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2022年高中英语《Unit 1 Other countriesother cultures》导学案1牛津译林版选修9

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    • 1、2022年高中英语Unit 1 Other countries,other cultures导学案1牛津译林版选修9班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、明确目标,自主学习1. 教学目标:(1)To master this basic words and expressions in this lesson and use them freely.(2)To develop your reading prehensions abilities by active discussion and cooperation.(3)To guide Ss to form a right attitude to words usages 2. 预习内容:可以按知识体系设置,最好分层设置A组 1. Read the words and expressions aloud at Page 73-74 2. Pay attention to the similar spelling words and expressions B 组 1. Read and pay attention to long words

      2、2. Enlarge the usage of some words and expressions C组1. Master the different meanings of the similar words and expressions .2. Make the examples of some difficult words二、合作释疑,互相研讨教师设置问题或例题1. freezing adj. 极冷的,冰冻的The cinema was freezing. a freezing January afternoon(人)感到极冷的,冻得要命的 You must be freezing, she said. adv. 极冷地 It is _ cold outside. n. 冰点= freezing point above/below freezing n. 冻结,结冰;(物价、工资等的)冻结;电影定格,保持不动 vt. freeze (_ _) 使结冰,使冻僵;冷藏;吓呆;冻结(存款,工资等)The frost _ the pipes, making our supply o

      3、f water cut off .freeze with/be frozen with horror/surprise 吓/惊呆了 freeze/be frozen to death冻死vi.凝固,结冰;冻伤,冻死 Water freezes at 0. The smile froze on his face. “Freeze!” He shouted, pointing the gun at us. n. 冻结;严寒时期The trees were damaged by a freeze in December.2. rank vi& vt. 属于某个等级 He ranks/ is ranked among the greatest pianists of our day. 排列/名 rank /be ranked No.1/ first/second in the world rank with sb./sth. _ rank sb. highly _ n. 等级 a painter of the first/top rank _ 地位 persons of rank and br

      4、eeding _ 军衔 officers of senior rank _ be promoted to the rank of captain 行,列 ranks of police 3. seek (sought sought) vt. _ seek revenge伺机报复 seek ones advice/approval 征求某人的建议/同意seek a second term of office 争取连任seek ones fortune寻找发财机会 seek help from the police 向警察求助 vi. _ seek for/after sth. 追求某物seek to do sth. 试图做某事 seek out sb./sth. 找出4. little more than 只是而已, 仅仅= _ Signing the forms is little more than a formality. 在那些表格上签名只是一种形式。 同义词: no more than/ as little as/nothing but 对比: not more than _

      5、no less than _not less than _ more than _ 5. content adj. 满意的=satisfied ; 愿意的= willing _对满意 He is content with this simple and peaceful life. The boss is content with gaining so much profit with this small investment. be content to do sth. 满足于/甘愿 I know hes at the meeting, but Im content to wait for him. vt. _ content sb./oneself with sth. 用某物来满足某人be easily contented 容易满足 with a contented smile/look 带着满足的笑容/表情 n. _ a feeling of content 满足感 n. _ have a low/high lead/fat/vitamin content 铅/脂肪/维生素含量

      6、低/高 _a debate about form and content contents 容纳的东西;书杂志等的目录/内容The drawer has been emptied of its contents. 6. owe 归功/因于_ He owes his success more to luck than to ability.他把成功更多地归功于运气而不是能力。 I knew that I owed the surgeon my life. 我明白外科医生救了我的命。 owe sb sth/ owe sth to sb _He still owes $50 to me/ owes me $50. I owe my teachers and parents a great deal. owing to _Owing to the bad weather, this mornings flight will be delayed. 注:owing to,due to较正式because of 常用于口语thanks to 多亏 7. equip (equipped, equip

      7、ped) 配备;装备 equip sb/onself with sth _ He equipped himself with a street plan when he travelled around the city. 他在这座城市旅游时随身带着一张街道平面图。 be equipped with sth. _ The soldiers were well equipped with weapons. 士兵们配备有精良的武器。 a fully equipped kitchen/school 设备/施齐全的厨房/学校 equip sb/oneself for sth _be equipped for. A good education equips one for life. 良好的教育会为人的一生打好基础。 be well equipped to deal with problems 具备很强的处理问题的能力 equipment n.u _ office/photographic/sports/electrical equipment办公用品/照相器材/运动器械/家用电器 8. co

      8、nsidering prep.&conj. _=given Considering/Given your age, you have done quite well in this match. Considering/Given (that) he lacks experience, we plan to send him abroad for training.三、精心点拨,启发引导四、巩固训练,提升技能A组1. Many m_ gathered at the port to pick up their products and take them to the market. 2. When asked if she was ing to the party, she gave an a_ answer, so no one knew whether she was ing or not. 3. At the weekend, she loves to watch films for r_.B 组4. This spring, Jean joined a bowling l_ to get some exercise and make friends.5. A temperature of -273.15 is known as a_ zero, as nothing can get colder than this. 6. In most countries around the world, primary school is c_ for a

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