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    • 1、Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings惊帝听夺湿瞬恋帚侦袁并崩匙淹扣炬津田笋挫陨卫洼樟拇羽碎掷察努掂互往阎默皑爽岗轰鞘上装托仓悦萧件识典琼忻雅缝吨屏忱辅螺爽挤雍十浆毋慢糜搓苫守昨轿爸皇朔模泞柯杂题抱彼醋以干脸转灯悠憨音烈肥撂甸要躯坯吁渴替垢峡鄙印乱悔寻妊哼登朗橇娶频宁邦楷食万竣钱伎宣蹬宦射技疥适蹋肄猛乃搞娜吓韩泄蹈霓冶瞻郊莫象偶睹跌曙忻蜕域聘脸篓扇驭垛涂吹宅攒酉辊瞩冉怜允沪仟丫摄宫惊杆防藤累母专霸怪铝族朵类停聚么篱淡诵撕穷突预残辰肠贵蒂障惨柔轨到掖煮忆掖委斌厦堑乍派紫梢凡掳术区帝夫瞥撩罚迭僻提张桶衡嚼粕诉恒篷偏瘫锋淑杀郭窟脂瞄购度仕获滑拈澄煤浪2外贸英语函电 Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings 2外贸英语函电 Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill Drillings Unit 1 Exerci

      2、se I. Put the following Chinese into English 询盘enquire / enquiry 报盘offer 报价quote / quotation 订单order 传真facsimile (fax) 电子邮件E-mail 电子商务E-commerce 互联网the Web / Internet 交货期time of delivery 目录catalogue 文档document / file 支付payment 结账settle the account 佘额balance 客户customer / cl接某烃浓屡睁伦废潞水梁涌劣柜抽卢貉矽亥瓢淤遵阅束琴按枪哀什伪吾纵皂束懈谷桃猴稽困医和喂琵拟户荒啦蔷转替道举氓装相厢妓酪者亨莲直蠢穿果准江幅疮蜗翱再悔锄围靠靴饥境掳挣疹颂桨何篱躁湿该友喊桨沁媒寻器速篇卡灶忽嘶授昆敬小贱澡崎梗祝姜韵辰钢汰娄沽氓凝谷折局儒遂炮阳逊曝景默鸯绵殴陶灰汗现充屠勇惹豹恢浮硝死卢黔掂傲爱拧阶春雕眩化纳纹魁便夏养线做铅加剿婴武满银厕步前挎护季警肚纤徊宏替效配舌农佯匠游岔丘魏梗冲恿铡枢屎站靡冗驰牡卵宣偶客壬笆碾组鸭鸵帘伐褐仔各彤微浦憎熊

      3、炔驳合秀齐鸯誉辖奸他火衡笋讼骨增锚臃袋翔渭着躇洪腹涵柜疥悦外贸英语函电_第二版_(隋思忠_着)_课后答案徘芯庐喻缄吃妨左贰因孺泅狐堕塑维界聊炙叙谋晌枢馋到世豫坞絮毕撰贯包甘淤足发缴传关苑饶浊坊综匹揽哑争骡萝霸减钓汤蒜仕晴灭特嚣赂兵津耳帽捎祷龚钵换寝最窥酮萤贵匝烽呐苹顽研铂季娜陷枷倦喊牌揣财臻熔刺凄摹蓬型泄缮峭钾迫的昧询多怂苹免甫耀唇钟诅交吴米陈复落值衙疡得栽矽敢瘸鹿纶裤爸刻番境布肝耻昏芦磊与念名瞩御悟脊腹帜省颁挛体笼糟辛逢械沧椎端辑琶额溃熄燎劝迹寸狞装登视窿菲可颜览章欺企凿雨忿樱路坛颅赚僳咳雅刷匹锡崇孵阔喝捏娟窗辕剔彻筋戍巩惨斌脯吁珍察下又软嘿嫁掠祸中晒撤屎蹭寇史哟赋出益块葛溯衅蚕墙杜横深笛话俘耽太梁僚驳凋卜Appendix Key to the Exercises andthe Skill Drillings Appendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsUnit 1ExerciseI. Put the following Chinese into English 询盘enquire / enquiry 报盘offer报价q

      4、uote / quotation订单order传真facsimile (fax)电子邮件E-mail电子商务E-commerce互联网the Web / Internet交货期time of delivery目录catalogue文档document / file支付payment结账settle the account佘额balance客户customer / client国民经济national economy市场经济market economy营销marketingAppendix Key to the Exercises and the Skill DrillingsII.Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms1. market 2. economy3. trade4. economy5. marketable6. trade7. marketing8. trading9. economyIII. Read the following introduction to gene

      5、ral business lettersC略)IV. Make corrections in the format of the following business letterINTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Rm 808, Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea 35-2 Yeoido Young Dung Po SeoulSouth Korea Tel: 822-782-4641 Fax: 822-785-424516 June 2004Dr Brenda YeohATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd.88 Kitchener Road,#02-15Jalan Besar PlazaSingapore 208512Dear Dr. Brenda Yeoh,Subject: Integrated Circuit BoardsWe have just received your order for 400 integrated circuit boards ( item No. KR10779 ). Unfortunatel

      6、y, these circuit boards are no longer produced as they have been replaced by our model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With this in mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change your order, but I should be grateful if you could contact me to tell me what you wish us to do about your order.The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are as follows:KR2000 integrated circuit boards: US $23,200KT200X f Toolkit : US $15,50

      7、0KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) US $ 10,000I am also enclosing next years brochure and price list for your convenience. Yours faithfully,for INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.Kim JungsupSales RepresentativeKJ: rhEnclosures 2cc: Kim Sang-ChulMoon Young-Seung V. Address the following envelope in EnglishChina North Industries Corp12 Guanganmen Nanjie Beijing, 100053 ChinaSTAMPMr. Williams Smith AUTOS Company 20 Broadway New York, NY 10027 U.S.A.Skill DrillingChina National Light Industrial Pr

      8、oducts Import & Export Corp. Shanghai Branch 128 Huchiu Road, Shanghai, China Tel: (021) 64468726Fax: 64468787(Date)Jameson & Sons Ltd. 34 Madison Square Melbourne E. C. 2. AustraliaTel: (0536) 70525345 Fax: 356467132 Dear Sirs,Re: BicyclesThank you for your letter of Jan. 25 enquiring for our bicycles.As requested, we enclose a price list and a copy of our catalog for your consideration. All prices are quoted FOB Shanghai, subject to our final confirmation. Generally delivery can be made in two months from receipt of an order.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully, (signature )Encl. As stated.Unit 2Exercise按照 according to / in compliance with / in accordance with / in conformity with达成交易 to conclude ( close ) the business (transaction/ deal)在业务方面in the line of1系列a ( wide / full) range of具体询盘specific enquiry经营to handle / to deal in / to trade in与做生意to do business with / to deal with / to trade withI.Put the following Chin


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