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高效复合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的应用 外文翻译 过程装备与控制工程

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  • 文档编号:497935556
  • 上传时间:2022-08-10
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    • 1、内蒙古科技大学本科生毕业设计英文翻译学生姓名:xxx学 号:xxx专 业:过程装备与控制工程班 级:装备xx-2班指导教师:xx内蒙古科技大学毕业设计英文翻译Efficient compound plate in Carbonating Tower Abstract: Efficient composite plate using a sieve and thin-layer composite structure of the structured packing, there are two types of composite fillings orifice and DJ type plate composite fillings. The composite structure make full use of the space between the plate and improve the gas-liquid distribution of the tower, inhibited entrainment in the cubicle, to improve the

      2、 operating flexibility, and has an excellent hydrodynamic performance and mass transfer properties. Wearing a flow-type composite plate to substitution the Linde blister and the general sieve or valve trays in the Rectisol the methanol distillation column to improve the separation efficiency of more than 20 percent, an increase of processing capacity, reducing the reflux ratio. Improve the corrosion problem. Save the energy consumption of the system. Wear a flow-type composite plate also success

      3、fully applied to the methanol production plant distillation column system. In methanol three tower distillation column, the crude distillation tower and the rectifying section pressure distillation column flow through the composite plate, stripper segment flux elastic good DJ type composite plate to achieve the best combination to meet the requirements of the tower operating conditions.Keywords: plate; efficiency compound; methanol; distillation; application1. Introduction Plate column has devel

      4、oped hundreds of types, such as sieve, float valve, fixed valve VST. Regardless of what kind of plate must have a certain amount of plate spacing, can be separated to ensure that the liquid smooth obscene, gas entrained entrainment. Over the last decade, the reasonable use of the space between the plate and become an issue of concern. Among them, the composite filler technology has developed rapidly in the tray. Miller, Chuang, in the rectangular down tube plate composite filler layer, particula

      5、rly large opening rate of the sieve in a partial cross-flow that is 20% 70% of the leakage state work. Chuang also downcomer pipe on both sides of openings to allow liquid filler layer from the side of the shed. Are part of the cross-flow plate. Control tray weeping and overflow downcomers amount of fluid has some difficulties. Operational district, operating flexibility. This article describes the performance of these two compound trays and their application in the methanol distillation.2 wear

      6、a flow-type composite plate2.1 wear the structural characteristics of the flow composite plate Wear a flow-type composite plate orifice add a layer high as 50 to 150 coffee structured packing combination, shown in Figure l.Plate spacing of the composite plate than the average plate small, about 300 to 450 mm, no downcomers. Wear flow plate sieve type, valve type. The mesh can be created can also be unevenly opened, or opening of different sizes different aperture. Experimental studies have shown

      7、 that the simplest uniform opened sieve plate, you can obtain a uniform liquid layer and the gas-liquid contact condition.Fig.1 复合塔板2.2 wear the hydrodynamic performance of flow composite plate Wear a flow-type composite plate with a complementary good hydrodynamic performance. Embodied in the following aspects: a) composite filler layer has become a gas distribution plate. Wall-flow effect, wear the uneven distribution of gas flow plate, resulting in uneven panel liquid layer thickness and flow

      8、 distribution. Which is caused by cross-flow tray efficiency is not the main reason. Composite fillings, the structured packing of cross-cutting channels separated by the gas to be re-distribution, thereby eliminating the difference of the board of the liquid layer thickness. b) composite filler layer played a trap entrainment. Entrainment is an important factor affecting tray efficiency The Colburn associated with expression of the entrainment affect the efficiency of the quantitative relations

      9、hip:For example, in the distillation column, the reflux ratio R = 2, the liquid-gas ratio is 2/3, entrainment flooding point was 80%, ie 0.08 kg per kilogram of gas entrained liquid, when the dry plate efficiency of 85%only 77.1% of the total entrainment effects of wet-plate efficiency. That the loss of nearly 8% efficiency. Visible, the impact of entrainment on distillation plate efficiency. General distillation tray design, in order to reduce entrainment, the limiting aperture and gas speed to ensure adequate plate spacing. Composite filler layer, entrainment declined sharply. Figure 2 shows the comparison of the experimentally determined with and without compound packing sieve mist entrainment amount. Therefore, the small plate spacing than the general plate wear flow-type composite plate more than 30%. Fig.2 雾沫夹带对比曲线c) orifice and a thin layer of filler layer

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