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GRE作文-ISSUE习作+提纲issue syllabus

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  • 文档编号:505051604
  • 上传时间:2023-05-08
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  • 文档大小:153KB
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    • 1、Issue1203Issue404Issue1365Issue706Issue1737Issue18Issue1689Issue19610Issue14711Issue512Issue12113Issue13114Issue6415Issue22516Issue817Issue18418Issue21819Issue23520Issue20321Issue12622Issue11823Issue3024Issue16025Issue17426Issue226Issue327Issue3627Issue6127Issue11928Issue19028Issue11429Issue10830Issue120 So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present. With the advancement of technologies and the development o

      2、f societies, its undeniable that our life has been experiencing unprecedented changes, which inevitably make life new and complex. However, looking back for an understanding of the past, also studying history, can help us understand our society and the world, can help us to perceive what is yet to come, can provide us knowledge and determination to achieve our goals, so how can the speaker totally overlooks the importance of studying the past in our life?Confessedly, our contemporary life indeed

      3、 encounters some new and complex situations, for which the past can hardly give direct explanations. Now, we have automobiles and computers, also, we have to face accidents caused by automobiles and computer viruses, both of which couldnt occur in the past, and therefore studying the past seems valueless for solving such new problems. Besides, new technologies bring about some controversial issues in our life. For example, reproductive cloning would involve making cloned human beings. Whether th

      4、is technology should be admitted causes a severe debate on ethic.However, one has to realize that from studying the past, we can obtain many benefits. First, studying history can help us acquire a better understanding of the present. Sometimes it maynt offer any direct answers to our existing questions, but we can still obtain some useful insight or ideas from history, which may help us to solve present problems. With regard to the previous cloning problem, although history doesnt give us any de

      5、finite answers, from history, we know that the interpersonal relationships and personal histories are typical characters to distinguish different people, so should a never-conscious life created by cloning technology be existent in this world? Also in some cases, history definitely provides solutions to our contemporary doubts. For example, why American society is capitalistic while Chinese society is socialistic? Only through studying history can one get the correct answer. Secondly, studying h

      6、istory can help us to perceive what is yet to come. Materialist tells us that the change of everything has its own law, so if we desire to what shall happen, we have to find these laws. While history is a good and feasible way for to study these laws, just as a famous English philosopher once said, “He that would know what shall be must consider what hath been.”Besides, studying history can give us sufficient nutrition, which may benefit our daily life, study, work and even our life goals. Georg

      7、e Pattonhelp growth. Nelson Mandelamoral understanding.Issue40 Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem. “Science must not be a selfish pleasure. Those who have the good fortune to be able to devote themselves to scientific pursuits must be first to place their knowledge at the service of humanity.”

      8、 Karl Marx once said. These words cogently express that all the scholars and researchers should and must try their best to contribute our society through their scientific work, although, on the other hand, I concede that individual interests play a vital role in the scientific research; moreover, some scientists make contributions to society only because of accidents not desired purposes.“Love is the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light”, said by a famous English writer. This vivid compari

      9、son reveals the importance of interest in study and research. As for scholars and researchers, individual interests are more crucial. Because there is no royal road to science, so when exploring science, one has to encounter series of difficulties, without strong interest, one can hardly persist in his pursuits. Besides, its well known that interest is the best teacher; its not only the beacon which can light ones way but also the illuminati who can give one inspiration. Furthermore, many influential discoveries and inventions which largely change our life result in accidental affairs. For example, the discovery of the principle of buoyancy totally attributed to an accidental phenomenon which occurred when Archimedes bathed.However, the real object of science is to benefit human bein

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