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    • 1、外文原文Introduction to Javaautor:Martin Ngobye.source:Computing Static Slice for Java ProgramsJava is designed to meet the challenges of application development in the context of heterogeneous, network-wide distributed environments. Paramount among these challenges is secure delivery of applications that consume the minimum of system resources, can run on any hardware and software platform, and can be extended dynamically.Java originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software fo

      2、r a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating platform. When the project started, C+ was the language of choice. But over time the difficulties encountered with C+ grew to the point where the problems could best be addressed by creating an entirely new language platform. Design and architecture decisions drew from a variety of languages such as Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective C, and Cedar/Mesa. The res

      3、ult is a language platform that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide Web and the desktop.The design requirements of Java are driven by the nature of the computing environments in which software must be deployed.The massive growth of the Internet and the World-Wide Web leads us to a completely new way of looking at development and distribution of software. To live in the wor

      4、ld of electronic commerce and distribution, Java must enable the development of secure, high performance, and highly robust applications on multiple platforms in heterogeneous, distributed networks.Operating on multiple platforms in heterogeneous networks invalidates the traditional schemes of binary distribution, release, upgrade, patch, and so on. To survive in this jungle, Java must be architecture neutral, portable, and dynamically adaptable.The Java system that emerged to meet these needs i

      5、s simple, so it can be easily programmed by most developers; familiar, so that current developers can easily learn Java; object oriented, to take advantage of modern software development methodologies and to fit into distributed client-server applications; multithreaded, for high performance in applications that need to perform multiple concurrent activities, such as multimedia; and interpreted, for maximum portability and dynamic capabilities.Together, the above requirements comprise quite a co

      6、llection of buzzwords, so lets examine some of them and their respective benefits before going on.Whats completely new is the manner in which Java and its run-time system have combined them to produce a flexible and powerful programming system.Developing your applications using Java results in software that is portable across multiple machine architectures, operating systems, and graphical user interfaces, secure, and high performance, With Java, your job as a software developer is much easieryo

      7、u focus your full attention on the end goal of shipping innovative products on time, based on the solid foundation of Java. The better way to develop software is here, now, brought to you by the Java language platform.Very dynamic languages like Lisp, TCL, and SmallTalk are often used for prototyping. One of the reasons for their success at this is that they are very robustyou dont have to worry about freeing or corrupting memory.Similarly, programmers can be relatively fearless about dealing wi

      8、th memory when programming in Java, The garbage collection system makes the programmers job vastly easier; with the burden of memory management taken off the programmers shoulders, storage allocation errors go away. Another reason commonly given that languages like Lisp, TCL, and SmallTalk are good for prototyping is that they dont require you to pin down decisions early onthese languages are semantically rich.Java has exactly the opposite property: it forces you to make explicit choices. Along

      9、with these choices come a lot of assistanceyou can write method invocations and, if you get something wrong, you get told about it at compile time. You dont have to worry about method invocation error.The Java beginner must grasp 30 basic conceptsBasic concept1.In OOP the only relations is what the objects interface, such as the computer seller he leaves alone internal structure of electrical source, but he is only concerned about that whether the power will be supplied to you, also so long as know can or not but is not how and why.All procedures are make up of certain attribute and the behavior object, the different object visit invokes through the function invocation, between the object all intercommunion are invoke through the method invocation, By object data encapsulation, enhances reuse rate very much.2.In OOP the most important thought is class, the class is the template ,is a blueprint, construct an object from a class, n


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