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    • 1、东北大学毕业设计(论文) 土木工程 专业(本科段)毕 业 设 计 (计算书)设计题目: 助学单位 辽宁建筑职业学院 姓 名 准考证号 2016 年 3 月东北大学毕业设计(论文) 摘要摘 要全套图 纸加扣 3346389411或3012250582 本设计为政府办公楼。占地面积691m2,建筑面积4147m2。主要进行建筑方案设计、结构设计 。采用框架结构,主体为六层,上人屋面顶棚一层。本地区抗震设防烈度为7度,场地类别为II类场地,基本风压0.40KN/M。楼屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构。 “建筑方案设计”主要根据任务书要求,结合建筑物使用功能,防火疏散要求及建筑人性化进行建筑方案设计。一、进行功能分区;二、进行空间组合;三、绘制建筑施工图。“结构设计”简而言之就是用结构语言来表达所要表达的东西。结构语言就是从建筑及其它专业图纸中所提炼简化出来的结构元素,包括基础、墙、柱、梁、板、楼梯、大样细部图等等。然后用这些结构元素来构成建筑物或构筑物的结构体系,包括竖向和水平的承重及抗力体系,再把各种情况产生的荷载以最简洁的方式传递至基础。在结构设计中,作者根据经验公式先进行梁、板、柱的截面尺

      2、寸估算,再查相关规范确定恒荷载、活荷载、风荷载、地震作用。通过二次弯矩分配法、D值法、底部剪力法进行相关荷载的计算,确定最不利组合,确定现浇板、框架梁、柱可能出现的最大内力,从而进行截面验算和配筋计算。本次毕业设计中,需要根据各种条件进行反复研究及比较,选出一个更安全、适用、经济的方案来设计。并且根据所研究的课题要求,通过调查文献”来获得框架结构建筑及结构设计方面的资料,全面地、正确地了解掌握设计手段和方法。 关键词 建筑方案设计,结构设计,文献. ABSTRACT The design of the integrated is framework of the five-story building, whose lower two floors are shopping center and upper three floors are office space. The size is 691 m2 .The floor area is 4147m2. The design contains mainly the construction program design, stru

      3、ctural design . “Architectural design” program based mainly on tasks, combining the use of functional buildings, fire evacuation requirements and building construction for humanity program design. 1, the functional area; 2, the space portfolio; 3, drawing construction plans. In short, “structural design” uses structural language to express things. Structure of language is from construction and other professional drawings and are refined to simplify the structure of elements, including the founda

      4、tion, walls and columns, beam, slab, the staircase, the map-like detail and so on .Then these structural elements are used to form the structural system of a building or structure, including load-bearing system of vertical and level of resistance, then all of the load in the most concise way transfer to basis. In structural design, the authors first formula for beam, slab, column, the section size estimates by experience, further invest to determine relevant norms which constant loads, live load

      5、s, wind loads, earthquake. By the second moment distribution method, D-value method and the base shear,the design calculated the associated load, and determined the most disadvantaged, and the largest internal forces of the frame beams and columns, then checked and crossed sections for reinforcement calculation. This graduation design, need according to various conditions are compared and repeated research and choose a more secure, suitable and economical solution to design. And according to the

      6、 requirements of the study subject, by investigation and “literature” to get the frame structure and structural design information, to comprehensively and correctly grasp the design means and methods. Key words Architectural Design,Structural Design,The literature.东北大学毕业设计(论文) 目录目 录摘 要 ABSTRACT1 工程概况 1 1.1 设计概况 1 1.1.1 建设项目名称 1 1.1.2 建设地点 1 1.1.3 设计资料 11.2 结构沉重方案选择 1 1.3 主要构件选型及尺寸初步估算 2 1.3.1 主要构件选型 2 1.3.2 梁板、柱截面尺寸估算 22 板的计算 4 2.1 板的截面有效高度 4 2.2 板荷载的确定 42.2.1 楼面板的荷载 42.3 板的内力计算 5 2.3.1 楼面板的计算 5 2.3.2 楼板配筋计算73 次梁的计算 8 3.1 正截面计算 8 3.1.1 次梁的计算简图 8 3.1.2 荷载的确定 8 3.1.3 内力计算及钢筋的配置 8 3.2 斜截面计算 104 框架的计算 10 4.1 框架计算简图的确定 104.2 梁柱线刚度计算 124.3 荷载的确定 13 4.3.1 恒载 13 4.3.2 活载 16 4.4 竖向恒载作用下框架受荷总图 16 4.4.1 竖向恒载作用下框架受荷总图 16 4.5 框架梁柱内力计算 20 4.5.1 框架梁柱弯矩的计算


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