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    • 1、吴争首字母SECTION 解题秘籍+详解吴争老师原创转贴请注明出处关注吴争,关注吴争老师个人工作室, 请加qq群131070096 交流中高考英语学习,生活。我们在一起。预祝各位学生学习开心,学业进步。吴争个人微信号:onlywuzheng 吴争老师新浪围脖:吴争老师与中高考答题步骤: 阅读全文(粗读和细读) 判断所缺单词词性 填出使文章完整通顺的单词 检查所填单词的数和时态解题重点: 词性(尤其是长句); 上下文; 固定搭配 积累高频词汇;复查语法注意事项:1 会判断词性,具备分析句子的结构和成分能力2 关注细节(时态,语态,人称,名词单复数,形容词副词的级)3一般全文中5-6个单词相对比较简单,可顺利填出4 要学会猜测单词,不留空格5 不要在一时拿不定主意的词上纠缠解题难点: 考纲词汇生僻或冷门词汇;一词多义的词;实战秘籍最牛揭示:1. 关注特征题目I. 具特征: L_, H_, S_,B_,A_. ,. . 或T_.,. . (前后半句有反意的信息) 果断填写1.(13普陀) It was quite difficult, and I had to study very hard

      2、. L 88 , I got a good mark in the exam in the end.2. (13浦东一模) H _90_ , Ross Anderson, a computer security engineer at the University of Cambridge, thinks the i _ _91_ could put Microsoft in big trouble.3. (13浦东二模) Its not easy for us to forgive(原谅) someone who has ever hurt you or made you disappointed. H 86 , several new studies say that it could be good for your health.4. (11上海) B_96_, you need to make up a story.5. (13长宁) A_87_ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immed

      3、iately.6.(13奉贤)A_89_ the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a bad influence.Keys: 1. Luckily 2. However 3.However 4.Besides 5. Although 6. Although II. 具特征much/even_ than 加形容词比较级1.(13奉贤)The Internet makes it much e_86_ for people to search for information. 2.(13松江)“Goods online are often much c _ 88_ . It also saves me a lot of time.3. (13杨浦) Some pop groups find that m 86 people listen to their songs on their mobile phones than they do on CDs. So many people

      4、 have mobile phones that sometimes you dont know when your phone rings.4. (13杨浦二模)When there is only one parent, of course the responsibilities of looking after the children are much h_89_ for him or her.Keys: 1.easier 2. cheaper 3.more 4.heavierIII. 具特征w_ doing i_ of doing1.(13崇明) You will be able to review your teachers lecture w_92_ even getting online again.2.(崇明二模)One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like w 96 having all the modern inventions.3. (青浦二模) Many parents

      5、always do almost everything for their children i_ of lettingthem know how to be independent.Keys: 1.without 2. without 3. insteadIV. 具特征w_ A or B e_ A or B1.(中考模拟)In this way, they could find out w_ the stranger was a friend or an enemy. 2.(13闸北二模)In all, 50% of Wayview students get to school in a vehicle, e 88 the bus or a car.Keys: 1. whether 2. eitherV. 关注转折词 in fact, but, however 一般前后意思相反1.(崇明二模)“Life is speeding up. Everyone is becoming unwell.” This may sound like something someone would s

      6、ay t 92 . But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD 53 wrote it.Keys: 1. todayVI. 具颠覆整句句意的词:h_, s_, r_1.(中考模拟) 80% British people who take part in the survey feel that their neighbours h_ pay attention to others feelings. 2.(12徐汇)“I dont see whats so interesting about these hutongs. The streets are too narrow- I could h_91_ drive my car down them.3. (12静安)At home, girls learned washing, cooking, dancing, and the basics of taking care of a household. Poor children s 91 attended schoo

      7、l. 4.(13虹口二模) I like driving, just out of pleasure. Its lucky that I s_ drive without a passenger. So I can earn three or four thousand yuan a month easily.Keys:1. hardly 2. hardly 3. seldom 4.seldomVII. 具修饰整句子的副词: r_, e_ 1.(中考模拟)But have all these developments r 93 improved the quality of our lives?2. (12浦东)Nobody knows e 88 how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing.Keys: 1.really 2. exactly2. 注意平行结构 A and B 特点 1词性相同 II意思相近or 相反 变式:逗号, or, but, better than, rather than, from A to B1.(13普陀一

      8、模)I got on the plane with ten other passengers. We took off from the runway and c 90 higher and higher.2.(13奉贤)But remember to use the Internet p_92_ and wisely.3.(13崇明)In an online classroom your teachers lecture is written rather than s_88_.4.(12上海) Cycling with a large guided group is better than r_92 _ alone.5. (12 黄浦) Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. In competitions, there are always w 90 and losers.6.(13浦东一模)Microsoft is developing a new software that could accurately guess your name, your age, your s 87 and possibly even your location.7.(11杨浦)“Dont throw out your o 93 running shoes. They are better than modern ones,” the study suggests.8.(13浦东二模)They also have fewer headaches, l 90 blood pressure(血压), and fewer problems on sleeping.9. (12宝山)It has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred windows. Visitors can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b_87_ to very near the top of the build


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