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读者的选择单词表P44 new words of Can English be dethroned

  • 卖家[上传人]:壹****1
  • 文档编号:496575308
  • 上传时间:2023-07-23
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    • 1、new words of Can English be dethroned? P441. dethrone: to remove from a throne or deprive of any high position or title 废黜,使(某人)从重要位置上下台2. clout: influence or power, especially in politics or business 影响;势力3. monopoly: the exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something 独有,独占;完全控制4. whereby: by which 靠那个,借以 5. the last word: The final statement in a verbal argument; A conclusive or authoritative statement or treatment 最后一句话,定论,最新成就,最新品种 (the last words: 临终遗言)6. mechanism: a natural or es

      2、tablished process by which something takes place or is brought about 机制;机理7. underpin: support, justify, or form the basis for8. make a / ones mark: Achieve distinction9. eliminate: completely remove or get rid of (something)10. imperialism: policy of extending a countrys power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means11. subtle: (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe微妙的;细微的;难以描述的;难以分析的12. tangible:

      3、 perceptible by touch 可触摸的,可触知的; clear and definite; real明确的,真实的 tangible results 明确的结果tangible benefits实质性的好处tangible assets 有形资产13. excess: (excesses)outrageous or immoderate behaviour过分行为;过激行为 14. denounce: publicly declare to be wrong or evil谴责,公开指责,公然指责 15. hand in glove: On intimate terms, in close association16. initiative: an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something对策;新举措 17. penetration: a. the infiltration of an enemy group

      4、or rival organization in order to spy on it(对敌对团体或对手组织的)渗透 b. the successful selling of a companys or countrys products in a particular market or are(公司或国家的产品对某市场或地区的)打入,打进 18. transnational: extending or operating across national boundaries跨国的 19. inconspicuous: not clearly visible or attracting attention; not conspicuous 难以觉察的;不起眼的;不显著的 (con + spi = look at)He was conspicuous among his colleagues. 他在同事中出类拔萃。conspicuous mistakes明显的错误 a conspicuous statesman杰出的政治家 He was conspicuous for his brav

      5、ery. 他因骁勇而出名。make oneself conspicuous标新立异, 惹人注目20. tacit: understood or implied without being stated不言而喻的;默示的 Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.你的沉默也许被认为是默许了.a tacit agreement默契 tacit approval permission默许 the tacit law习惯法21. innocent: not involving or intended to cause harm or offence; harmless无恶意的,无意冒犯的;无害的22. stand up to: Confront fearlessly, oppose boldly, make a spirited defense against勇敢地面对 23. heritage: valued objects and qualities such as historic buildings, unspoilt coun

      6、tryside, and cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations(像历史上有名的建筑物、田园风光未受破坏的乡村和世代相传的文化传统等)贵重遗产,继承物 24. break new ground: 开辟新天地25. circulate: move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area26. embrace: include or contain (something) as a constituent part27. inhabitant: a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place28. summit: a meeting between heads of government29. Ibero-American: 伊比利亚美洲国家包括拉丁美洲个讲西班牙语和葡萄牙语的国家以及欧洲伊比利亚半岛的西班牙、葡萄牙和安道尔个

      7、国家。伊比利亚美洲国家首脑会议 (Ibero-American Summit) 全称为“伊比利亚和拉丁美洲讲西班牙语和葡萄牙 语国家首脑会议”.30. The Ibero-American Summit (formally, the Ibero-American Summits of Heads of State and Governments) is a yearly meeting, organized by the Iberoamerican Community of Nations, of the heads of government and state of the Spanish-, Portuguese-speaking nations of Europe and the Americas. Although Spanish and Portuguese are the languages of the organization, other languages are spoken by members, such as Catalan in Andorra and

      8、Spain, Basque and Galician in Spain, Guaran in Paraguay or Quechua in Peru.31. biennial: taking place every other year32. delegate: a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference代表,会议代表33. ethnic: of or relating to national and cultural origins(与)民族文化渊源(有关)的 34. pocket: a small, isolated group or area孤立的人群或小区 There were pockets of disaffection in parts of the country.这个国家有些地方还有不满的人群。35. sphere: an area of activity, interest, or exper

      9、tise; a section of society or an aspect of life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic(活动、兴趣、专业知识的)范围,领域;社会阶层36. surpass: exceed; be greater thana picture of surpassing beauty一幅美轮美奂的图画The task surpassed his skill.这工作非他的技术所能胜任。 The latecomers surpass the early starters.后来居上。 The result surpassed their hopes.结果比他们所期望的要好。37. concerted: jointly arranged, planned or carried out; coordinated协同安排(或计划、实行)的;商定的,协调的;共同的,一致的concerted efforts共同的努力 concerted mechanism协调机理 take concerted action采取一致行动 make a concerted attack 联合攻击38. make headway: 取得进展 (headway: forward movement or progress)39. at stake:a. to be won or lost; at risk生死攸关;处于危险境地 b. at issue or in question在争论中,成问题40. communal: shared by all members of a community; for common use公有的,共有的;公用的,共用的41. confine: keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (sp

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