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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:壹****1
  • 文档编号:502680438
  • 上传时间:2022-12-20
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    • 1、-商务谈判有用句型Useful SentencesI1Id like to direct you to see our showroom Please look at our display products.我带您到展示中心观看我们的产品。2This catalog shows most of our products.这目录上列出了我们的大局部产品。3Do you have any printed material on this product有关于这种产品的说明书吗?4Im sorry we cant give this as a sample but well make a sample discount of twenty persent.很抱歉,我们不赠送样品,不过样品可以达8折出售。5Anything particular you are interested in有个别感兴趣的产品吗?6Would you like to hear my presentation and let me show you how it works now现在让我向您做产品介绍并进展产品演

      2、示,好吗?7What are the specifications of the product这种产品都有哪些规格呢?8Do you have a prototype of your new product有新产品的样品吗?II1.This offer is subject to market fluctuation. 本报价随行就市。2.Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to the market price of the day.我方的报盘自今日起一周有效,以后可按每日市价变动/随行就市。3. Id like to hear your quotation on a CIF Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of a 5% agents mission in your quotation.请给我一个有效期为90天的CIF报价,目的港为洛杉矶,报价含5%佣金。4.

      3、 We are interested in your silk scarves. Could you give me some idea of your prices 我们对你们的真丝围巾感兴趣。你能让我了解一下你们的价格吗?5. Would you please let us know about your price你能让我们了解一下你们的价格吗?6 Could you give us your lowest quotation, CIF European Main Ports 你能给我们包最低的本钱、保险加运费欧洲主要口岸到岸价吗?7. Could you make us an offer on CIF basis 你能给我们包一个本钱、运费加保险价吗?8. Do you allow any discount on this modity 这种商品你们是否给折扣?9. Whats the discount you usually allow if we place a large order 要是我们的订购数量大的话,你们通常给多少折扣?10. How much discount

      4、 can you give me if my order is over 8000 dozen 要是我订购数量超过8000打,你能给我多少折扣?11. You should give us some discount for such a large order. 我们订购数量这么大,你应该给我们一些折扣。12. We are placing such a large order that you should give us at least a 5% discount. 我们订购的数量这么大,你至少应该给我们5%的折扣。13. Some discount on your price would make it easier to promote sales.对你们价格打些折扣,易于我们促销。14. Some discount off your price would benefit both parties. 对你们价格打些折扣,对双方有益。15. Im afraid that the price is on the high side. 我觉得这个价格偏高。16. I sugge

      5、st around US$380 per metric ton CIF Shanghai. 我建议把价格定在每公吨380美元,CIF。17. The best price we can accept is US$123 per metric ton. 我们能够承受的最好价格为每公吨123美元。18. If your price is not petitive, there is little chance that we can push the sale of yourproducts in our market. 如果你们的价格没有竞争力,那么我们不可能在我们的市场上推销你们的产品。19. How about reducing the price by 10% 把价格降低10%怎么样?20. As a rule, we dont allow any discount, but considering your large order, we agree togive you a 2% discount as an exception. 一般来讲,我们不给任何折扣。但是考虑到你们订购

      6、的数量比拟大,我们破例给你们2%的折扣。21. With an eye to our future business, we agree to grant you a 3% discount as a specialacmodation. 着眼于我们今后的生意, 我们同意给你们3%的折扣作为特殊照顾。22. For the sake of our long-standing relationship, we are prepared to give a discount of 3%. 为了我们之间的长期合作关系,我们准备给你们3%的折扣。23. Well agree to give you a 3% discount if you can increase your order to 10,000 dozen. 要是你能将订单增加值10,000打,我们将同意给你们3%的折扣。24. Because this is a new product, well allow you a 2% discount to help promote sales. 因为这是新产品,为了帮助促销,我们将给你

      7、们2%的折扣。25. As a rule, we dont allow any discount. 一般来讲,我们不给任何折扣。26. The price we have given you is already very low. We cant give any discount. 我们给你们包地加已经是很低的了,我们没法给任何折扣。27. Since your order is not large enough, we are unable to grant you a discount. 由于你方订购的数量不够大,我们没法同意给你们任何折扣。28. As we have quoted you our lowest/rock-bottom/floor price, we cant give you any discount. 因为我们已经给你们报了我们的最低价,我们没法给你任何折扣。29. Ill do my best; and please, try your best, too. 我会尽力而为;所以,也请你尽力而为。30. Lets promise. 让我们妥协一下吧。31.

      8、 Thats a smart decision. 那是一个明智的决定。32. I cannot guarantee it. 我不能担保那个。33. Thats the basic problem. 那就是根本的问题所在。34. I expect to be pensated. 我期待着得到补偿。35. You were able to get what you want. 你能得到你想要的。III1. Mr. Mitchell may be interested in purchasing a quantity of our silk and silk garments.米歇尔先生有意购置一批丝绸及丝绸服装。2.He would like to learn something about you silk making processes, quality, packaging, and etc.他想了解丝绸生产过程、质量保证以及包装等方面的情况。3. Perhaps you could give us a few details about the source of your ma

      9、terials, your manufacturing processes, quality control and so on.也许你能给我们介绍一些有关贵厂原料的来源,生产制造的工艺,质量控制等方面的情况。4.The materials used to make silk are cocoons, which are mainly from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.用来生产丝的原料是桑蚕,主要产自与省。5.We place a great deal of stress on consistency of quality of our cocoons.我们一直十分强调桑蚕的稳定的高质量。6. It sounds like a time-consuming process.听起来是一个相当消耗时间的工序。7. We believe such thoroughness pays off in the long run.我们相信,从长远的角度看,这样严密的操作是合算的。8. Thanks to Mr. Li particularly for your patience in answering all my detailed questions.先生特别耐心的为我讲解了所有的细节问题。9. Is there anything I


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