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  • 上传时间:2023-10-30
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    • 1、Reading Comprehension(January, )Passage 1Packaging is an important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate someone to buy a product. For example, a small child may ask for a breakfast food that comes in a box with a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or to cut out, games printed on a package or small gifts inside a box also motivate many children to buy products, or to ask their parents to bu

      2、y for them.Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in reusable container are examples of this. Although a similar product in a plain container may cost less, people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish, because they believe the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.The size of the package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package has “Economy Size” or “Family Size” painted on

      3、it. This suggests that the large size has the most products for the least money. But that is not always true. To find out, a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit.The information on the package should provide some answers. But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement. The words and pictures do not tell the whole story. Only the product inside can do that.1. As used in the passage, the word “motivate” most probab

      4、ly means_.A) making one deep in thoughtB) supplying a thought or feeling that makes one actC) providing a story that makes one moveD) making one believe what he does is just right2. A buyer will get something for nothing most probably means that _.A) a buyer will get something useful free of chargeB) a buyer will get what he pays forC) a buyer will gain more than he losesD) a buyer will not get what he wants3. People are likely to buy the product sold in a glass or dish because _.A) they believe

      5、 the cost of the container is included in the cost of the productB) the container is too attractiveC) they think they can get the container for freeD) they have no other choice4. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? _.A) Package is often a successful advertisementB) Children are often encouraged to buy a product by its package with attractive picturesC) A buyer is also attracted by the size of the containerD) On seeing a well-designed container, a buyer often neglec

      6、ts what is in it5. What suggestion does the author give in the passage? _.A) The quality of the container has nothing to do with the quality of the productB) Dont buy the product which is sold in a glass or dishC) A buyer should get what he needs mostD) The best choice for a buyer is to get a product in a plain packagePassage 2China is pushing forward a nationwide trial on fortified (强化旳) food, in a bid to improve the health of its citizens. About 30,000 people from the countrys western region h

      7、ave used fortified flour for two years. Their diets had been improved. This experience will be promoted throughout the country and fortified oil and rice have also been introduced across the country.Fortified food refers to food with nutrients (营养) added, such as vitamins, calcium and iron. The nutrition program is expected to be included in the key projects for the countrys 11th Five-Year Plan (-). A series of rules and regulations, such as nutrition rules and production standards for fortified

      8、 flour, will come into effect.The intake of some nutrients, such as fat, protein and calories is often excessive, but some other nutrients, such as vitamins, are lacking in some diets, according to some experts.At the moment there are three ways to improve public nutrition - a balanced diet, food fortification and nutritional supplements (补充). However, due to Chinas massive population and its unbalanced economic development, food fortification is thought to be the best way of improving public nu

      9、trition in a short period of time.China started fortifying food in , while developed countries such as the United States have more than 50 years of such experience. “Fortified foods do not sell well, as the public still knows little about it.” Some experts pointed out.1. What is the purpose for China to push forward the plan on fortified food? .A) To improve the health of its citizensB) To advise its citizens to use fortified flourC) To introduce fortified oil and riceD) To introduce 3 ways to improve public nutrition2. What are added to fortified food? _.A) VitaminsB) Calcium and ironC) Fat, protein and caloriesD) Both A and B3. Where is the nutrition program expected to be included? _.A) In a series of rules and regulationsB) In nutrition rulesC) In the key projects for the countrys 11th Five-Year PlanD) In production standar


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