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    • 1、关于英语感恩演讲稿范文汇总5篇演讲稿以发表看法,表达观点为主,是为演讲而事先打算好的文稿。随着社会一步步向前发展,演讲稿的运用越来越广泛,大家知道演讲稿的格式吗?以下是我整理的英语感恩演讲稿篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。英语感恩演讲稿 篇1 Repectd teaces, erstudt: helo! Grtitudeomes from thehea. A eying goes: ripping of grace, henyongquan pase rpred.Letone yor arents? Yor paretsieyunt jus dp owatr buta seao ater. So yopass acupf warm te when yur aret are tred, giv te ard o eir bihay,a end them etgs an ofot whn tey are downThe fen ou inttef, nery fous, and we d otrmebether rthda,experenc, even theiried. oulttle

      2、 gratitd, i te eyes f parts ou prcos.he teouch your ed n say, bo, youreow u! Wel, cogrlae you. Youe gratfu fo your suces.But tatsno enogh. ouve atully sceeda itte, and here are lenty foprtunitiesto repaythm later.Fnally, plee reeber, ith ar of Thnksiving, Thankgivngprents, Thaksivingteahers, than yo suts. Youwil ind ourlf ow happy, open yor mind, lethe rain wah your mind polutin. arn t be rael, bcuse i wil make twold eter ndmak lif re fulfiing. Thankyou!英语感恩演讲稿篇2 A beoe Americn tradion, Thanksiv

      3、ngDa fes s he puit fcusourthohs on he ac that hs been xtend t ou people d cnry. Tis spirit oht together th nwl ved Pilgrims a teWampaoa tribe - ho adben living nd thiving and Plymuth, Masacustts f ousandsofrs - n a autumn hrvst feascentres ago.This hanksgvng y, werefecn th compn and contriutins f Natv Americans, whoseskill i agricultureheped theeary colonis suvie, n whose rc culture oiueto add to urNatin heiage. e s ause ounorl prus ths day and jon i a spiri ffeloshi andgrattue orthea bounies ad

      4、 blessings.akgivig Day is a tieeac year,dting acko our foundng, w we la ae h toubs disaeement o e dayan bowour hads in umble recogntion oth rovidence bsowed upon oaton.mistthe certaito a fldng exeimet inecrac, Presidet eoreWahington dlare te firs Thngivn i Amerca,recountin the blessis o tanquilit,unio, nd plentythatshined upo or oung country. e arkdayof the Cil War wen h ateofur Unon was idoubt, Pesientham Lincl procaimed a ThnksivingDy,lling fortlmghty hand o hal and retoor Nationn conroting th

      5、e challeges orday, wemus awstrengh fr thereole of previs genraions who ace teir wn strgges atake cofot nknoa brigheday a las daed on or gra land As w stand at the lse o neyearandlook to the poise of th ne,w lft ourheart inrtitude o d fo ou maybesings, oron nother, and for our Nation.hi Thansing y, we remembr tt thfreedmsand securiy w enjoy asAmericns are protetedby te rve me ndwoen o tnited St Armeoces. Thee patiots aewlln t ay down ti lie in u efense, anthyandher fmis deserve our profudgratud f

      6、or theirsevicendsacrifie.This rvest seaon,eare lormindedof those xiencing te pans o uger orthe harsip of eoomic inseuity. Ltus eturnthe iness and generosywhav een touhout the yea b epingour fellow itizewehe th rms f oday. Asmeiansgth orth tiehonored Thansgvn Dymal, let s rejocen h bundan ta graces otable,in the sple giftstht mrk orays, inth oved oes w nrich or ies, and in thifs f graciou God Let usell that ourforebarsmetthir cllegs wth hopan an nfailng srt, andlt us rslve do he m O,HEREFORE, I,

      7、BAACK OBAA, esiden of th UtedStas of America, vrte of theutority vetein me by the Citutionand the awsf t ited Sttes, d heyproclam Tursay, ovember 2, x, a a Nation Dayof Thkiving. I enog ll th people o te Unte States o ome ger - hethe in ohom, plae of orshi,cmmitycentrs, ay lace o fellshipf fiends dngbors- t gve aks fo le avereceied in the pastyea, t exrss appeciation tothsewhse ies enrch ourown, and ohare ou onty ithoher. NWNESS HREO,Ihve heeunto set my hnd histwnty-third day ofovber, ithe year our Lord xx,nd of he Idenc of th United tates fmric he hnded an ity-fth.英语感恩演讲稿 篇3The poet said: sping flwrs to th door pshedopen . I sai:Thasgvingto the doorpused open hamony,armoy ope the door to the livig.If you crflylistent theoice


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