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    • 1、2022年高中英语Unit1SchoolLifeWordPower1Part Two: Teaching Resources第二部分 教学资源Word PowerLanguage points1. I need to see the headmaster in the office building我需要到办公楼见校长。( p6 )need用法归纳(1)用作情态动词,只用于疑问句或否定句,没有时态变化,后接动词原形一Need he go at once?一Yes,he must. (No,he neednt.) You neednt hand in your homework now.(2)用作实义动词,可用于各种句型,有时态变化,后接动词时用to do形式Animals like cats and dogs dont need to hibernate in winter. Did they need to do it yesterday?(3)表达“不需要做某事”时,可用三种形式You neednt borrow money from him.You dont need to bo

      2、rrow money from him.You dont have to borrow money from him.(4)need用作及物动词,后跟动名词,表示被动含义Whose chair needs fixing?(needs to be fixed) My hair needs washing badly. (needs to be washed)2. Then I should see the canteen next to the swimming pool. ( p6 ) 然后我就该看到紧挨游泳池的餐厅了。should此处表示推测,估计可能性较大,意为“可能”“该”“按理应当”。2 They should be there by now,I think.3 You should be able to see the Alps from here;theyre only a few miles away.4 The report is written after careful investigation,so it should be reliable.相关高考试题 (N

      3、METl998)一When can I e for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon一They_ be ready by 12:00.A. can B. should C. might D. need解析:由对话情景可知,答话人觉得到12点就可以准备好,但又没有十足的把握,所以需用B项,表示“应该、估计可以”之意,而A项用于表示理论上的可能性或“有时会”之意,C项语气太不肯定。答案:B3. Whether students want to get fit or just want some fun,they can use our gym. ( p7 ) 不管学生想锻炼身体还是想随便玩玩,他们都可以使用健身房。whether在本句中引起让步状语从句,意为“不管还是”。此外whether还可表示“是否”之意,引导主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句及用在不定式前。Whether he drives or takes the train,hell be here on time.Whether my parents agree or

      4、not,I will study abroad.I dont know whether/if it is trueIt matters little whether he likes it or not. The question is whether people will buy it.The question whether we should hold the meeting must be decided soon.I dont know whether to go or stay. 4. For students who live far away from home,our dormitories are also the highest standards. ( p7 )对离家远的学生来说,我们的宿舍也是最高标准的。Standard n. 1) a level or degree of quality that is considered proper or acceptable: Our teacher sets high standards for us. The

      5、design is of very high standard.2) sth. fixed as a rule for measuring weight , value , purity ,etc.: The government has an official standard for the purity of silver. adj. ordinary ; of the usual kind ; not rare or special: This is the standard work on the subject. This is the standard pronunciation. These nails e in 3 standard sizes.the standard of living up to the standard above the standard below the standardbe+of+n.常用于表示人或事物具有的性质、特征或所属。New Zealand wine is of high quality.Coins may be of diff

      6、erent sizes,weights,shapes,and of different metals.They are of great help to learners of English.It is of no use talking to him about it.They were of the same age.Copper is of reddish-brown colour.He is of medium height.5. We make sure that students are taken good care of on campus. ( p7 ) 我们确保学生在校园里得到很好的照料。make sure of / that : 1) to find out for certain确定When you leave the room,make sure that all the lights are turned off. Have you made sure of the time of the train? 2) to arrange so设法Make sure that you get here.c.f. be sure to do一定会;必定Be sure to write and tell me all the news. Its sure to rain.be sure of/ about肯定;有把握I am sure of his success.Im sure that hell succeed.for sure肯定地;毫无疑问地; 用做状语I know for sure that he was dead.


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