difficulty (in) doing.that I am writing to ask for your help.可以灵活用倒装的,还可以倒装成:Such difficulty do I have (in) doing.that I am writing to ask your help.寻求指导With. around the corner, I am writing to ask for your guidance on. e.g.I have such difficulty dealing with physics that I am writing to ask

      7、for your help.我应对物理问题有很多困难,所以写信寻求你的帮助。Such difficulty do I have in focusing my attention during class that I am writing to ask for your help.我上课如此的难以集中注意力,所以写信寻求你的帮助。With the Outdoor Music festival around the corner, I am writing to ask for your guidance on how to prepare for it. 随着户外音乐节的来临,关于如何为此做准备方面,我写信来寻求你的指导。2.中间段描述具体问题与内容。如果是学习上遇到困难:What I am scared of most in physics is that I often couldnt be able to solve the questions concerning strength and friction.我物理中最害怕的是我不能解决有关于力与摩擦力的问题。What I am

      8、 scared of most in English is that I often couldnt be able to write a short essay. 我英语中最害怕的是我不会写小短文。Worse still, not only do I fail to understand the theories, but also coundt apply what the teachers have taught to other similar problems.更糟糕的是,我不仅不能够理解理论知识,还不能将老师所授知识应用到其他类似问题中。Most importantly, so difficult is this subject that I have trouble focusing in the class. 如果生活上遇到困难,如不能适应大学生活。So new does everything seem to me that I find it difficult for me to adjust myself to the campus life. (前面句子正常语序

      9、:Everything seems so new to me that.)每样东西对我来说都是新的,我发现我很难调整我自己以适应校园生活。Worse still, not only do I concerned about how to make new friends, but also have difficulty in staying focused during classes. 更糟糕的是,我不仅担忧如何去交新朋友,还在上课的时候无法集中注意力。Mostly importantly, what I am good at during the high school becomes meaningless in the college, making me extremely anxious and worried.最重要的是,我在高中擅长的东西到大学里就变得无意义了,使我非常的焦虑与担忧。在举办活动中寻求指导,如办一个户外音乐节。任何一个活动,都可以套用Aimed at., be scheduled to be held on.at.这个句式。Aimed at inspiring more students to fall in love with music, an Outdoor Music festival is scheduled to be held this Sunday at the Sunshine park. 为了激励更多的学生爱上音乐,一个户外音乐节计划于本周日在阳光公园举办。During the festival, not only will we want to have students appreciate the beauty of mus


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