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    • 1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料初一英语: 介词专题 知识讲解:1. in 在.之内1) 表示地点,表示大地点。Shes in China with her mom and dad. 她和妈妈爸爸一起在中国。My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing.我妈妈是北京一名大学的英语老师。Im in Class One.我在一班。The camel lives in the desert and eats grass. 骆驼住在沙漠里,它以草为生。2) 表示时间,表示在某一个时间段内。The weather is cold in winter.冬天天气很冷。3) 表示颜色和语言也用介词in。Do you know the girl in red? 你认识穿着红色衣服的女孩么?I can write this article in English. 我能用英语写这篇文章。2. from 从.中来1) come fromI come from China and Im Chinese. 我从中国来,我是中国人。There a

      2、re camels from Africa. 骆驼从非洲来。2) download fromI download music from the Internet.我从网络上下载音乐。3) be different from Lilys habits are different from Lindas.莉莉的习惯与琳达的不同。3. with 和,用,与1) with sb 和.人在一起Im in Class One with Daming and Lingling.我与大明和玲玲都是一班的学生。 Would you like to go to the cinema with Betty and me?你愿意与贝蒂和我一起去看电影么?2)with sth. 表示用某种工具I write with my pen, and I see with my eyes.我用我的笔写字,用我的眼睛来看。4. at 在.1) 表示地点,主要指小地点。My father is a teacher at Beijing International School.我爸爸是北京国际学校的一名老师。My mothe

      3、r is a doctor at the hospital.我妈妈是医院医生。2) 表示时间,主要指时间的一个点。I get up at half past seven in the morning. 我早上七点半起床。I usually do my homework at home and at the weekend. 我通常周末在家里写作业。3) be good at 擅长于.Iam good at reading and writing.我擅长读写。5. behind 在.后面The classrooms are behind the offices.教室在办公室后面。6. next to 紧挨着The library is next to the classrooms.图书馆紧挨着教室。7. in front of 在.前面They are in front of Tony and Daming. 他们在托尼和大明前面。The gym is a building in front of the offices. 体育场在办公室前面。8. for 为了.Thank you fo

      4、r your email.谢谢你的邮件。We often make a birthday cake for his birthday. 我们通常为了他的生日准备一个生日蛋糕。Im a teacher and I use my laptop for my lessons.我是一名老师,我经常用笔记本电脑备课。 9. on 在.上,在.时1) 表示时间,表示具体的一天。Would you like to go to a football match on Sunday?你愿意周日看足球赛么?I was born on Jan, 1st, 1992.我出生于1992年1月1日。2)表示地点on the farm 在农场上on the playground 在操场上10. to 自,向1)talk to 与.谈论We have a break and I talk to my friends. 我们有一个课间休息,我和我的朋友们聊天。2) go to 去He likes films and he often goes to the cinema. 他喜欢电影,他经常去电影院。3)welcome

      5、 to 欢迎到.Welcome to Beijing Zoo. 欢迎到北京动物园来。4)listen to 听They always listen to music.他们经常听音乐。 5)connect.toPlease connect the monitor to the computer first. 请先把显示器和电脑主机连在一起。11. byShe usually buys CDs by her favorite singers. 她经常买她最喜欢歌手的CD盘。练习:一. 用介词填空。1._the theatre2. _ Beijing3. _ the cinema 4._ the farm5._ school6. _ home7._ the park 8. _ the library 9. _ the stadium10._ 1994 11._ November 12._ 15:00 13._ Sunday morning 14._ 6:30 15. _ Monday 16._ January 17. _ May, 1 18._ my birthday 19. _ weeke

      6、nd 20._May, 1, 200621._ the playground22._my birthday party 二. 选择最佳答案。 1. The plane arrived at London airport _ Wednesday.A. on B. at C. in D. for2. What do you usually do _ Christmas?A. on B. at C. in D. for3. The first class begins _ 8 oclock _ the morning.A. at/on B. at/in C. on /in D. on/on4.We will be in Nanjing _ Tuesday _Thursday.A. on/ through B. on/to C. from/to D. on./till5. We will have a football match _ this Saturday afternoon.A. on B. / C. inD. for6. He came to see you _ the evenin

      7、g of May 10th.A. in B. at C. on D. for7. The supermarket is still open _ midnight.A. at B. on C. till D. /8. Days are longer _ summer than _ winter.A. in/in B. in/on C. from/to D. to/in 9. Children get presents _ Christmas and _ their birthday. Granny is coming for lunch_ Christmas day.A. at/on/on B. on/on/on C. at/in/at D. in/on/in10._ New Years Eve people usually dont go to bed until midnight.A. At B. On C. For D. In11. Tom and Paul usually watch TV _ weekends.A. at B. in C. for D. /12. He said that he would meet us _ the cinema.A. in B. at C. on D. of 13. There are many beautiful birds _ the tree.A. on B. at C. inD. besides14. Lucy is waiting _ No.3 bus stop _ her father.A. for/for B. for/at C. at/for D. at/at15. Do you often listen _the program _ the radio.A. to/of B. to /in C. to/on D. on /to16. Can you tell me the way _ Shanghai Zoo?A. to B. at C. for D. towards17. Thank you _ your coming.A. to B. of C. by


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