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    • 1、Unity and Diversity, the Two Pillars of the New Era四川大学 解峥Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!Unity and diversity are often seen as mutually exclusive. Unity expresses the value of homogeneity while diversity celebrates uniqueness. As a matter of fact, in the modern age, the core values of humanity are commonly shared by most people, while the ways of expressing those values vary from one place to another. In the Model United Nations Conference held a few

      2、 months ago, we participants from Asia and the Pacific shared the joyful celebration of national diversity in our own diverse manners. We Chinese presented our tea ceremony representing our traditional culture; Indian dancing exerted its sensual charm; Russian singing infused our souls as if it came from heavenGuided by our core values, connected by revolutionary science and technology, motivated by faith for a better world, the global village is embarked upon a long and winding journey towards

      3、the wonders of the new era. It no longer only seeks a balance between great powers; it seeks to nurture harmony within the international community and between human and nature. This explains why thousands upon thousands of blankets and tents were sent to Pakistan for the reconstruction after the earthquake in 2005; this also explains why US dollars, Euros, RMB money from all over the world was donated to help the numerous victims of the Tsunami in Southern Asia. As famous scholar Michael Novak p

      4、ut it, unity in diversity is the highest possible attainment of a civilization, a testimony to the noblest possibilities of the human race.Ladies and gentlemen, we are now living in a world filled with a wondrous diversity of experience, opinion, and physical appearance. One of the challenges of this age is not only to live in harmony with people different from us, but to celebrate human diversity and learn from it. We are also living in a world led by a unified vision of human fulfillment. As a

      5、 result, we may hope that conflicts based on differences will ultimately disappear; we may also hope that the dreams of prosperity and harmony will one day be fulfilled. So let us embrace unity and diversity. Thank you very much.Comments:This speaker has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the theme, a strong language competence and a comfortable manner to convey her ideas. Throughout her speech, she keeps on explaining and emphasizing her argument as has been presented in the title of her

      6、speech that “unity and diversity” are “the two pillars of the new era” convincingly and successfully.At the very beginning of her speech, she highlights her points of view very clearly: unity and diversity may be seen exclusive, yet they can reside with each other harmoniously. Then she strengthens her viewpoints by giving different examples such as the different national presentations at the Model United Nations Conference, the rescue efforts of the international community after the natural dis

      7、aster, etc. She has conveyed effectively the idea that because of the common core values shared by the humanity, the unity can be achieved through the recognition and celebration of the national diversity.The speaker is peaceful, graceful, confident and friendly. Wearing a lovely smile and supported by a few gestures, she is guiding the audience with a very comfortable manner and the audience follows her very closely and is eventually convinced. A very rewarding experience for both the speaker a

      8、nd the audience! The communication and understanding has achieved. The audience cannot help agreeing with her just as she has quoted from the famous scholar Michael Novak: “Unity in diversity is the highest possible attainment of a civilization, a testimony to the noblest possibilities of the human race.”Though a prepared speech of only three minutes, the speakers purpose of convincing the audience has realized.A perfect speech delivered as it is, there might be a few places that can be further

      9、improved. For instance, the speaker is a bit too graceful, and she can be more powerful. Secondly, the articulation of certain key words can be improved as well. Thirdly, examples are too great, yet the audience has to think hard to connect the examples with the main ideas why unity and diversity are not contradictory.(点评专家:樊葳葳,华中科技大学外国语学院院长、教授,主要研究领域为英语教学与跨文化交际,对英语口语教学、英语演讲有深入研究。讲稿及点评摘自英语演讲选评100篇(2006-2011)The Importance of Being DifferentBe Different from Yourself!武汉大学 陈东Nowadays, people all over the world, at least in this house, seem to be emphasizing the importance of being different from others. They say that to be different from others makes you stand out, wins you an edge, brings you more chances and so on. I believe this is totally true. But we might have overlooked another kind of being different, that is, to be different from yourself.I suppose to be different from the inside is even more important than to be di


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