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    • 1、 上海中考信息资源门户网站 2012学年度第二学期普陀区初三质量调研英语听力录音朗读稿2012学年度第二学期普陀区初三质量调研英语试卷,第一部分,听力测试,即将开始。(以上呼号播两遍。)现在播送使用上海市学业考试统一英语答题纸注意事项。请注意调节音量和音调。1 选择题部分必须用2B铅笔填涂,需更改答案时,必须用橡皮将原选项擦去,重新选择。非选择题部分使用黑墨水钢笔或黑色水笔在指定区域填写,不得使用铅笔、圆珠笔书写。2 答题时应注意试题顺序,试题题号和答题纸编号须一一对应,避免错位。3 必须在黑色矩形边框内答题,超出黑色矩形边框的答案或在试题卷上的答案一律无效。4 请保持答题纸表面整洁,答题纸不得折叠、破损。注意事项播送完毕,现在开始听力测试。A大题:根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片,在选择题区域相应的空格内用2B铅笔填涂。 每个句子念两遍。 1. Susan is a member of the school volleyball team. (3”) 2. We were all amazed by the wonderful magic show. (3”)3. Remember

      2、 to take enough batteries for the camping. (3” )4. Ben is a journalist who works for a local newspaper. (3”) 5. In order to be green, Mike rides a bike to work. (3”) 6. The Bund attracts thousands of tourists every day. (3”)B大题:根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,在选择题区域相应的空格内用2B铅笔填涂。对话和问题都念两遍。7. W: Good morning. What can I do for you?M: We need your help. The construction site beside our estate is making too much noise. We cant sleep at night.Q: What is the man complaining about? (请再听一遍) (6”)8. M: Id like to o

      3、rder a steak and a beer. What would you like?W: A vegetable salad and an orange juice, please.Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (请再听一遍) (6”)9. M: Could you show me the grey shirt on the left shelf?W: I dont think grey is your color. Why not try on this dark blue one?M: Youre right. Dark blue looks great on me, I think. Thank you.Q: Which shirt will the man possibly buy? (请再听一遍) (6”)10. M: How long do I need to take this medicine, Miss White?W: For a week. Then come to have another

      4、check. Remember to take more rest. Q: What is Miss White? (请再听一遍) (6”)11. W: You look very excited! I guess it has something to do with your new hobby.M: Yes. Ive got some new telephone cards for my collection.Q: What are they talking about? (请再听一遍) (6”)12. W: Dont you think Im putting on weight? Im afraid I have to go on a diet. M: Well, I think youd better exercise regularly like me.Q: What can we learn from the dialogue? (请再听一遍) (6”)13. W: When are we going to leave?M: Its 7:20now. Lets say 7

      5、:30.W: Oh, only 10 minutes left! I have to hurry up. Q: When are they going to leave? (请再听一遍) (6”)14. M: Did you have a nice winter holiday, Julia?W: Yes. I watched quite a few interesting movies and did good shopping with my best friend. How was your holiday, Peter?M: I was not so lucky. I had a busy holiday. I had to drive my son here and there to different classes. And during the Spring Festival, I did a lot of cooking.Q: How was Peters winter holiday? (请再听一遍) (6”)15. W: Danny, how is your st

      6、udy these days? M: Im doing quite well in physics. And Maths is very easy. W: What about English, then?M: Well, I have tried, but it doesnt like me. Q: What subject is Danny poor at? (请再听一遍) (6”)16. W: Excuse me, is there a post office nearby? M: Im afraid no. W: Then is there a big supermarket nearby?M: Theres one three blocks away. But what on earth are you looking for?W: Im looking for an office building. Its supposed to be opposite a post office and a big supermarket. Q: Where is the woman g

      7、oing? (请再听一遍) (6”)C大题:判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,用“T”表示符合,用“F”表示不符合,在选择题区域相应的空格内用2B铅笔填涂。短文念两遍。 Mrs. Keller had a big family. Her husband had a shoe factory in the town and did very good business. One of her sons was a lawyer and the other two, the twin brothers, were drivers. And her two daughters worked in the post office. The old woman stayed at home and could do all the housework herself. She was very satisfied with her simple life. Then something unfortunate happened. One evening , the telephone ran

      8、g while Mrs. Keller was preparing supper. She went to answer it. She was told that one of the twins died in a traffic accident. She heard this and fell down onto the ground. When she woke up, she was in hospital and was told to stay there for a week. Several months later she was told on the telephone that her elder daughter died while she was being operated on. The old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again. From then on she was afraid to answer any telephone calls and sometimes s

      9、he was afraid to hear the door bell. Of course it brought some trouble and some important business was held up. So her husband advised her to see the doctor. The doctor examined her carefully and then asked her some questions. “Youll soon be all right if you follow my advice, Mrs.Keller,” said the doctor. The old woman took the medicine the doctor gave her on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter. And two months later she went to see the doctor again.“Youve saved me, Doctor,” the old woman said, as soon as she saw the doctor. “Are you afraid to answer the telephone now?” “No,” answered Mrs. Keller, “I dare to answer it no matter it rings or not!”(第一遍后停3”)请再听一遍。(第二遍后停13”)D大题:根据你听到的内容,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。在


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