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    • 1、毕业论文(设计)外文翻译学 院:旅游与城市管理学院专 业:资源环境与城乡规划管理二一二 年 六 月外文翻译之一Factors for success in rural tourism tourism development作者: Suzanne Wilson, Daniel R.Fesenmaier, Julie Fesenmaier and John C,Van Es国籍:US出处:Journal of Travel Research原文正文: Since the 1970s,economic restructuring and farm crisis have reduced rural communities economic development options, making older development strategies less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditional ways to sustain themselves. One of the most popular nontraditional

      2、 rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship opportunities because of tourisms ability to bring in dollars and to generate jobs and support retail growth. The purpose of this study was to identify and examine those factors that have helped rural communities successfully develop tourism and its entrepreneurship opportunities. Several focus groups were conducted with local busine

      3、sspersons and leaders in six rural Illinois communities. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the community approach to tourism development and that rural tourism development and entrepreneurship cannot work without the participation and collaboration of businesspersons directly and indirectly involved in tourism. Since the 1970s, economic restructuring and the farm crisis have severely reduced rural communitieseconomic opportunities.Economic restructuring has caused a loss of rural

      4、 manufacturing plants and many jobs. The 1980s farm crisis in the Midwest also led to a decline in the numbers of farmers and restructured farm ownership, forcing some farm families to augment their incomes with off-farm jobs, to depart farming, or to declare bankruptcy. The farm crisis and the loss of manufacturing jobs had substantial ripple effects in rural communities. As rural joblessness rates rose above urban levels, real income growth stagnated in rural areas (Sears and Reid 1992). Many

      5、stores and agribusinesses disappeared from small rural towns. Not surprisingly, a 1992 statewide survey in Illinois found that 39% of rural residents perceived their economic prospects as worsening (Walzer 1993). These changes limited rural communities economic development options, making older development strategies such as manufacturing less viable and forcing many to look for nontraditional ways to sustain themselves . One of the most popular nontraditional rural development strategies has be

      6、en tourism and its associated entrepreneurship opportunities (Edgell and Harbaugh 1993; Luloff et al. 1994). Rural areas have a special appeal to tourists because of the mystique associated with rural areas and their distinct cultural, historic, ethnic, and geographic characteristics (Edgell and Harbaugh 1993). Rural tourism also is less costly and easier to establish than other rural economic development strategies such as manufacturing. Rural tourism can be development strategies such as manuf

      7、acturing. Rural tourism can be developed locally with participation from local government and small businesses, and its development is not necessarily dependent on outside firms or companies. Although tourism can be expensive to develop in certain cases (e.g., large resort areas) or can involve large firms and chains, rural tourism can be developed with relatively little investment credit, training, and capital. Hence, rural tourism can be less costly to develop as compared to other economic dev

      8、elopment strategies; additionally, rural tourism need not involve dependency on outside firms and their decisions on whether they want to be in an area. Rural tourism provides a base for these small businesses that might not otherwise be in rural communities because of their small populations. Tourism particularly helps two types of small businesses in rural areasthose directly involved in tourism (e.g., attractions and hotels/motels) and those indirectly involved in tourism (e.g., gas stations

      9、and grocery stores). Additionally, rural tourism works well with existing rural enterprises such as farms (e.g., U-Pick farms) and can generate important secondary income for farm households (Oppermann 1996).Nonetheless, rural tourism remains one of the few viable economic options for rural communities .Like other economic development strategies, rural tourism requires several components to be successful. Tourism development involves(1) attractions: the natural and manmade features both within and adjacent to a community; (2) promotion: the marketing of a community and its tourism attractions to potential tourists;(3) tourism infrastructure: access facilities (roads, airports, trains, and buses),water and power services, parking, signs, and recreation facilities; (4) services: lodging, restaurants, and the various retail businesses needed to take care of tourists needs; (5) hospitality:


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