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    • 1、Book5Module One British English and American English mon 常见的, 普通的, 共同的(1) This is a common flower; you can see it everywhere.(2) Chinese is our common language.(3)have a lot/ much / a great deal/nothing/ little in common with sb.和-有/ 无共同之处。 Though they are brothers, they have nothing in common with each other.(4)In common with other young people, he likes pop music. (和-一样) (5) They have the store in common. 共有2.make a /some / much / no / little difference 有/ 没有影响/关系。 a. Whether you go or stay wi

      2、ll make no difference to me. b. Your support will surely make a difference.3. queue ( n./v.) There were so many people in the shop so I had to queue up. (= stand in a queue= stand in line)4.confuse (使混乱/糊涂/慌乱)-confused confusing-confusion.They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do. 5. differ (v.) -different (adj) -difference(n.) a. This pair of shoes differs from that pair in color and size. b.This pair of s

      3、hoes is different from that pair in color and size. c.There are some differences between this pair of shoes and that pair in color and size.6. have ( no / little / much ) difficulty/ trouble in doing sth./ with sth. 做无/ 有困难。 也可以用have a good / hard time in doing sth.a. He has some difficulty with his maths. l b. She had a hard time in working out the problem. c. I can imagine the difficulty that she had in bringing up her children.8.lead 领着, 牵着 ;lead to导致, 通向。 a. With the boy leading the way, we

      4、found the old man very easily. b. She led the boy by the hand. c. Being lazy led to his failure. d. This is the road leading to the old mans house. f. Her research led her to write a book. 使得某人做-。9. announceannouncement声明, 宣告;announcer播音员 a. He announced to us that he would leave office soon. b. He made an announcement that he would leave office soon.10. present ( v./ adj./ n.) 陈述, 提出, 引见; 目前的; 在场的 (presence 名词);反义词是:absent缺席的(absence 名词) ; 礼物。 a. He was brave enough to present his idea to his m

      5、anager. b. I dont know his present address. (“目前的”作前置定语) c. All the people present at the meeting agreed with my idea.(“在场的”后置定语) d. He was not present at the meeting yesterday. (出席) He was absent from the meeting yesterday. e. I dont dare to speak in the presence of my class teacher. (当着某人的面)bine-combination Some films combine education with recreation. 把-和-结合。12.attempt(1)They attempted to finish the task before July. (= made an attempt to finish)(2)He passed the exam at / on the first attempt

      6、.第一尝试日常用语:1. How are you getting on ? = How are you? 2.I didnt get what people were saying = I didnt understand it. 3. So far = Until now 4. Thats a good point = What you say is interesting. 5. make a fuss of = show a lot of interest in - 6. cute = attractive 7. a couple of = two or three 8. wear off = disappear Module Two A Job Worth Doing1.satisfy satisfiedsatisfying-satisfaction.a. What he did satisfied his boss. b. He was satisfied with what we had done.c. When he knew that he had passed the

      7、 exam, there was a satisfied look on his face.d. To his satisfaction, his son has passed the exam. e. What you has done is satisfying./ satisfactory2. offer (n./v.)提供, 出价; 提供的帮助。 a. He offered to help me learn English. b.他把他的座位让给了一位老人。 He offered his seat to an old man. = He offered an old man his seat.c.他拒绝了我们提供的帮助。He refused our offer.e. He offered me 300 dollars for that TV.他出300美圆买我的电视机。3particular- particularly特别的, 挑剔的。 in particular特别地 a. You should avoid eating sugar in particular. b. She

      8、 is particular about her clothes. 对-讲究/ 挑剔。4. a. In theory, everyone will have to pay the tax. b. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but in practice, it usually takes more than an hour. 在实践上。 ( We are going to put the plan into practice soon 把-投入实践)5.take -for granted认为-是当然的; 对-不重视。 a. He takes everything his mother does for him for granted. b. He takes it for granted that his mother washes all his clothes.6. take up a. Her parents didnt agree to her taking up nursery. 从事护士专业b. The d

      9、esk takes up too much room.占据时间/空间。 c. Lets take up the text where we stopped yesterday.继续d. The soldiers took up arms to fight against the enemies.拿起武器7staff集合名词。“所有成员”作主语时, 谓语动词用单数;“每个成员”时,谓语动词用复数. 类似family的用法。 a. All the staff has done a very good job this year. b. Our library staff are going to be happy to help if you are unable to find the book you want.8. earn a. I want to earn / make a lot of money to help the poor when I grow up. b. The old man earns his living ( = makes a living )by repairing shoes.9.apply-application申请; 应用 -applicant申请人 . a. I have applied for a job in the company.申请一份工作 b. These villagers applied to the government for help. 向 -申请救助 c. They will ap


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