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    • 1、腾云联盟20222023学年度第一学期高三年级十二月联考高三英语答案第一部分:听力部分(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5: AABBC 6-10 : CAACB 11-15:BACBC 16-20:CCCBA第二部分:阅读 (共两节,每小题2.5分,满分50分) 21-23 CDB 24-27 CBCD 28-31 CDBA 32-35BADC 36-40 BGFCA 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41-45 CBABD 46-50 DCADB 51-55 CDABC第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. sharpest 57. particularly 58. expected 59. lacked 60. rising 61. to 62. a 63. whom 64. policies 65. to lower第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)Music and MeMusic has changed my life. Two years ago, I found mysel

      2、f going through a tough time. My grades dropped, my passion for studies faded and even my friends and teachers didnt understand me. There was nobody I could pour my heart out to, so I felt extremely depressed. But lucky for me, I found a wonderful cure-music. It suddenly entered my dark world like the sunlight in the sky, which brightened my day. From then on, I have been a big music fan for I am well aware that music has a magic power which helps us get rid of all unwanted thoughts, anxieties,

      3、and stress from our lives. Without any doubt, music is a great medicine for healing the wounds of our minds.第二节(满分25分)I knew what needed to be done. I trudged through the snow to the woods behind our house. And then I found the most beautiful, perfectly shaped pine tree! I had found our Christmas tree. Then I made a tree and set it up on our back porch. Digging through our Christmas decorations, I found strands of lights and began untangling them as my father had done so many Christmases past. I

      4、 thought it was one of the most beautiful trees I had ever seen. Having that tree kept my dad with us throughout the holiday seasonour first without him.For me, the best gift that year was seeing the expression on my mothers face when she saw the tree twinkling in the dark. As tears streamed down her face, I said, “Merry Christmas, Momma.” With that, she gathered me up in such a warm embrace that I can still feel it to this day. Now, almost five decades later, that holiday still holds a very spe

      5、cial place in my heart for I was able to bring Christmas home that year for both my mother and me. And what a wonderful gift it was. 1-20 见听力文本21. C 理解具体信息 题干问的是“什么信息是包含在教育背景中的?”根据题干,我们将解题信息定位到第一段黑体部分第二个小点“Educational background”。根据including the institutions youve attended, courses taken and qualifications gained 可知,C选项qualifications是包含在内的。22. D 理解具体信息 题干问的是“根据文章,在写个人陈述时什么是重要的?”,据此,将解题信息定位到第一段黑体部分第五个小点“Personal statement”。根据“write a well-structured, well-argued case”可知,个人陈述需要结构清晰,论证有力,对应选项D。ABC均

      6、未提及。23. B 理解具体信息 题干问的是“以下哪项在填求职申请表的时候是被建议做的?”根据第二段“Demonstrate your passion for the company or job”可知,要表现出对应聘单位或岗位的热情,即B项正确。由第一段黑体部分第四小点“give specific examples of times when youve demonstrated the skills required for the role”可知,只需要展示与所申请职位相关的技能,而不是所有技能,所以A错误,另外可知提供具体事例来说明自己的技能是有必要的,并非浪费空间,所以D项错误。第二段“Dont be afraid to sell yourself.”鼓励求职者大胆推销自己,C项与此冲突。 24. C,“I slept with her, I was with her 24 hours a day, and I think thats part of the reason why she managed to pull through” ,作者要花很长的时间和大象待在一起,说

      7、明小象能活下来是要花很多的精力和时间的。25. B,第二段Every year, hundreds of young elephants are orphaned across the African continent. These elephants rarely have a chance of survival in the wild and are, more often than not, left to die. 这两句表明如果该组织不伸出援助之手,这些失去父母的小象将难以存活。26. C,“Chinas decision to ban ivory sales could become a turning point.”“Banning the domestic ivory trade in China was a huge step for the world that China is making this move.”文章倒数第二段讲到象牙买卖的禁令将起到很重要的作用,因此可知,大象数量的减少就是因为非法交易造成的。27. D,“To all the people

      8、 at the nursery, it will be an emotional and difficult send-off.”,文章最后一句话说如果把小象送回野外的话,人们都会非常的emotional 以及difficult send-off可知,人们都非常的不舍,同时,这些小象能回到野外,也说明了他们的高兴。28.细节理解题。根据第三段In a series of groundbreaking studies, psychologists have shown that the “spotlight effect,” astheycallit,isauniversalexperience.Itdistorts ourself-centered perception(想法)about the degree to which people in groups, like parties and work gatherings, pay attention to us. 以及第四段首句The spotlight effect blinds us in several ways.可知是社

      9、交中聚光灯效应的影响,人们容易错误地放大别人对自己关注的程度。故选C.29.推理判断题。根据第四段The students felt self-conscious about the shirt. 题干设问的是the peers,可知A项错误; 根据第四段guessed that at least half of their peers had noticed and might have said something about the Manilow shirt. Not so, the researchers found. On average, less than a quarter of the people in the room had paid any attention at all. 可知B项和C项错误。30.词义猜测题。根据本句以及下一句Gilovich and colleagues reported that students badly overestimated how well their own gaffes and clever arguments were noticed by others in group discussions.可以判定此处讲述的是Gilovich通过实验论证了人们夸大别人对自己的关注,下文单词overestimated “高估”进一步验证了词义。故选B。A项wrong(错误的) C项(私人的)D项imaginary(虚构的)均不符合此处的上下文逻辑。31.主旨大意题。本文是一篇说明文, 通过主旨段第三段首句A growing body of research shows that far fewer people notice our gaffes ( 出丑) than we believe as we pace the floor in private, going over and over


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