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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit5 Why do you like pandas 学问要点1. Important phrases1.likea lot 特别喜爱 black and white 黑白相间 2.all day成天 Lets do= let us do 让我们做 3.kind of 有点儿,略微 South Africa南非4.be from/come from 来自于如: She is from China.=She comes from China.她来自于中国。5.save the elephants救助大象 save ones life 挽救某人的生命 如:I can save the old peoples life.我能挽救这个老人的生命。save money攒钱 save water 节约用水 save the document 保存文件 6.one of其中之一(接复数名词作主语时,动词用单数。名词前必需有定冠词与物主代词。)如:one of my friends one of the books 例句: Shenyang is one of the cities in Chin

      2、a.7.a symbol of good luck好运的象征 8.get lost=be lost迷路 相当于lose ones way如:Why does Lily get lost=Why is Lily lost/Why does Lily lose her way 丽丽为什么迷路了 9.cut down 砍倒 接it,them时,只能位于中间;接名词时,位于down前后均可 cut it/them down cut trees down= cut down trees如:People cut trees down=People cut down trees 人们砍倒了树。10.for a long time 很长时间 11.in great danger处于(极大)危急之中 可作表语或定语 12.things be made of ivory由象牙制成的东西13.be made of看出原材料 如:The desk is made of wood.桌子是由木头做的。 be made from看不出原材料 如:The paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头做

      3、的。 14.places with food and water有食物与水的地方15.why dont you+动词原形=why not+动词原形. 为什么不 如:Why dont you take a walk=Why not take a walk16.be friendly(=kind) to sb 对友好如: Im friendly(=kind) to everyone.be unfriendly to sb对不友好如:She is unfriendly to her brother.17.forget/remember to do sth 遗忘/记得去做某事(未做) 如:Dont forget(=remember) to bring your book.不要遗忘(记得)带上你的书。 forget/remember doing sth遗忘/记得做过某事 (已做)如:I forget telling you about it.我忘了已经告知过你这件事情了。I remember telling you about it. 我记得已经告知过你这件事情了。2. Grammar Focu

      4、s(1) why questions -Why do you like pandas -Because theyre kind of interesting. -Why does John like koalas - Because theyre very cuteWhy dont you like tigers-Because theyre really scary.Where question -Where are lions from -Theyre from South Africa.The use of adjective 形容词修饰名词,用以说明事物或人的性质或特征。形容词是英语中最常用的词性之一,它通常在句中作定语、表语等。作定语 形容词用于修饰名词或代词one,ones,作定语,位于名词或代词之前 This is an old book.这是一本旧书。 I want some large ones.我想要写大的。作表语 形容词放在连系动词(be/look/feel/sound等)后,作表语,构成系表构造,即“连系动词+表语”,说明主语是什么或怎么样,即说明主语的特性。T

      5、heyre cute. 它们很得意。He looks very happy.他看起来很兴奋。练习(一)单项选择1. Lets _ after school. A. to play basketballB. play basketballC. play a2. _ see the giraffes. A. Let B. Let we C. Lets 3. - _ do you like animals - _ they are cute. A. Why, Because B. Why, So C. What, Because4. Do you want _A. eat rice B. to eat rice C. to eat rices5. A: Lets see the monkeys first. B: _ A: Because theyre interesting. A. Why B. What C. Where6. _ these tigers _ from A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, /7. I like koalas

      6、 because they are _ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 8. Where is he _ South Africa.A. for B. from C. like 9. -_ he _ breakfast at home - Yes. A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has10. _ pandas from ChinaA. Are B. Is C. Do11.The elephants _in great danger in Africa. A.are B.is C. does D.do12. I like_, but this afternoon I dont like_. A.swimming;swimming B.to swim; to swim C.swimming; to swim D. to swim; swimming13.The trees are green. Dont_ A. cut down them B. cut them up C. cut th

      7、em down D. cut up them14. One of the boys_pet. The pet is really cute. A. have B. has C. keep D. save(二)连词成句。1. lions, the, let, first, see, us_.2. pandas, why, want, see, to, do, the, you_3. they, are, ugly, because_.4. South Africa, lions, from, are, those_.(三)按要求完成句子1. I like monkeys because they are cute. (就划线局部提问)_ _ you like monkeys2.us let pandas see the. (连词成句)_3. do you tigers why like (连词成句)_4. The koala comes from Australia. (变否认句) The koala _ _ from Australia.5. He likes pandas very much. (变一般疑问句) _ he _ pandas very much6. The beautiful girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线局部提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see7. Pandas are from China. (同义句转换) Pandas _ _ China.(四)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话.A. China B. Because they are cute.C. OK. Lets go. D. They are next to the giraffes.A


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