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    • 1、河海大学常州校区 毕业设计(论文)焊条电弧焊06Cr19Ni10低温压力容器的焊接工艺评定年级专业 2010级焊接技术及工程 学生姓名 指导教师 评 卷 人 教学地点 河海大学常州校区 2012 年 3 月 28 日摘 要不锈钢是钢中非常重要的一种,由于不锈钢具有特殊的使用性能和力学性能,在现在的各行各业中已经被越来越多的使用。在不锈钢中奥氏体不锈钢又是其中非常重要的一种,在发达国家每年消耗的不锈钢中有70的是不锈钢,在我过也达到了65左右。因此开发和使用好奥氏体不锈钢对我过的工业话来说已经越来越重要了。06Cr19Ni10就是奥氏体不锈钢,我做的这个课题就是探讨06Cr19Ni10在低温贮罐制造中的性能。低温贮罐是用来储存液N液Ar液态的CO2等低温液体的容器,液态介质的特殊性能就决定了制造材料需要特殊性能,而奥氏体不锈钢06Cr19Ni10就具有这样的性能。低温贮罐在现在的生活、生产中使用已经越来越广泛,因此对06Cr19Ni10的探讨就显得越来越重要。在这篇论文中我会着重为大家阐述06Cr19Ni10在低温压力容器制造中的焊接性能,力学性能,使用性能和焊接工艺。在这论文中我会通过

      2、一个焊接性试验来探讨06Cr19Ni10在低温压力容器中的各项性能。我的这个试验就是规格为6150300mm的两块06Cr19Ni10扳水平对接焊接方法就是手工电弧焊。针对这个试验做出完整的焊接工艺评定,并且根据评定要求对式样做相应的无损检验和力学性能的检验,从而来判定06Cr19Ni10的各项性能。其中力学性能测试包括试样的拉伸,弯曲,冲击等,而无损检测则采取射线检测和渗透检测相结合的方法。关键词: 焊接性能;力学性能;使用性能;焊接工艺AbstractStainless steel is a very important one, because of the use of stainless steel with special performance and mechanical properties, in all walks of life in the present have been increasingly used. Austenitic stainless steel in the stainless steel is a very important one,

      3、 in the developed world consumption of stainless steel annually in 70% of the stainless steel is, I have also reached about 65 percent. Thus the development and use of austenitic stainless steel good to me over the words of the industry has become increasingly important.06Cr19Ni10 is austenitic stainless steel, I do on this subject is 06Cr19Ni10 in low-temperature storage tank manufacturer in the performance. Cryogenic storage tank is used to store liquid N Ar of liquid CO2 and other low-tempera

      4、ture liquid containers, liquid medium decision on the special properties of the material needs of a special performance, and austenitic stainless steel 0 cr18ni9 on with this performance. Cryogenic storage tank in the present life, has been used in the production of more extensive, therefore 06Cr19Ni10 of it is beco Steel our modern society is indispensable to a material, it can be seen as a sign of the level of industrialized countries. The higher the output of steel on behalf of this country t

      5、he higher the level of industrialization. Stainless steel is a very important one, because of the use of stainless steel with special performance and mechanical properties, in all walks of life in the present have been increasingly used. Austenitic stainless steel in the stainless steel is a very important one, in the developed world consumption of stainless steel annually in 70% of the stainless steel is, I have also reached about 65 percent. Thus the development and use of austenitic stainless

      6、 steel good to me over the words of the industry has become increasingly important.06Cr19Ni10 is austenitic stainless steel, I do on this subject is 06Cr19Ni10 in low-temperature storage tank manufacturer in the performance. Cryogenic storage tank is used to store liquid N Ar of liquid CO2 and other low-temperature liquid containers, liquid medium decision on the special properties of the material needs of a special performance, and austenitic stainless steel 06Cr19Ni10 on with this performance.

      7、 Cryogenic storage tank in the present life, has been used in the production of more extensive, therefore 06Cr19Ni10 of it is becoming increasingly important. In this paper I will focus on as we set out in the cold 06Cr19Ni10 pressure vessel manufacture of welding performance, mechanical properties, the use of performance and welding technology.In this paper I will pass a welding test to explore 06Cr19Ni10 in low-temperature pressure vessel in the performance. This is my test specifications for

      8、two 6 150 300mm 06Cr19Ni10 pull the butt welding method is the level of manual arc welding. For the pilot to complete the welding technology assessment and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the design accordingly mechanical properties of non-destructive testing and inspection, to determine 06Cr19Ni10 the performance. The mechanical properties testing The tensile, bending, impact, non-destructive testing is to take the method of combining ray detection and penetration testing.Key wo

      9、rd:Welding performance;Mechanics performance;Welding craft ; Operational performance目录摘 要IIAbstractIII第一章绪论1第二章材料介绍4第三章06Cr19Ni10焊接53.1 06Cr19Ni10的可焊接性分析73.2 06Cr19Ni10的焊接工艺思路分析10第四章论文结论14附录1 06Cr19Ni10的焊接工艺评定指导书17附录2 06Cr19Ni10的焊接工艺评定指导书21 / 文档可自由编辑打印第一章 绪论机械工业是为所有的工业,农业,国防以及交通运输业提供机器和装备的工业。在实现我国四个现代化的过程中,必须贯彻党的总路线精神,不断解决自行设和制造效能高、寿命长、重量轻、体积小、容量大、成本低的机器和设备的问题。为了完成这一光荣而艰巨的任务,使机械设计与制造能力在短时间内超世界水平,除了必须解决设计与制造和使用的科学。而机械制造中的材料问题,一部分是属于金属材料本身的成分与质量问题,另一部分是属于材料的选用是否适当,在加工处理的工艺上是否发挥了材料的最大潜力的问题。因此,在提高金属材料的产量和质量的同时,还要提高和发挥材料的各种性能,充分挖掘潜力,做到既合实用又节省,只有这样才能达到多,快,好,省建设社会主义的目的。我国解放前合金钢的科学和生产几乎完全是空白点。解放后,我国机械工业的发展速度是世界上前所罕见的。在近2030年间,不锈钢的出现和大量的使用,推动了不锈钢工业的进程。不锈钢由于具有优良的耐蚀性、耐磨性、强韧性和良好的可加工性,外观的精美性,以及无毒无害性,广泛地应用与宇航、海洋、军工、化工、能源等方面,以及日用家具、建筑装潢、交通车辆


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