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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、 web-a maufacrin ervicesym oraid prodct eloent HoboLna, Yuheng ig,*,Jun Honga, Hilanggb, neng Luabtrat: hisaper ropoes a nvl integrtd sstem f radoduc evelopmentbased o rpd protyping,and evlops anetwore manuacuing srvice ysemwhi ofers ber suppor for te pd product evelome in slland mdsized eteprises y takingfladvantaeof he quicyevlving cmpuer netorkand informaon tchologie. h achtecure of the etworked manuacuring service stemis peented. Frhmore, soe thekey ssues, nclunelin and planning a mnufatring

      2、 ai, selctin asible collaratie manufacturrs,eung mnfatrngtas, usigthesynhrnosly llaboativ k envionment, nd onsrcting iabe runnng platfrm, aredescribed ndeta. av-enbld soltion, toehe with we techniqus,s employd orbuildn suh neorke sevie system Finl, n aulxampe is providd ilusttig te alictonof hs serie sstm.Keywrds:aroduc deelopmnt; apid pototyig; eviesystem; Web-baedappiaon1. Introdution This is the eraof nfation tchlogy. Inormtontchnolgyhs influencdeveyrel of socity, an ramticllycted o th tradti

      3、al industyurrentiustrs are fcing te new chalnges:quc esponseto businessoppuny haseeconideredas oe f t ost iportant fatrs tonsrecompny peitness; manfturing idustry isevovngtowr digitalizatn, etwoka gbalizatin.In rder to repo tothe chage effectivl,aufuring statg a to e dffrom timet tmeinaordnce wt the makt situtioanduster demad. nyange of raty should nale muactres tob better euiped emelves,with capbilisto cope ithemands chas a f rspone to mrke ange, a soendldtim f ti, imrvedualiyandspeed,he ablity

      4、to eler qualiyoducts tolbl ustes,and improved cmuncati adtrnsportiostm1. t i an establihed fct ha te useofomputersndesgn an maufacturingontittthe ost sgnicant opprtnit substntial productygai indusry. t hswbeen widelyccepte that the futre o anacturin oranizaioswille formto-oriented, nowlede drivenan uchofthe daily orations ill beautmatearoudt globalinformation netork tconnectseveryon together 2. Inordr to meehedemad fraid prdudelopment, variosnew tecnologiessuc as evre eginrng (RE), rai rotoypng

      5、(P), andraid tooi (T) have eged ad aearded as ealig tolwit abiliies to shrten throdc devopment and manfcring ime.oreaple, it s benlamed that Ra cu nwprouct evelpmentcot by up to 70%and e time aket y 90% 3. Hwever, thes equipents aret pensiv for he small and medim se ntepres(MEs),ad ay tecniqueuc 3 CADold modellig,P pcess plannig, re-form srfasreonstructn, etc.,equre th ig killed personnelto cplee. Threfore, i espcil difcultforthe SMEs to ke ull advantge of thse teologtheproduct develoment prcss.

      6、 In order toofer the upot of aip deelopmen foumesSME,ayPservice burs (SBs)hchcn not only maufctu phicalpototye and rapidtolin bu lso provide otr engnerngseie,ave eenestalshed. y 20,there are more ha0 SBs ll over te word But ot eery B canpossss al deign and manufatg capabilitierequred, it must emloy efectively th xternlreourctobettersfclnt requiemet. Namely,a irtua enteprise hich usualy deined as temporaryalliance of eterprises hacoe ogethr to sharetheir skills, corcompetences, deoure ordertobett

      7、errespond tobusinoptuities,he coopeatios sppored by comut etks 46, i tofundd. Evry Bconduct nly th tasksofis coreopetenies, d epend mr partner tocrry outtheemaining tasks thatths SB hasn schanufatringcaabilities t accomplish i time.While new hought emphaszig servie uty s becomin basi straty by whih manfactuing industre can wn glbal cmpetitinit 21st cntuTelesriceenginerini anemerging ssufor manufaturr andcusoers. Asigitalmanuacuing chique prgreses quickly, digia ricewi beingraed samlesly itotheigit desiad mnufcturn sytm. Teinte,incorporti copuer nd utimeia, as provdd tremendou otential forremoe itegrato nd colbrtn n busnes ad maufacig appicaion. n orer to proie aprodct collaborative envionmntfo y SMEsndSs oiplemntt


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