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    • 1、福山外国语小学第一学期五年级寒假练习卷Cass_ Name_o. _ Score_Copy. (对的书写下列句子,注意大小写及标点)peers oran patyis on h 19t of september-iton tgron flor on therightbetwntengis oom and class 3-II. Rea ad ue. (划线部辨别音,T/F ) ( )1.tayys ( ). or ths(). nice cke( )4. she sit( )5. an ve( ).dra re( )bathfarme ( ). firs purse( )9. oterpue ( )10. liba lyIII. rite th words.(按规定写单词) 同类词 bank _ _ beroom _反义词 am _ aays_复数 ro _ bakery _动词 cer _ csin _. Wrte the proper epoitin. (填入合适的介词)1. eer ants o work _ om He was o e awrit.2. I wan tocokf

      2、o_ tkchen. t a wonerflng.3.he a _ fng.D ou like lyng n thesky?4Iwan tobe a wier_ thefuture.5. Hesason te train_an oand theges _tShanghai Stain.6 Th chidrn aedoing a srv _heeet. ariv_ myffi beore 8: ever ay.Fil ite blanks thrper form of he words.(用单词的合适形式填空)1. eareory for _(ease)you.Your aircut_ (lok) O2. Theheamaster_ (ive) hm aceificate nd _(ay) “akyou.”3. he olicema overtere_(want) _(ath) the ties.4. -oulyou lik_ (see) film wth m? Sur.Tht _ (ound) ice5. e un_ (shine) thoug hewinow inteorng6. M

      3、yrnpa ofn_(crry)my scoo bag orme ony ayo schoo, bu I want _(ar)it by mysel7. A tesepele _(colet)mony or th homls? Ys, lets _ (g) tm sme moy.8. _(do)ary ik _(lp) ors? Yes, e aways heps _(we) wit ou Maths.VI. Rerie theentnces.(按规定改写句子)1. re want t bea pilo (划线提问)_2. Pte goestoschool byike.(换一种体现,意思不变)_.3.H vesomeat even oclock._4. Wat does a sop asstao? (回答问题)_5 I dont lv na my oice ( 改肯定句,意思不该变)_6. ild geee chnghoes ic ry year(划线提问) Rading: (阅读)Read nd fill nhe banks withe corect wors(阅读填词,一格一词)1

      4、. Pllgiesthe purs shefins o he bu e drer. So ethink shs n_ irl.2. haie fels sickhen hes having picic i the arkHe needtfind _ _ _an ake som_.3. _ roois a plaewhe we cave thee als.4. Its _. The lows(燕子) have tofly t otht indoo.Passage : Choose th orect answePaul onhe bus to go tth twn Itas vey cowe,and h hat stad forout fi mnutes Then some o te passgrs got ff. Pusat dw next to afat lady. Sheha several sho ags, adPddnt hav muc rm n te sat. Astthe bs g t heton. Allh paseger tated t ge o. Paul wa very po, soe sood up et he fatla t of bfore m. Shesa, hankou. Thehetrid t out o he e wih ll hbags. Bushecouldnt ove. She as stu


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