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    • 1、第一季四集: The Luminous Fish Effect-Sheldon: you know, Ive been thinking about time travel again.我最近一直在想着时光旅行。-Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility为什么,你又撞上看不见的路障了-Sheldon: Put it on the back burner.暂时先不说那个。Anyway, it occurs to me if I ever did perfect a time machine,我想到如果我发明了完美的时间机器,I would just go into the past and give it to myself,我会回到过去把它送给自己,thus eliminating the need for me to invent it in the first place.省得要自己发明它。-Leonard:Interesting.有趣。-Sheldon: Yeah, it really takes the pre

      2、ssure off.是啊,让我减压不少。-Leonard:Sounds like a breakthrough.听起来像是个大突破。Should I call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover要我打电话给科学杂志让他们留下头版的位置吗-Sheldon: Its time travel, Leonard; I will have already done that.这可是时间旅行,Leonard 过去的我已经做过了。-Leonard:Then I guess congratulations are in order.那就等着祝贺你啦。-Sheldon: No, congratulations will have been in order.不,过去的你已经祝贺过我了。You know, I am not going to enjoy this party.我肯定在派对上不会开心的。-Leonard:I know, Im familiar with you.我知道,我了解你。-Sheldon: The last departm

      3、ent party, professor Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes.上次系里的派对Finkleday教授抓着我谈了45分钟的窑洞挖掘。-Leonard:Yes, I was there.我也在场。-Sheldon: You know whats interesting about caves, Leonard你知道窑洞有什么好玩的吗,Leonard-Leonard:What什么-Sheldon: Nothing.什么也没有。-Leonard:Well, then well avoid Finkleday, well meet the new department head,那我们躲开他,我们会见到新的系主任。congratulate him, shake his hand and go.恭喜他,跟他握手,然后就走。-Sheldon: Hows this这样如何Pleased to meet you, Dr. Gablehauser.见到你很高兴,Gablehauser博士。How f

      4、ortunate for you that the universitys chosen to hire you,您真幸运,学校雇用了您,despite the fact that youve done no original research in 25 years,尽管您25年来都没做出什么原创研究,and instead have written a series of popular books 而是写了一系列畅销书,that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes,将科学这一伟大的概念降格为奇闻轶事,each one dumb down to accommodate the duration of an average bowel movement.每则故事都简单到能在一次肠部运动的时间内看完 (就是厕所读物)Mahalo.Mahalo (夏威夷语的谢谢)。-Leonard:Mahalo is a nice touch.Mahalo是不错的修饰。-Sheldon: You know there

      5、 only eight consonants in the Hawaiian language你知道夏威夷语里只有8个辅音吗-Leonard:Interesting. You should lead with that.有趣,你就这么做开场白吧。-Raj:Oh, god, look at this buffet.瞧瞧这自助餐。I love America.我爱美国。-Leonard:You dont have buffets in India印度没自助餐吗-Raj:Of course, but its all Indian food.有,但都是印度菜。You cant find a bagel in Mumbai to save your life.在孟买你可找不到能救命的面包圈。Smear me.给我涂点酱。-Sheldon: Well, heres an interesting turn of events.事态的发展真是有趣。-Leonard:What怎么了Howard brought a dateHoward带了女伴-Sheldon: A more plausible expl

      6、anation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward.可能是他在机器人方面的研究取得了重大进展。-Howard:Hey, what up, science bitches怎样,科学怪人们May I introduce my special lady friend Summer这位是我特别的女性朋友Summer。-Woman:Howard, I told you touching is extra.Howard我说了碰我要加钱的。-Howard:Right. Sorry.好,抱歉。-Leonard:Here comes our new boss. Be polite.我们的新老板来了,礼貌点。-boss:Hi, fellas.大家好。Eric Gablehauser.我是Eric Gablehauser。-Howard:Howard Wolowitz.我是Howard Wolowitz。-boss:Howard, nice to meet you. And you areHoward,见到你很高兴。你是

      7、-Sheldon: An actual real scientist.一个真正的科学家。How was that这个开场白怎样I cant believe he fired me.我不敢相信他开除我了。-Leonard:Well, you did call him a glorified high school science teacher你说他是被捧出来的高中理科老师。whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts.还说他上一次成功的试验是点燃了自己的屁。-Sheldon: In my defense, I prefaced that by saying, with all due respect.但我之前说了恕我直言。-Leonard:Morning.早。-Sheldon: Morning.早。-Leonard:Youre making eggs for breakfast今天早餐你做鸡蛋吃-Sheldon: This isnt breakfast, its an experiment.这不是早餐,这是试验。

      8、-Leonard:Cause it looks a lot like breakfast.但看起来很像早餐。-Sheldon: I finally have time to test my hypothesis about the separation of the water molecules我终于有时间验证我的理论,从蛋白质总分离水分子through the egg proteins and its impact vis-a-vis taste.以及它对口感的影响。-Leonard:Sounds yummy.听起来真开胃。I look forward to your work with bacon.我很期待你配上熏肉后的成果。-Sheldon: As do I.我也是。-Leonard:You know, Im sure if you just apologize to Gablehauser, he would give you your job back.我相信只要你跟Gablehauser道歉,他会让你回去工作的。-Sheldon: I dont want my job b

      9、ack.我不想回去工作。Ive spent the past three and a half years staring at grease boards full of equations.过去三年半时间我都在瞪着写满方程式的板子上。Before that, I spent four years working on my thesis.在那之前我花了四年时间写论文。Before that, I was in college, and before that, I was in the fifth grade.在那之前我在上大学,而在大学之前我在上5年级。This is my first day off in decades and Im going to savor it.这是我十几年来第一次休息,我要好好享受。-Leonard:Okay. Ill let you get back to fixing your eggs.好吧,那你回去弄你的鸡蛋吧。-Sheldon: Not just fixing my eggs, Im fixing everyones eggs.不只是我的鸡蛋,弄的是全人类的蛋。-Leonard:And we all thank you.我们都感激你。-Sheldon: Use new eggs.要用新鲜鸡蛋。-Penny:hi. Hey, Im running out to the market.嗨,我正要去超市。Do you guys


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