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    • 1、2022年高考英语二轮复习考前三个月专题四语法填空模拟演练集中突破命题点模拟演练二Harry and Annie lived a mile from town,but they 1.went(go) there to school every day.2.It was pleasant to walk down the road by a pond.In winter,when the ice was thick and firm,they would go across the pond,which was not only interesting but 3.also saved much time.But their mother did not like to have them do this unless someone was with them.“Dont go across the pond today,children,” she said,as she kissed them goodbye one morning,“the ice is 4.beginning(

      2、begin) to melt.”When they came to the pond,the ice looked hard and safe.“There,” said Harry 5.to his sister,“I knew it hadnt melted any.Mother is always afraid we shall be drownede along,we will have a good time sliding.”So they stepped on the ice,and started to go across the pond.They had not gone far 6.before/when the ice gave way,and they fell 7.into the water.8.Luckily(lucky) a man who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the children and jumped into the water 9.to save(save) them

      3、.Harry managed to get to the shore without any help,but poor Annie was nearly drowned before the man could 10.reach(reach) her.Harry and Annie remembered the lesson that they learned that day as long as they lived.1答案went解析考查时态。根据上下文可知,作者描述过去的事情,应用动词的过去式,即填go的过去式went。2答案It解析考查it的用法。在本句中,作者描述两个孩子沿着池塘边的小路(去上学)是令人愉快的,所以应用it作形式主语,不定式to walk down the road by a pond 是真正的主语。3答案also解析考查固定句型。此处考查固定句型not only.but also.“不但而且”。4答案beginning解析考查时态。在这一句中,作者使用了直接引语,是妈妈提醒孩子冰开始融化了,所以在is后应填beginning。5答案to解析考查介词。在动

      4、词say后表示“对某人说”应用say to sb.,所以此处应填介词to。6答案before/when解析考查连词。哈利和安妮不听从妈妈的叮嘱,踏上冰面,开始穿越池塘,可他们没走远,冰就裂开了,所以此处应填连词before或者when。7答案into解析考查介词。孩子们掉进了水里,在动词fall后应与into搭配。8答案Luckily解析考查词性转换。本空放在句首修饰整个句子,应用lucky的副词形式,因此填Luckily。9答案to save解析考查非谓语动词。在附近劳作的人听到呼叫声后急忙冲到水里,目的是为了救他们,此处用动词不定式作目的状语,所以填to save。10答案reach解析考查情态动词后跟动词原形。因为是在情态动词could的后面,所以应该填reach的原形。A boy quarreled with his parents and ran away from home.He had a hard life 11.without any contact with his family for years.Later he wanted to go home 12.but

      5、 he was afraid that his parents might not wele him.Finally he decided to write a letter to his father 13.expressing(express) his desire to return home and begging his pardon.In his letter he asked his father to tie a white ribbon on the tree near his house by the side of the railway lines if he was ready to wele him 14.back home.If he did not see the ribbon on the tree,he would think that his family did not wele him and then he would leave home forever.He boarded the train and waited very 15.ner

      6、vously(nervous) as the train was about to pass by his home.To his great surprise,the tree 16.was decorated(decorate) with hundreds of white ribbons,17.which danced in the wind.His family did not want him to miss 18.the sight of the ribbon and the wele signal,so 19.they covered the whole tree with ribbons to show their wholehearted 20.happiness(happy) and willingness to wele him back.11答案without解析考查介词。根据句意“他多年没和他的家人联系,过着艰苦的生活。”可知应填介词without。12答案but解析考查连词。根据句意“后来他想回家,但是他害怕他的父母可能不欢迎他。”此处表示转折,所以填but

      7、。13答案expressing解析考查非谓语动词。本句不缺少谓语动词,而express与句子的主语he之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故此处用现在分词expressing作定语。14答案back解析考查副词。根据句意“如果他父亲准备欢迎他回家”可知,应填back。15答案nervously解析考查词性转换。此处应用nervous的副词形式修饰动词waited,故填nervously。16答案was decorated解析考查时态和语态。tree和decorate之间是被动关系,且指的是过去的事情,所以用was decorated。17答案which解析考查关系代词。本句是非限制性定语从句,先行词是white ribbons,从句中缺主语,故填which。18答案the解析考查冠词。此处表示特指,所以填the。19答案they解析考查代词。句意为:所以他们用丝带覆盖了整棵树。“they”在这里指他的家人。20答案happiness解析考查词性转换。空格和willingness并列,所以填happy的名词形式 happiness。CAccording to data from population

      8、 reports and statistics made by the World Bank,Japanese people in xx 21.lived(live),on average,to 83 years old,and the country itself ranks 22.among/in the top five nations with the longest life expectancy(预期寿命)23A major contributor to Japans high life expectancy and overall health is their diet,as determined by the countrys Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare.According to a recent study 24.published(publish) by the BMJ,Japanese people 25.who/that kept on the traditional Japanese diet during t

      9、he 15year study had a mortality rate(死亡率)15%lower than those who did not.Further,those who 26.did keep were also 27.less(little) likely to suffer from some diseases.Japans Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 28.breaks(break) the traditional Japanese diet down in their version of the food pyramid,called the “Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top”Though the Japanese diet gives special 29.importance(important) to high intakes of fish and soybean products instead of fats,it is 30.generally(general) a balance of grains,vegetables,fish and meat,and milk and fruits.However,the guide also includes snacks,sweets,cakes and alcoholic drinks,which can be consumed in control,rather than pletely rejected.21答案lived解析考查时态。根据句中的时间状语in xx可知应填live的过去式lived。22答案among/in解析考查介词。此处指日本是位列前五的长寿国之一,故填among/in。23答案


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