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    • 1、Unit 1 Good evening and welcome to .Vocabulary TaskScript and Answers1. A: May I have your attention, please? Thank you for coming. Were very glad you could make it. Tonight we are celebrating an agreement between A&A Limited and M&N Technologies, Incorporated to participate in a joint venture. . and so it is an honor to introduce Mr. Tony Blair, president of A&A Limited.B: Thank you, Dr. Lawrence. Its a pleasure to be here. Ladies and Gentlemen, we at A&A are also excited about .(Half an hour l

      2、ater)A: Thanks a lot Mr. Blair for a remarkable speech. Thank you.B: Thank you, Dr. Lawrence. Thank you for your time.2. A: Hey, Nancy, is that you? I cant believe it! Heard any good presentations?B: Not one. None of them is my cup of tea. Im bored to death.A: Is that right? Why not?B: You know, Ive been working for over thirty years. Theres nothing new here. These presentations cant tell me anything new. Whats worse is that tomorrow Ill have a desk full of papers to work on. Say, youve just com

      3、e back from the States, havent you?3. A: Isnt that the guy my son is crazy about? But I never knew his name.B: Hes Larry King, the famous talk show host who is a household name. He always presents quite a variety of points of view when you listen to him.A: But, Ive really got a thing about some talk show hosts. They sometimes are very rude to those who have opposing ideas.B: I usually enjoy listening to them. I particularly like it when a caller disagrees with the host. I like to hear how he wil

      4、l defend his ideas.4. A: Say, Tom, I really enjoyed the piece you had in the paper last week. Youve really worked your way up since I met you on Bobs wedding day.B: Thanks. Im so flattered. But its always nice to have a pat on the back once in a while.A: You deserve it. I cant say that for all journalists, however.B: Im sorry to admit that many reporters are giving the profession a bad name.5. A: Judy, Id like you to meet our new business associate. He will be responsible for the project of “Gol

      5、den Apple” program.B: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wang. Im happy to say that the project is now well under way. But we still appreciate your cooperation.C: The pleasures mine, Judy. Your work is wonderful.B: Thank you for saying so. Would you please follow me to the office? The fellow workers are all waiting for us.Listening Task2. Listening Activity1) First ListeningAnswers1. Dan Quayle / Republican Vice-President2. Al Gore / Democratic Senator3. James Stockdale / Retired Vice-Admiral2) Second Lis

      6、teningAnswers1. two-minute opening statement2. the issues to be discussed are presented by the moderator3. a-minute-and-fifteen-second response to the issues under discussion4. five-minute discussion period5. order of response to the issues under discussion is determined by a drawing6. two-minute closing statementScript and Answers to Self-studyIntroduction to the vice-presidential debateGood evening from Atlanta and welcome to the (1) vice-presidential debates, (2) sponsored by the Nonpartisan

      7、Commission on presidential debates. Its being held here in the (3) Theater for the Arts on the campus of Georgia Tech. Im (4) Hal Bruno from ABC News and Im going to be moderating(主持) tonights debate.(5) The participants are Republican Vice-President Dan Quayle, (6) Democratic Senator Al Gore, and Retired Vice-Admiral(中将) James Stockdale, who is the (7) vice-presidential nominee for independent(中立派) candidate Ross Perot.Now, the (8) ground rules for tonights debate. Each candidate will have two

      8、minutes for (9) an opening statement. I will then (10) present the issues to be discussed. For each topic the candidates will have a minute and fifteen seconds (11) to respond. Then this will be followed by a five-minute discussion period in which they can ask questions of each other if they so choose.Now, the order of response has been determined (12) by a drawing and well rotate with each topic. At the end of the debate, each candidate will have two minutes for a closing statement. Our radio a

      9、nd TV audience should know that the candidates were given (13) an equal allocation of auditorium seats for their supporters, so Id like to ask the audience here in the theater to please (14) refrain from applause or any partisan demonstration once the debate is under way because it takes time away from the candidates.So, (15) with that plea from your moderator, lets get started and well turn first to Senator Gore for his opening statement.Real World Listening1. PredictAnswer A very popular weekly small-talk program on television.2. Get the Main IdeasAnswersItem 1:1. Jackie Chan Subject of the program2. Larry King Host of the program3. Simon Director, checking the arrangement4. Amanda Production assistant to the director5. Jason Looking after the guestsItem 2:1. No 2. No 3. No 4. Not Given 5. YesScriptThis is your life!This


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