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    • 1、三年级描写人的英语作文导语:如果让你为一个人写篇作文,你最想写谁呢?下面是YJBYSf乍文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望 对您有所帮助。描写人的英语作文(1)In my mind, there are many people who is worth I admire, but there is a pers on of character, and make my life long ben efit - clea ner.Remembern the cold morning, on myway to school, vaguely see a person, the man with a broom in sweep ing the floor. Walk into a look, tur ned out to be clea ner. Just the n, I thought: such a cold day, the clea ner in sweep ing the floor, is n& #39;t it cold? Saw her weari ng a unifo

      2、rm, with masks, left hand holdi ng a broom, her right hand to the dustpa n, thor n face brings her ears are red.Her left hand holdi ng a dustpa n, right hand holdi ng a broom, and patie nee and carefully. She sweep up the stole n goods, and sweep up the piece of stolen goods, such action also don't know how to repeat again. Look, her hands how tacit understanding! If dustpan full, carefully pour into the truck, afraid to drive just sweep clean and dirty. Pour out, and then bega n to sweep. I

      3、 see from her eyes, she is how I hope you will no Ion ger throw stole n goods, keep the road clea n. At this time, the wind is blowing, blow the roads and dirty. The cleaners helplessly say: "alas, true can& #39;t, I n eed to sca n aga in.&qu ot; And the n, call forth spirit said: "it doesn't matter, I will be able to finish cleaning!"Then Saul again, and this time, she first sweep rubbish,and dustpa n sweep the garbage into the dustpa n. Full use broom mouth, don't let th

      4、e junk, and into the truck. I think: it can save more time, sweep the garbage out. Thinking about thinking, cleaner to sweep out the rubbish. I don& #39;t went into his YouZi ceas ing, laugh in gly said: "that's very kind of you! I want to learn from you that silently dedicati on spirit !&qu ot; Clea ners liste ned, smili ng eyes.This is the pers on I admire most. On eday, a pers on in sile ntly every day. Is the person's character is not worth me to learn?在我的脑海里,有许多人值得我佩服,但有一个人的品格,

      5、使我终生受益一一 清洁工。记得在寒冷的早晨, 在上学的路上, 隐隐约约看到一个人, 那个人拿着扫帚 在扫地。走进一看,原来是清洁工。就在这时候,我想:这么冷的天,清洁工在 扫地,难道不冷吗 ?只见她穿着制服, 带着口罩, 左手拿着扫帚, 右手拿着簸箕, 刺脸的风把她的耳朵都吹红了。她左手拿着簸箕, 右手拿着扫帚, 认真而又耐心的扫着。 只见她把这片赃物 扫起来,又把那片赃物扫起来,这样的动作也不知道要重复多少遍。再瞧,她的 双手配合的多么默契呀 ! 要是簸箕满了,就小心翼翼地倒进垃圾车里,生怕把刚 刚扫赶净的地又弄脏了。倒完了,就又开始扫了。我从她的眼睛里看到,她是多 么希望大家不再乱扔赃物,保持道路昔日的干净。这时,大风吹来,把道路又吹 脏了。这位清洁工无奈的说: “ 唉,真没办法,我又要重新扫了。 ” 接着,又振起精神说: “ 没关系,我一定能扫完的 !” 说完又开始扫 了,这回,她先把垃圾扫在了一起,又拿簸箕把垃圾扫进簸箕里。满了就用扫帚 挡住口,不让垃圾掉下来,再到进垃圾车里。我想:这样能够节约多点时间,把 垃圾扫完。想着想着,清

      6、洁工就把这些垃圾扫完了。我不犹自住地走进他,笑盈 盈地说:“您真好!我要向您学习那种默默奉献的精神!”清洁工听了, 眼睛笑眯眯的。这就是我最敬佩的人。 一个每天起早贪黑、 默默奉献的一个人。 难道这个人 的品格不值得我去学习吗 ?描写人的英语作文 (2)My grandmother sixty years old this year, how many there are in the black hair several clusters of white hair.Grandmais very hardworking. Into the grandma's home, always feel special clean orderly, spotless. Because my grandmother put off once a day. Listen to mamasaid, the grandmother is diligence and hard work. When he was young in the mother or child,

      7、grandpa work is very busy, the grandmother not only to do the field work, to do all the housework at home, to take care of her three daughters. At eleven o 'clock every night to sleep more, and the next day was up at five o 'clock. But my grandmother always complaint or regret.Grandma didn't go to school, also don't have much culture, but the grandmother know truth is much larger than we are! She told us, be tolerant, not haggle over every ounce and hurt you. Listen to mamasaid,

      8、when I was a child my grandmother for their three sisters is very strict, especially in terms of behavior, but the grandmother is never call them.I think, the grandmother to cultivate three college students in the past rural, also is really not easy!My grandmother is a studious person, although have not read a book, but can read. My grandma's booked the ningbo evening news, she every day to read the newspaper carefully again. Sometimes see some useful information to us, can also speak to us.

      9、Grandmalikes cousin, cousin and I. Every word she said to us, is very kind of kind, but more let us convinced her. When it was time to do the homework, and my grandmother always said: "do your homework?" We will consciously to do the homework. When we make mistakes, the grandmother never scold us, but in her kind eyes, we hope we realize his mistakes. Grandmother home, everything is well organized, well even after nap grandmother give us the snack is ready to let I like it.My grandmother is such a capable person. I grew up must to return my grandmother with my best grades.我的外婆今年六十岁了,乌黑的头发中多少也有了几簇白发 .外婆很勤劳 .走进外婆家,总觉得特别的干净有序, 一尘不染. 因为外婆每天 要拖一次地 .听妈妈说,外婆年轻时更是勤劳和辛苦 .在妈妈还是小孩时, 外公工 作很忙,外婆非但要做田里的活, 还要在家做所有的家务, 去管好她的三个女儿 . 每天晚上十一点多才能睡觉,而第二天五点就要起床 . 可外婆总是无怨无悔 .外婆没上过学,也没多少文化,可是外婆懂得的道理比我们多得多 ! 她告诉 我们,做人要宽容,不能斤斤计较而伤了大家的和气 . 听妈妈说,小时候外婆对 她们三姐妹很严厉,特别是在行为习惯方面, 但是外婆从来是不打她们的 . 我想, 外婆能在过去的农村培养出三个大学生,也真是不容易 !外婆是个好学的人, 虽说没读过书,可是能认字 .外婆家订了宁波晚报 , 她


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